And a cheese famine. I find not enough fiction is based around dairy-related strife.ElJuski said:Let me help you out....your protagonist...has amnesia! And there's a trouble! And there is also...political strife! :3
Yes, this is needed.Fun Size said:And a cheese famine. I find not enough fiction is based around dairy-related strife.ElJuski said:Let me help you out....your protagonist...has amnesia! And there's a trouble! And there is also...political strife! :3
i hope that is for fantasy, because a 40k army with that would just be... well.. fucking nuts (at least remembering the rules for demons the last time I played)Krisken said:The first thing is more of a "I'm stupid" than a rant. I said I would have 150 Pink Horrors painted by October 1st. I'm just realizing how much work this will be, considering I am custom making my bases with resin and magnets. Most of it is already painted, but it's been through 2 moves and the models are all metal, so they scrape against something and I'm spending time repairing the paint job.
It's nuts. It's for both, but I'm using circle bases so I can play in the big 40K game at the local GW store on October. When I am done, it will be around 3200 points.Silvanesti said:i hope that is for fantasy, because a 40k army with that would just be... well.. fucking nuts (at least remembering the rules for demons the last time I played)Krisken said:The first thing is more of a "I'm stupid" than a rant. I said I would have 150 Pink Horrors painted by October 1st. I'm just realizing how much work this will be, considering I am custom making my bases with resin and magnets. Most of it is already painted, but it's been through 2 moves and the models are all metal, so they scrape against something and I'm spending time repairing the paint job.
I concur it's nuts, but I wish you the best of luck.Krisken said:It's nuts. It's for both, but I'm using circle bases so I can play in the big 40K game at the local GW store on October. When I am done, it will be around 3200 points.
damn man, good luck. I haven't played any warhammer in a couple years (since I moved no one plays it around here) but I always love hearing about it. Still 150 horrors... blegh (i think they did away with the rule that they split into two blue horrors when hit right? otherwise 300 blue horros would be sould crushing)Krisken said:It's nuts. It's for both, but I'm using circle bases so I can play in the big 40K game at the local GW store on October. When I am done, it will be around 3200 points.Silvanesti said:i hope that is for fantasy, because a 40k army with that would just be... well.. smurfing nuts (at least remembering the rules for demons the last time I played)Krisken said:The first thing is more of a "I'm stupid" than a rant. I said I would have 150 Pink Horrors painted by October 1st. I'm just realizing how much work this will be, considering I am custom making my bases with resin and magnets. Most of it is already painted, but it's been through 2 moves and the models are all metal, so they scrape against something and I'm spending time repairing the paint job.
Heh, thanks! It's a lot of work, but I think I can get it done.ZenMonkey said:I concur it's nuts, but I wish you the best of luck.Krisken said:It's nuts. It's for both, but I'm using circle bases so I can play in the big 40K game at the local GW store on October. When I am done, it will be around 3200 points.![]()
Oh god no, they don't split anymore. It's 150 Pink and Blue. They don't split anymore. It was bad enough when i had 180. I've lost 30 through various conversions and such. It's 150 figures to paint, base on the resin bases I make. Time consumption and neck strain is the greatest of my problems at the moment. Soul should stay intact.Silvanesti said:damn man, good luck. I haven't played any warhammer in a couple years (since I moved no one plays it around here) but I always love hearing about it. Still 150 horrors... blegh (i think they did away with the rule that they split into two blue horrors when hit right? otherwise 300 blue horros would be sould crushing)
It really sucks that you can't be open about who you are at work. Or at least you can't without worrying about some sort of legal fight. Land of the free, indeed,Shegokigo said:One thing I always enjoyed about my job, was that there were no "temptations" around here. Everyone from the tellers to the loan officers were either men, unattractive women or married women with a stick so far up their ass not even industrial equiptment could pull it out. So keeping my sexuality under wraps was easy peasy (both my supervisor AND my branch manager are huge overly religious homophobes).
Three weeks ago, we had a couple of accounts reps move from another branch to ours. One of them has one of the most amazing body I've ever seen. She's got amazing curves, perfect body proportion, a mesmerizing smile, silky smooth light brown skin and always smells fantastic.
At first I said to myself "she won't last 2 weeks here with as hectic as it is and how young she is" so I didn't sweat it. Now we're going on week 3, to make matters worse, she's single and very touchy feely with me. She also likes to drinking for fun so I know it would only be a matter of time before I could.... and THAT is the problem.... There's no way I can go after her, the chances of "outing" myself are way too high. Even if things go "well" I'm still in trouble.
