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PVP - Nov. 16 - The Incident Part 1




I like where this arc is going. :)


Kitty Sinatra

What the hell? How can today's strip already be up? It's not even tomorrow yet.




I giggled at this. :D


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

The last panel could work very well isolated from the strip itself.




I don't know maybe it's just me but I didn't find today's comic really all that funny




I didn't see it at first, but then I did. I lol'd. Probably my first actual laugh from PvP since last year-ish.




It's actually pretty damn funny, although it's very Curb Your Enthusiasm.




Yay! No dialog, no Skull, no LOLBAT, no damn dog, this might actually turn out to be something nice (yeah, right).
It'll be pretty good right up until Kurtz cuts the story-line short because he got bored/scared/criticized and ruins any momentum he had going.





Mmmm... Nothing. Sorry. For some reason Cole and a dick joke just don't work for me tonight.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


Mmmm... Nothing. Sorry. For some reason Cole and a dick joke just don't work for me tonight.
Wait, that was the joke?

I thought it was the deformation (to a ridiculous version) of the plants attacking humans*, with the dick joke added as a bonus!

*In spanish, Shyamalan's "The happenning" was translated as "El incidente"... and I didn't remember the english title wasn't "The incident".




That apple must have weighed 50 pounds or something!




:rofl: I didn't see the banana at first. I was just staring at the comic thinking, "Ok... so an apple knocked him out?" I wonder what kind of trouble that's going to get him into tomorrow.




The meta-funny part is that it only works in cartoon format, from the limited perspective. No one walking by would see the dick joke, because the banana's in his right hand at the right side of his body. In three dimensions, from any other angle it would obviously be to one side, not at his crotch.



I don't know maybe it's just me but I didn't find today's comic really all that funny

Wow, a gravity joke mixed with a dick joke

High brow stuff there Kurt




I don't know maybe it's just me but I didn't find today's comic really all that funny

Wow, a gravity joke mixed with a dick joke

High brow stuff there Kurt[/QUOTE]

It could have been so much more if he had just added a fart joke into one of the panels...




Okay, I can admit I laughed at both.




The first one got a chuckle from me. The second one I laughed out loud at.



I'm actually found those last two strips kinda funny. THIS SCARES ME.




I laughed. Maybe this means teh Kurtz is getting better.






Eh, it just doesn't strike me as particularly funny.




Agreed... the way he separated the strips, the 3rd part felt way off pace compared to the first two. It would have translated much better if all of these were posted at once with a "...LATER" between the 2nd and 3rd parts.

I laughed at the first part, "meh'd" at the second part, and let out a "well that was predictable" sigh after reading the third part.



How so?[/QUOTE]

Well, with Kurtz, when the police come in, the storyline's usually drawing to a close.

I was hoping that he was going to go somewhere absolutely zany with this, but my current guess is that he'll end it at "Cole looked like he got excited, made old ladies pass out, and went to jail"




Strong start, weak finish.

Just like my sexual performances.




Apologies for the poor editing... on the school's computer :(

Better ending?


And, for good measure...




How much did that apple weigh? Jesus Christ, Cole has been unconscious now for hours!




How much did that apple weigh? Jesus Christ, Cole has been unconscious now for hours!

Maybe it was a Snapple


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I never thought I'd say this, but that is actually somehow a shitty version of xkcd


Joe Johnson

I think it's one of the early xkcd strips. I remember that one, since I just went through and read them all recently.




This arc got a good chuckle out of me. The 3rd strip kinda fell flat for me though. Hopefully that wasn't the end.




4th strip = WTF. :p




The question is why is the banana still erect if the producer guy is using cole's right hand to sign the paper?




Waitaminute! Part 4 changed!! What happened to the ambulance crashing?




Wait! That wasn't Kurtz but Ross? Mother fucker. I sent Kurtz a Tweet! :rofl:




Wait! That wasn't Kurtz but Ross? Mother fucker. I sent Kurtz a Tweet! :rofl:
Well done, Smeghead.





Cute strip.

Funny enough, I had been forgetting about halforums for awhile, and upon seeing the second comic, I expected there'd be some sort of thread here to 'talk' about it. Glad to see that some things never change. :)



And the finale where he already happens to have a poster deal lined up. Just cause of all the hubub in the past 4 hours.




And the finale where he already happens to have a poster deal lined up. Just cause of all the hubub in the past 4 hours.
That's one of the nice things about posting your stuff up on a popular web site... instant feedback.

(# of people interested)*(cost to make product + overhead)*(sale price) = Profit.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

And the finale where he already happens to have a poster deal lined up. Just cause of all the hubub in the past 4 hours.
That's one of the nice things about posting your stuff up on a popular web site... instant feedback.

(# of people interested)*(cost to make product + overhead)*(sale price) = Profit.[/QUOTE]

You forgot the "??????????" step.




And the finale where he already happens to have a poster deal lined up. Just cause of all the hubub in the past 4 hours.
That's one of the nice things about posting your stuff up on a popular web site... instant feedback.

(# of people interested)*(cost to make product + overhead)*(sale price) = Profit.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it a print on demand service? I don't think he has to worry about any of that. If only 50 people want a print of it why not offer it.




And the finale where he already happens to have a poster deal lined up. Just cause of all the hubub in the past 4 hours.
That's one of the nice things about posting your stuff up on a popular web site... instant feedback.

(# of people interested)*(cost to make product + overhead)*(sale price) = Profit.[/quote]

Isn't it a print on demand service? I don't think he has to worry about any of that. If only 50 people want a print of it why not offer it.[/QUOTE]

Because this is America, and he is Kurtz, and wouldn't offer prints unless he could make a profit off of it. Granted, the way these work, he might be making a profit off of it even if he just sold it to one customer, but printing places often offer discounts on mass-produced shit, so there would be more profit to be had if more people were interested in it.




Aw let him hock his wares. If nobody buys it he's out nothing. If someone buys it he makes money. So what? It's his art, let him sell it!




Aw let him hock his wares. If nobody buys it he's out nothing. If someone buys it he makes money. So what? It's his art, let him sell it!
Exactly. I don't see the point in getting upset over him selling something people want.

Personally I kinda liked it. It doesn't seem print worthy to me, but apparently others thought it was.




For the record, I'm not bashing him trying to sell this stuff... merely just pointing out the business model and the fact that, as one who makes his living on the internet, such quick money-making decisions are only possible for people like him because he's on the internet.

I WOULD have said he was a pompous ass to sell these off so quickly, had he not said that his inspiration for doing so was because his audience asked for it... which brings me back to the "instant feedback" comment.



I don't mind him making a buck or selling his work, I am mocking the "business deal" from midnight to 4am eastern aspect.



Honestly, I'm just over the whole "mocking Kurtz" thing in general. Too many people go out of their way to find the slightest thing to complain about.


Philosopher B.

That's the most I've enjoyed PVP in a while.

If I had money I might think about getting a print.



Can someone explain what the joke in the last comic was? I know that Socrates' execution was administered by having him consume hemlock, but what's the joke concerning it?




Can someone explain what the joke in the last comic was? I know that Socrates' execution was administered by having him consume hemlock, but what's the joke concerning it?
I think the joke is that everyone that walked up to the scene was shocked, except for the artsy guy. He immediately thought of this picture (I guess).

And, thought it was performance art.
