I found that the Felix Faust helm, the Wonder Girl belt, and the Raven mask epic drops were all correct for low level instances, but I've done Doctor Psycho 22x now and have yet to see the Supergirl boots. Wondering if those really are level 30 Challenge mode only or there really are a level 11 pair?
Would also like a reliable site for loot info/boss drops etc.
I've done Bruno Mannheim 60-80x with no luck on Batwoman's Serrated Cloak anyone here confirm that he does drop it or did I get bad info?
Fnordbear, thanks for the link, I tried submitting items multiple times but for starters it doesn't allow pre-30 level instance drops, so I can't really help them.
Confirmed the drop, easily around my 70th+ attempt.
Finally 30 and looking forward to farming Catwoman for her goggles.