I'm working with someone to make some songs for me, and so far she's been amazing. Thing is, she uses Garage Band and most of her instruments sound find. For whatever reason, just her electric guitars sound tinny.
She explained that that was just the quality of the guitar fonts she had, and wasn't able to find anything better.
I know next to nothing about any of it, so I ask you peeps, do any of you know of any high-quality guitar "fonts" for Garage Band / a midi program?
The Jam Packs add additional sounds, not sure of their quality (haven't heard them all yet). Other plug-ins will also work (with limitations) so long as they are Audio Units plug-ins (or wrapped in an AU layer).
For the most part if you want it to sound, well, real, you might want to bug a friend who plays guitar. No matter how good the GB guitar sounds are they will never sound quite right.
I misread I thought this was going to be about muscles. Aw well.
I don't necessarily need the guitars to sound real, just less tinny. I talked with another friend who says that guitars are notoriously difficult to make fonts for, so I assume that's the problem, I just wanted to see if I could find what is regarded as a typically good font.
Neon Pirate
We always used real guitar, pretty easy to record directly into garage band.