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Quick Bar missing from movies threads




It seems that any thread in the movies movies movies subforum is missing the forum quickbar at the top. The one that gives quick links to mark forums read, watched forums, and most importantly, new posts.

So the only way to get back to new posts from going into a movie post is to go to the dropdown menu at the top. Inconvenient!




It seems that any thread in the movies movies movies subforum is missing the forum quickbar at the top. The one that gives quick links to mark forums read, watched forums, and most importantly, new posts.

So the only way to get back to new posts from going into a movie post is to go to the dropdown menu at the top. Inconvenient!
Dave added a new posts link right next to the Movies link above the quick bar




The movies feature isn't a subforum, so it doesn't fall under "Forums" and thus doesn't have the same links.

But it's submenu is empty, so it may be that the same links in the same order can be added back so it appears the same.
