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Rage Against the X Factor Machine






Grass roots efforts to topple Simon Cowell's money-machine this Christmas has made "Killing in the Name" the top Christmas song for the year.

Hot damn I love me some of that crispy rock n' roll sweetness. The best part in that article is X Factor shmuck saying he never heard of RatM, and that it was all just "shouting". Bahaha. The other great part was the video embedded in that article, where the BBC didn't think Rage was gonna censor themselves. OI.








This made me a very happy moss indeed when i found out who won. :D At least *something* can be done to wipe that smug grin off cowells smarmy gob.

McElderry had never heard Rage Against The Machine’s music until this week. He was not impressed. Money quote: “I wouldn't buy it. It's a nought out of ten from me. Simon Cowell wouldn't like it. They wouldn't get through to boot camp on The X Factor - they're just shouting.”




"Shmootsy ballad?"




"Shmootsy ballad?"



I am torn. On the one hand, I hate the oh-so-righteous doucheness of Rage Against the Machine. On the other hand, I hate the smarmy doucheness of Simon Cowell.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Good shit, internet. Good shit.


General Specific

General Specific

\"Shmootsy ballad?\"


No, you're thinking a "Smoochy Ballad" which is like this:




I am torn. On the one hand, I hate the oh-so-righteous doucheness of Rage Against the Machine. On the other hand, I hate the smarmy doucheness of Simon Cowell.
Both of those things aside, it's obvious who makes the better music.

Hint, it's not Simon Cowell.



Maybe. Think I'm just gonna go with Option C on this one.

*Pops in some Nightwish*




I am torn. On the one hand, I hate the oh-so-righteous doucheness of Rage Against the Machine. On the other hand, I hate the smarmy doucheness of Simon Cowell.
Haha, yeah I figured you would think this way. They aren't uh, on your line of the political spectrum. And Zach de la Roche can get a little heavy on the agenda himself.

But, fuck man! I don't call this a victory on a political spectrum, but of the rock n' roll spectrum. The puny fledgling punk in me is satisfied.




I am torn. On the one hand, I hate the oh-so-righteous doucheness of Rage Against the Machine. On the other hand, I hate the smarmy doucheness of Simon Cowell.
Haha, yeah I figured you would think this way. They aren't uh, on your line of the political spectrum. And Zach de la Roche can get a little heavy on the agenda himself.

But, fuck man! I don't call this a victory on a political spectrum, but of the rock n' roll spectrum. The puny fledgling punk in me is satisfied.[/QUOTE]

This. It sounds less as if the couple who got this started are whole-hearted supporters of RATM's political worldview and more that they thought that the particular song was a good way to flip the bird to the recycled pop industry, as represented by Cowell.

And if RATM really do pass along 70k pounds to that charity, all the better.

I can deal with Zack de la Rocha and Tom Morello mouthing off a little. Their music still rocks, though they owe us a new album.




This is absolutely awesome.




BBC thought Rage would self censor themselves? bwahahahhaha. that's golden



So let me get this right. The way to beat Simon Cowell is to polarise the audiance forcing his supporters to buy more of his records in an attempt to get his song to number 1.

Also if I'm not mistaken the 'pop charts' are by their very definition a tool that trumpets market capitalism. The 'Number 1' is the song which made the most money. Yeah very anti establishment we won the rich list yay!

The only winner from this sorry saga is Shelter who have £60,000 more money than a week ago. If you truely want to beat Cowell then try this: don't give a shit. Don't vote, don't buy, don't provide additional coverage.

That is all.

Now I'm off to steal some music. [/jk]



Now, I'll admit I heard this second-hand, but... isn't the label this song's under also owned by Cowell?


Kitty Sinatra

No. At least according to wikipedia. Their label, Epic, is owned by Sony . . . although Epic seems to have recently been co-owned BMG, the company where Cowell worked, but apparently Sony bought them out last year.

So there's a connection, just not a direct one.

According to Wikipedia.




Maybe. Think I'm just gonna go with Option C on this one.