As if that wasn't bad enough, she's taking a personal liking to me for some reason. Sending me alot of personal emails and is always choosing me to be the one to help her out with any little problem. She also wears very tight and revealing clothing. I have no idea what the hell to do about this.... I'm starting to crack.
Surely the standard Shego response is to do what you want to do, then just dump her in the desert?Shegokigo said:One thing I always enjoyed about my job, was that there were no "temptations" around here. Everyone from the tellers to the loan officers were either men, unattractive women or married women with a stick so far up their ass not even industrial equiptment could pull it out. So keeping my sexuality under wraps was easy peasy (both my supervisor AND my branch manager are huge overly religious homophobes).
Three weeks ago, we had a couple of accounts reps move from another branch to ours. One of them has one of the most amazing body I've ever seen. She's got amazing curves, perfect body proportion, a mesmerizing smile, silky smooth light brown skin and always smells fantastic.
At first I said to myself "she won't last 2 weeks here with as hectic as it is and how young she is" so I didn't sweat it. Now we're going on week 3, to make matters worse, she's single and very touchy feely with me. She also likes to drinking for fun so I know it would only be a matter of time before I could.... and THAT is the problem.... There's no way I can go after her, the chances of "outing" myself are way too high. Even if things go "well" I'm still in trouble.
As if that wasn't bad enough, she's taking a personal liking to me for some reason. Sending me alot of personal emails and is always choosing me to be the one to help her out with any little problem. She also wears very tight and revealing clothing. I have no idea what the hell to do about this.... I'm starting to crack.
The problem with making my fantasies into realities are simply matters of convience and experience mixed with a little bit of opportunity.Mr_Chaz said:Surely the standard Shego response is to do what you want to do, then just dump her in the desert?
No fishing off the company pier.Shegokigo said:The problem with making my fantasies into realities are simply matters of convience and experience mixed with a little bit of opportunity.Mr_Chaz said:Surely the standard Shego response is to do what you want to do, then just dump her in the desert?![]()
Don't dip your pen in the company ink?sixpackshaker said:No fishing off the company pier.Shegokigo said:The problem with making my fantasies into realities are simply matters of convience and experience mixed with a little bit of opportunity.Mr_Chaz said:Surely the standard Shego response is to do what you want to do, then just dump her in the desert?![]()
No sex where you get your checks.
the rest are failing me.
Maybe you are setting her gaydar off.Shegokigo said:My job was hard enough to tolerate without this added issue.... :angry:
She's always at my desk too....![]()
If it helps, you can send her to my place any time you'd like.Shegokigo said:My job was hard enough to tolerate without this added issue.... :angry:
She's always at my desk too....![]()
There would be no losing my GF in this situation (see the Open Relationship thread) nor my apartment as my GF pays for everything.sixpackshaker said:Maybe you are setting her gaydar off.
Heck, what do you have to lose? Besides a GF, apartment and job?
Return the blu-ray player and buy the PS3. Most stores won't charge a restocking fee if you are replacing it with a 'similar model' that went on sale very shortly after the original purchase.Fun Size said:I just bought my first HD TV and Blu-Ray player on Sunday. I wanted a PS3, but didn't push for it because of the price, rather buying a really nice one that would stream Netflix and whatnot without involving my shamefully show PC in any way.
Tomorrow, the the PS3 will cost $50 less than the player I bought.
I wouldn't have time to play games on it in anyway, I'm just * on principal.
I considered it. Thing is, I don't feel like muddling around with the PC to get Netflix streaming on the new, ginormous TV, and since I haven't finished playing the games I have for my XBox (or in some cases haven't started playing them), it's hard to justify the exchange even for myself. Mostly, I'm pissed that after making my decision, something happened that might have changed it.stienman said:Return the blu-ray player and buy the PS3. Most stores won't charge a restocking fee if you are replacing it with a 'similar model' that went on sale very shortly after the original purchase.Fun Size said:I just bought my first HD TV and Blu-Ray player on Sunday. I wanted a PS3, but didn't push for it because of the price, rather buying a really nice one that would stream Netflix and whatnot without involving my shamefully show PC in any way.
Tomorrow, the the PS3 will cost $50 less than the player I bought.
I wouldn't have time to play games on it in anyway, I'm just * on principal.
