[Question] Quick power supply question.

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So I'm building a cheap HTPC. It will be running a Phenom II X2 555, GT430, 60gb SSD and a tv tuner card. The case I'm looking at (Antec)has a built in 380W psu. Was just wondering if this would be enough juice for this system or not? I'm hoping it will be, but I have my doubts. Anybody else want to give an opinion...

(Oh and btw, I'm pretty set on the specs. Been looking around all afternoon and managed to piece these bits together on special at different places.)
<3 hylian! Thanks heaps. Even taking into account the overly hyped up wattage claim possibility it should still be enough power :)

Now for the bigger challenge. Talking the partner into letting me spend money.
So long as the PSU's advertised rating is what it can actually handle (ie, it's not a crappy PSU), 300W should be plenty for what you want. Your biggest dilemma is probably going to be regarding noise.

Noise wont bother me that much. After living in a tiny room with my overclocked p4 a foot away from my bed, left on 24/7 for torrenting, I'm kinda used to the drone of cooling fans.
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