*Pops in some Nightwish*
Your taste in music has been approved :p

And I don't really understand the hate towards these TV shows and Simon Cowell. I've never watched any of them, and will continue to do so in the future. Heck, have any of these "stars" ever amounted to anything more than a brief moment in the limelight before sinking back into the anonymity from whence they sprung?

Also, Simon Cowell's a dick. But at least he's an entertaining dick.




Maybe. Think I'm just gonna go with Option C on this one.

*Pops in some Nightwish*
Your taste in music has been approved :p

And I don't really understand the hate towards these TV shows and Simon Cowell. I've never watched any of them, and will continue to do so in the future. Heck, have any of these "stars" ever amounted to anything more than a brief moment in the limelight before sinking back into the anonymity from whence they sprung?

Also, Simon Cowell's a dick. But at least he's an entertaining dick.[/QUOTE]

Yes, most of them have gone on to pretty successful careers, at least the ones on American Idol have.




Cowell may be a dick but he's a pretty charitable dick.




No. At least according to wikipedia. Their label, Epic, is owned by Sony . . .
Nothing says fighting against the man (or should I say "raging" against the man or if you prefer... machine) like being on Sony's record label. :p




Yeah, I heard Malcolm X only used microphones and podiums made out of lumber only manufactured by black men.

Actually, I can't think of anything better than using the man to fight the man.

(I'm teasing, of course. Violent leftist anarchy is just as stupid as anything Beck proposes.)




Yeah, I heard Malcolm X only used microphones and podiums made out of lumber only manufactured by black men.

Actually, I can't think of anything better than using the man to fight the man.

(I'm teasing, of course. Violent leftist anarchy is just as stupid as anything Beck proposes.)
I know you are teasing, but really, don't you see the delicious irony of anyone fighting the corporate machine while being a cog in the giant wheel that is Sony? :p




They talk about being under the Sony label in video clip. This whole thing isn't about fighting big record labels. It's about a couple who used grass roots methods to topple the Simon Cowell Christmas Song Monarchy. That people made their choice and chose their own song, instead of sitting idly by and hearing what they're told is gonna be the big hit.

Whatever record company they are on is irrelevant since it's not Rage who is forcing their music on everyone.





Grass roots efforts to topple Simon Cowell's money-machine this Christmas has made \"Killing in the Name\" the top Christmas song for the year.

Hot damn I love me some of that crispy rock n' roll sweetness. The best part in that article is X Factor shmuck saying he never heard of RatM, and that it was all just \"shouting\". Bahaha. The other great part was the video embedded in that article, where the BBC didn't think Rage was gonna censor themselves. OI.

And Simon Cowell still sits in his castle, sipping brandy, while getting his dick sucked by three women at once. Great job, douchebags. You keep that rebel 16 year old 'stick it to the man' angst alive in us all.




And Simon Cowell still sits in his castle, sipping brandy, while getting his dick sucked by three women at once. Great job, douchebags. You keep that rebel 16 year old 'stick it to the man' angst alive in us all.
Thing is the stick it to the man guys are also doing the same thing...




If you wanted to talk about record sales, it's a win-win-win situation. Simon Cowell still got a shitload of downloads, tons of people still went and bought into that single because they had spite for Rage, wanted to know what the fuss was about, or sincerely enjoyed it.

Meanwhile, everyone who wanted to get a voice out against the usual Christmas song monarchy voted for Rage and donated what turns out to be 70,000 euros to charity.

The only victory there is is the spirit of rock n' roll and for that voice. Obviously this isn't going to change the world, but it is a rocking moment in music--and it shows that a lowly couple who hates hearing something "written by a cabal of music men" can promote the music they like.

Remember, that Rage only decided to back these people up. They weren't the ones that wanted to do this. The couple in the article were the ones that started this whole fun business.

They did, however, donate all the proceeds to charity, did the gig in the video and are going to reunite for a gig next year because of the win.




and RATM gigs are AWESOME.