Sounds like even in hindsight it didn't change it, though, and if anything would have simply made the decision harder to make.Fun Size said:Mostly, I'm * that after making my decision, something happened that might have changed it.
Dammit Steinman, I'm ranting here. Don't interject logic or reason into this.stienman said:Sounds like even in hindsight it didn't change it, though, and if anything would have simply made the decision harder to make.Fun Size said:Mostly, I'm * that after making my decision, something happened that might have changed it.
So, in fact, they did you a favor by waiting until you made your purchase to change the price.
:aaahhh:Rob King said:Also, to the quiet lady with the russian accent: I'm sorry I kicked your kid. She's very short, and while I'm carrying boxes sometimes I can't see where I'm going very well. I hope the extra cookies will make up for it.
I've knocked that kid over like ... three times in the last year. Last time they were here, the mother fell over a step.Garbledina said::aaahhh:Rob King said:Also, to the quiet lady with the russian accent: I'm sorry I kicked your kid. She's very short, and while I'm carrying boxes sometimes I can't see where I'm going very well. I hope the extra cookies will make up for it.
Jesus, sounds like you should've given the kid a "Caution: Stand clear 15 feet" warning.
Had 4 of those in my carport area when I moved into the place we're staying at now. Used our homebrew blowtorch to take care of that little issue. Only had about 2-3 reoccurances in 2 years.DarkAudit said:Found ANOTHER yellowjacket nest in my yard while mowing. Enough is enough.
I appreciate it.Poftoffel said:@Lally. Did you check if there are medical factors slowing down your weight loss? Also, first it goes fast...then slow as hell.
And I admire you for doing something about your weight. I can't get myself to that point yet.
Poftoffel has a point Lally. For example: I have hypothyroid, I gain calories at 2x the rate of normal people and lose it 2x slower. I've only managed to stay at my healthy weights by really cutting my food portions into 4 small meals a day instead of 2-3 large ones (even if they're health food) and exercising 2x a day (once in the morning before work and once after). Mostly doing fat burn exercises and routines over toning and strength.Lally said::tear:
I've always had trouble losing weight, and I've been trying so hard, I already feel completely hideous on my own and yet I keep being reminded that I said I would be at my goal a long time ago and I'm not yet. I don't know what else I can do. I'm watching what I eat except for special occasions and I'm exercising almost every day and it's still going so slow. I can't make it go any faster. I can't help it that it's so slow. :waah:
That actually pretty much sounds exactly like me. :bush: Maybe it's just a self-esteem thing, but I always assumed it was my own fault. Hm. Maybe once I have health insurance again I'll get it checked out. Do you find yourself having any other symptoms as a result of it besides trouble with your weight?Shegokigo said:I gain calories at 2x the rate of normal people and lose it 2x slower.
I actually remember you posting that... a similar thing happened to me when I first started dieting a few years ago. I had been dieting and thinking I was doing great and then I weighed myself on a different scale it and it was so much heavier (like 30 pounds heavier). We ended up figuring out that the scale I had been using was broken (everyone was weighing lighter on it), but it was still really disheartening when it happened. I hope you figure out what's going on with your weight loss soon.AshburnerX said:I know your pain Lally. I actually mentioned it here in the old thread, but I spent a year doing some serious dieting but didn't lost anything. The 7/30 post on my Tumblr has the transcript of the post. I really don't have any advice except don't feel bad... at least you know if you lost any weight. I'll be left in the dark for awhile yet on whether mine is working or not.
But there's still 65 pounds that's already gone! Wow! And don't let the past hold you down, I know what that's like. It's gone and it shouldn't spoil the new days! And you're still doing something about your situation, that's great.Lally said:I appreciate it.I don't have health insurance, so I haven't been to the doctor in a really long time, but I'm 100% sure my weight is my own doing. My weight trouble started when I got hurt playing softball in high school and I sat on my butt as much as possible for a few months... when I worked a retail job walking around all the time I shed the weight, but then I got a job working in a call center, sitting on my butt and eating for 40 hours a week, and on top of that I was going through a lot of rough family stuff, and did a lot of comfort eating. I gained a LOT of weight (I mean a LOT), and I have spent the last three years trying to lose it. From the summer of 2006 until this past winter I lost about 100 pounds, and then (once again) some crappy family stuff happened and I got derailed from my weight loss plan and gained about 35 back in like 6 months. So I decided rather than let myself gain it all back I was going to get back on the right track, which I did in June, but it's coming off so slowly, and I just get really frustrated. And then I get really down on myself for letting myself get in the situation in the first place, and it's a crappy cycle. said:That actually pretty much sounds exactly like me. :bush: Maybe it's just a self-esteem thing, but I always assumed it was my own fault. Hm. Maybe once I have health insurance again I'll get it checked out. Do you find yourself having any other symptoms as a result of it besides trouble with your weight?Shegokigo said:I gain calories at 2x the rate of normal people and lose it 2x slower.
Ahhh, thanks for the link. I'll probably still get myself checked out when I get insurance again but I doubt it's my thyroid. The only thing I can claim from that list is weight gain. And maybe forgetfulness. haha.Shegokigo said: said:That actually pretty much sounds exactly like me. :bush: Maybe it's just a self-esteem thing, but I always assumed it was my own fault. Hm. Maybe once I have health insurance again I'll get it checked out. Do you find yourself having any other symptoms as a result of it besides trouble with your weight?Shegokigo said:I gain calories at 2x the rate of normal people and lose it 2x slower.
That's pretty accurate.
Issues with the boards can wait. Sick it out if you need to, man.I'm home sick today and doing more work for here and there than I ever do when I go into the office.
You're not the only one. I haven't seen this much awkward fumbling since I got a hold of Dave's prom videos.This new forum confuses and terrifies me.
I'd love to enter HF one day, click on a thread I'm interested in, and have it not be one that involved someone baiting Shego, Shego taking the bait, and the point of the thread derailed once again into how ooo scary she is.
I feel the same way about guardrails. They're fairly ugly, but there are always other things to think about or look at. So even if I notice them and wish they wouldn't there, in twenty seconds I'm looking past them and into the trees I'm driving past.I'd love to enter HF one day, click on a thread I'm interested in, and have it not be one that involved someone baiting Shego, Shego taking the bait, and the point of the thread derailed once again into how ooo scary she is.
______V me __________________V ZenMI'd love to enter HF one day, click on a thread I'm interested in, and have it not be one that involved someone baiting Shego, Shego taking the bait, and the point of the thread derailed once again into how ooo scary she is.
Step Brothers is funny as hell, you ain't gotta watch important movies every day. Che Part 1 is really amazing though and got robbed of a few Oscar noms in my opinion.I had seven movies in my hands today. Seven. Some of them I have been waiting to see for months. Years, even. Some of them were big award winners, with potentially worldview-altering representations of events. But I picked up Step Brothers instead, on the recommendation of a friend.
It was a decently funny movie. But I feel a bit regretful. I could have rented that one on iTunes, and gotten Che: Part 1 for five dollars more.
On a brighter note, I finally saw The Last Starfighter. It was fun.
Well, don't get me wrong. I'm mostly upset that I bought it. It was good, but it wasn't a movie I have any interest in watching again soon. It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but it was still good.Step Brothers is funny as hell, you ain't gotta watch important movies every day. Che Part 1 is really amazing though and got robbed of a few Oscar noms in my opinion.
you mean this doesn't feel all nostalgic from back when you hated me?I'd love to enter HF one day, click on a thread I'm interested in, and have it not be one that involved someone baiting Shego, Shego taking the bait, and the point of the thread derailed once again into how ooo scary she is.
Nah, back in the day I just wasn't on to you. And I don't hate Shego. I'd just like to change the channel is mean this doesn't feel all nostalgic from back when you hated me?
A part of my job is hurling chickens at 600 km/h at our glass.
OMW!!firing the air cannon isn't as fun as firing a gun. If you really want to hit something to get rid of frustration find the Dog Brothers. of course they can get a little rough.
but yes. If anyone finds themselves in China I may or may not be able to let you watch a chicken turn into liquid. (I'm not sure of this) I also have videos of it.
Someone stole my fracking windshield wipers! How did I find out? Almost wrecking my car on the way to work in a pouring rain. Bastards!
I wish I knew when it happened.
Someone stole my fracking windshield wipers! How did I find out? Almost wrecking my car on the way to work in a pouring rain. Bastards!
I wish I knew when it happened.
No kidding. What the fuck can you do with stolen windshield wipers? I don't think there's a big market for that.That is fucking ridiculous.
Don't know. All I know is it's raining and I have to go get my paycheck for lunch or I don't eat.No kidding. What the fuck can you do with stolen windshield wipers? I don't think there's a big market for that.
Have any idea who could possibly have done it to spite you?
People who are confused by me being confused confuse me.People who are confused by it confuse me.
As a former HR employee, I'd almost be fair, HR employees are just as overworked as the rest of the working poor, and likely swamped, wouldn't you think?
I don't see the humor in that story at all. :|First text I get from my girlfriend (who works at a vet clinic) this morning: "So we're spaying a pregnant cat today...I can feel the kittens moving around in her belly."
Next text: "Funny story...the doctor aborted the kittens, but now had a change of heart and is trying to save them."
EDIT: New text from her: "Well, we're trying everything we can...they were only a few days from being born."
to be fair, HR employees are just as overworked as the rest of the working poor, and likely swamped, wouldn't you think?
you have no avatar here, therefore you are not a person at all. Get back to work, drone.Actually no. We're just plain evil people
You're right, there's nothing left. I was hoping there'd be maybe an eighth of an inch or so, but there wasn't even that. I had to just buzz my whole head to get it even. Oh well, it'll be back in a couple weeks.You can't. I did the exact same thing not a weeks ago. Now, I'm pig shaved too.
...She's posting here these days, too? :-PMy mother fed the fucking troll. :explode:
I know the feeling. It sucks, growing up, doesn't it? But be careful or you'll get half the forum over you telling you you'red still young but your friendds are just transitioning into the next stage of whatever. Blegh.I'm only twenty-three years old, and yet everyone I know is either getting married, having kids, or going off and having life changing adventures like Caine from Kung-fu. I feel like an old man.![]()
I turn 30 this month. I live with my parents, have no job and poor health (of unknown cause). Still, I only feel like an old man because my muscles and joints ache, I can't sleep through the night, and I have memory issues. Wait, where was I going with this? No, seriously, I have no idea. There's no way saying this is going to make either you or me feel better, so what the hell did I come in here for?I'm only twenty-three years old, and yet everyone I know is either getting married, having kids, or going off and having life changing adventures like Caine from Kung-fu. I feel like an old man.![]()
I CAN RELATE TO THIS SENTIMENT[/QUOTE]I cannot fucking wait til the weekend.
I CAN RELATE TO THIS SENTIMENT[/QUOTE]I cannot fucking wait til the weekend.
I CAN RELATE TO THIS SENTIMENT[/QUOTE]I cannot fucking wait til the weekend.
I CAN RELATE TO THIS SENTIMENT[/QUOTE]I cannot fucking wait til the weekend.
I CAN RELATE TO THIS SENTIMENT[/QUOTE]I cannot fucking wait til the weekend.
Let me tell you, if any criminal had tried to make me run that night, I would have just shot him in the back.
Wow.You think that's bad? My friend (yes, the one you ALL know about) is barely scrapping together money for food and rent... and yet she had money for a new iPhone and a trip to PAX. It's less than a week before her next court date too... if she had that kind of money to spend, she could have gotten a real lawyer instead of that public assigned one she received. *facepalm*
Because it's a relationship with Ron Jeremy?Am I the only one who uses this thread anymore? Oh well.
Rant: For the love of Fuck! I'm over her. It's not even just something I say. I seriously have moved on. I mean, if she wandered into my room one dark and stormy night, I'm not saying I'd kick her out. But I am seriously not interested in pursuing her for a relationship in any way shape or form anymore.
Then why in the hell did I just throw up when I saw on Facebook that she's in a relationship now?
Maybe you ate some bad shellfish?Am I the only one who uses this thread anymore? Oh well.
Rant: For the love of Fuck! I'm over her. It's not even just something I say. I seriously have moved on. I mean, if she wandered into my room one dark and stormy night, I'm not saying I'd kick her out. But I am seriously not interested in pursuing her for a relationship in any way shape or form anymore.
Then why in the hell did I just throw up when I saw on Facebook that she's in a relationship now?
erg.My favorite cousin, who lived with my family for a year 15 years ago and is my mothers god-son, is in jail for sexually molesting my 11 year old niece, who is my god-daughter.
Sometimes there is no good conclusion in a situation.
Holy crap...My favorite cousin, who lived with my family for a year 15 years ago and is my mothers god-son, is in jail for sexually molesting my 11 year old niece, who is my god-daughter.
822 to fix my car. Money I hardly have.
*ouch*My favorite cousin, who lived with my family for a year 15 years ago and is my mothers god-son, is in jail for sexually molesting my 11 year old niece, who is my god-daughter.
Been there, just started talking to my last ex yesterday, but every time she mentioned the guy she's with now I got a littleAm I the only one who uses this thread anymore? Oh well.
Rant: For the love of Fuck! I'm over her. It's not even just something I say. I seriously have moved on. I mean, if she wandered into my room one dark and stormy night, I'm not saying I'd kick her out. But I am seriously not interested in pursuing her for a relationship in any way shape or form anymore.
Then why in the hell did I just throw up when I saw on Facebook that she's in a relationship now?
Been there, just started talking to my last ex yesterday, but every time she mentioned the guy she's with now I got a littleAm I the only one who uses this thread anymore? Oh well.
Rant: For the love of Fuck! I'm over her. It's not even just something I say. I seriously have moved on. I mean, if she wandered into my room one dark and stormy night, I'm not saying I'd kick her out. But I am seriously not interested in pursuing her for a relationship in any way shape or form anymore.
Then why in the hell did I just throw up when I saw on Facebook that she's in a relationship now?
I know that feeling all too well, and I hope you get through it as I have.My favorite cousin, who lived with my family for a year 15 years ago and is my mothers god-son, is in jail for sexually molesting my 11 year old niece, who is my god-daughter.
Sometimes there is no good conclusion in a situation.
Those might be fever blisters. Those can be painful... I tend to get them if I don't brush my teeth regularly.I have about 10 painful bumps on my tongue with new ones growing each day. I think I'm allergic to my new toothpaste... so I stopped using it.
My left hand smells like a mix between old cigar smoke and metal. No, I did not have a couple of stogies with Megatron last night.
That's just the thing. I brush my teeth regularly (kinda paranoid about cavities) but these tiny tongue pimples keep showing up! Some are infected tastebuds I think, but then others are on the sides of my tongue.Those might be fever blisters. Those can be painful... I tend to get them if I don't brush my teeth regularly.
That's just the thing. I brush my teeth regularly (kinda paranoid about cavities) but these tiny tongue pimples keep showing up! Some are infected tastebuds I think, but then others are on the sides of my tongue.Those might be fever blisters. Those can be painful... I tend to get them if I don't brush my teeth regularly.
New juski doodle: me smokin' some stogies with Megatron. Shootin' the shit and all.V: too bad you didn't, that'd have been fun, no?
New juski doodle: me smokin' some stogies with Megatron. Shootin' the shit and all.[/QUOTE]V: too bad you didn't, that'd have been fun, no?
New juski doodle: me smokin' some stogies with Megatron. Shootin' the shit and all.[/quote]V: too bad you didn't, that'd have been fun, no?
New juski doodle: me smokin' some stogies with Megatron. Shootin' the shit and all.[/quote]V: too bad you didn't, that'd have been fun, no?
I had this exact same problem for a while. That coupled with me almost never being able to go back to sleep.Whenever I sleep with my girlfriend (read: actually sleep) I always get sore in the morning and wake up several times in the night. Am I just not used to sharing a bed?
Always had similar problems. She likes to cuddle. I like to lie on my stomach and stretch out.Whenever I sleep with my girlfriend (read: actually sleep) I always get sore in the morning and wake up several times in the night. Am I just not used to sharing a bed?
Is she a succubus? Have you ever asked? You know, a lot of people get all excited about the prospect of a relationship without proper vetting, and it leads to things like this.Whenever I sleep with my girlfriend (read: actually sleep) I always get sore in the morning and wake up several times in the night. Am I just not used to sharing a bed?
Is she a succubus? Have you ever asked? You know, a lot of people get all excited about the prospect of a relationship without proper vetting, and it leads to things like this.[/QUOTE]Whenever I sleep with my girlfriend (read: actually sleep) I always get sore in the morning and wake up several times in the night. Am I just not used to sharing a bed?
Awww... now I feel bad for my rage...Maybe that was cat talk for "don't forget your lunch."
OMFGIt was a cat.
Yes. When my husband is gone, I get used to having the bed to myself and start sleeping spread out completely across our queen-sized bed. when he comes home, I have to get used to staying on my side only and for the first few days I am terribly uncomfortable. Add to it that he wants to hug and cuddle me during the night and I don't get much good sleep.Whenever I sleep with my girlfriend (read: actually sleep) I always get sore in the morning and wake up several times in the night. Am I just not used to sharing a bed?
Either you'll get used to it, or you won't, and if you don't, it's no big deal. There have been studies showing people can sleep worse when they sleep with a partner.I like to cuddle a bit too but not when I'm trying to SLEEP.
Agreed. Pretty much the only time I ever take Nyquil is when I have a fever, because--if I don't--I end up sleeping fitfully, waking up, hallucinating that the dream's continuing, then falling back asleep into the dream and repeating it all night.I'm sorry y'all can't sleep.Sometimes, no matter how weary and terrible you feel, illness does that. It's hard to get comfortable. Plus, I don't know about you, but for me, weird and disturbing dreams accompany a fever.
When I first got the email, I considered a 'friendly response'. I often receive emails from fans of my web page (which gets around 2 million hits a year), or from tin whistle manufacturers seeking to have me review their whistles. I try to respond to every one of these emails.
As I read the email about your tinwhistle CD tutorial, I wondered if perhaps you wanted me to review it for my website. However, once I reached your plea of "I hope you are interested to sell these products in your shops.", I realized that you were sending me targeted advertising in a generic format. In reality, the email wasn't a personal plea or missive from the general public, but rather, generic targeted email, which you probably sent to as many musically related websites and stores as you could locate. No harm, no foul there. If I were selling a tutorial, I might do much of the same kind of thing.
You should know that I don't really sell anything on my website, and anyone who's been to my website for more than a cursory glance would probably have realized it. I have no "shops" to put anything into, so your plea of really doesn't apply to me or my site. So, I chalked your email up to well-targeted advertising and didn't bother to respond. I often receive targeted advertisements in my email box from firms in China and Pakistan trying to sell cheap instruments. I don't respond to these either.
Then, you sent the exact same message a few days later. This elevates your well-targeted advertising to the level of spam. Since it was the exact same email, and it seemed that it was a blanket effort, I felt that a simple request to be removed from the list would suffice. I never imagined that someone who was spamming me would take umbrage if I requested that they desist, especially when I asked politely. I even used the word "please". Twice. However, I do apologize if I tread on any sensitive feelings, or caused you any emotional discomfort. Likewise, I regret if my request for you to send me no more such emails caused you any feelings of hurt or rejection. It wasn't meant as a personal slight toward you, and I am sure that you are a very fine person.
That said, it would be gracious and kind of you if you could remove me from your marketing email list. I do not wish to receive any more advertisements from you concerning the tutorial book/CD, as I have no shop to sell it in. I apologize in advance if this request causes you emotional turmoil, but I really must insist. The fact that I play tinwhistle, and you are selling a tinwhistle product does not create enough of a bond between us for me to acquiesce to receiving further unwanted emails advertising a product that I cannot take advantage of, namely the resale of your whistle tutorial product. While I am sure it is a very fine product, I simply have no market to sell it to: My website has no shopping cart, and I sell no products. Nor do I have a physical storefront. I suppose I could open a street-side stand and sell your tutorial, and use my own years of tinwhistle playing to lure in paying customers, but perhaps this favor would be asking too much of me when our relationship is tenuous at best. I really don't feel obligated to perform such a favor as I might if you were perhaps my brother-in-law, or someone that I owed money to.
So, upon looking at the situation more closely, and reaffirming what I already knew: that that no sense of obligation or duty lies between us, I must be firm in requesting that you remove me from your email list for your product.
Best Regards,
Greg Mahan
Don't take this as a personal attack, but you suck at this.[/QUOTE]I am having a great week.
Don't take this as a personal attack, but you suck at this.[/QUOTE]I am having a great week.
To be fair the barista's didn't come up with the idea to name their cup sizes something really stupid.I always order "whatever medium is in starbucks talk." They say "grande?" and then I ask "is that medium?" Most of the time it ends there, but once a girl replied "it's grande."
I asked if I could see the three different sizes. I pointed to the 'tall' one and said, "that, I would describe as small. It isn't a very big cup, would you agree? This one over here on the other hand, the 'venti,' is quite large. Oh, here it is! Grande. It's not as small as the small cup, and not as big as the big cup. A kind of ... mid-size cup. A medium, if you will. Yes, I would like a grande."
Yeah, but they can be smart and helpful enough to "translate" for the customer.To be fair the barista's didn't come up with the idea to name their cup sizes something really stupid.
Yeah, but they can be smart and helpful enough to "translate" for the customer.[/QUOTE]To be fair the barista's didn't come up with the idea to name their cup sizes something really stupid.
What? Starbucks would rather anger customers than help them?Not if they like their job.
Just because the employee has to call the drinks by their branded names does not necessarily mean that the employee has to require the customer to call the drink by a special word.No, Starbucks wants their employees to call their drinks what they have branded them. It might be stupid but it's part of their corporate image.
And lets be honest, it might be annoying (I think it is, thats why I say small, medium, etc) but it's not the end of the world or worth getting angry about.
Just because the employee has to call the drinks by their branded names does not necessarily mean that the employee has to require the customer to call the drink by a special word.[/QUOTE]No, Starbucks wants their employees to call their drinks what they have branded them. It might be stupid but it's part of their corporate image.
And lets be honest, it might be annoying (I think it is, thats why I say small, medium, etc) but it's not the end of the world or worth getting angry about.
Good, another person who won't kowtow to Big Green.Oh no, I do call them the small, medium, large as well. I don't get pissy at them but I refuse to play there stupid game of making me say words I don't want to.![]()
Shit. I don't know what else to say but 'shit.'Manbaw incoming but you know what? I'm really starting to understand why so many in my chosen profession are alcoholics. These last night shift stints have been the toughest of my career. It's just shitty, shitty depressing situation after shitty, shitty depressing situation. Having to literally put body parts into a body bag after a massive drunk driving collision to being called into a domestic disturbance where there were babies actually just about swimming in their own feces they were so neglected. The worst was definitely the man who died in an alcohol laden mess in his house, shit and blood everywhere as his body had literally begun to reject his organs. He was dead kneeling over his bed like in a prayer position with his pants down with his asshole prolapsed with half his intestines hanging out. Apparently this is a common death for alcoholics.
I am definitely not feeling my best. I have 2 more over the next couple of days. It's really starting to weigh on me.
Ok, all this? Nevermind.Minor annoyance, but with the way my work has been going it is kinda one more for the pile.
I have been working 4 10-hr shifts a weeks for years now. For a long time, I had nothing to do on the weekends. I eventually picked up a movie night with friends and such and it was fun. Recently, schedule changes had taken the movie night and the friend's availability away. I was bummed about that at first. Eventually, though, I met a girl who lives in charlotte and so my weekend schedule is perfect. I have Fri, Sat., & Sun. off, so I drive up Fri afternoon, visit all weekend and get back late sunday.
I have mentioned this previously, I went up there last weekend for the first time and everything was great.
I get back to work today and there is an email waiting for me saying that they are switching me to a normal 5-day week and also putting me on saturday rotation. This starts on the 21st.
Why is it that whenever I start doing something outside of work that I enjoy, work somehow changes and blocks it? It almost seems like it's malicious.
I'm going to have to go talk to my bosses and see what they can do.
*long, warm hug*As for me, several things to rant about, but I'll just stick to "hope Zoloft will actually help and finally get me somewhere else than where I'm right now".
*long, warm hug*[/QUOTE]As for me, several things to rant about, but I'll just stick to "hope Zoloft will actually help and finally get me somewhere else than where I'm right now".
As Ashburner mentioned, those pills aren't the solution to your "problem", but only a help to get out of it. I don't want to get to personal here, but have you tried psychotherapy to get to the reasons of why you feel so depressed?*snip*
As for me, several things to rant about, but I'll just stick to "hope Zoloft will actually help and finally get me somewhere else than where I'm right now".
he has no hot water at home and hopes you'll let him have a bath at your place?!The fucking smelly-ass nerd guy is back in the lab.
Dude, no worries! Its the fucking rant thread! SMASH AWAY!Sorry, RANT thread. I'm a little angry today.
agreed! Thats beer and shower with a friend night!Man I can't wait til Friday...
If by "friend" you mean "girlfriend", and by "shower" you mean "intercourse", then yes, that is EXACTLY what my Friday portends.
We've either done it or talked about doing it just about every day for the past month, minus when she was on her cycle and when I was sick.WOOT!!!!!!!
MOAR BITCHING! How long should the "new horniness" of a relationship last?
This every other day business is not cutting it for me... *punches guy in the nutzzzzz*
If you ignore the fact that it's happening in Canada, sure.[/QUOTE]Not a bad day.![]()
You know... I've heard from several female friends that the moment some guys can get it whenever they want it... they stop wanting it.WOOT!!!!!!!
MOAR BITCHING! How long should the "new horniness" of a relationship last?
This every other day business is not cutting it for me... *punches guy in the nutzzzzz*
Niiiiiiice!We've either done it or talked about doing it just about every day for the past month, minus when she was on her cycle and when I was sick.
I dunno if this is standard though, this is my first ever sexual relationship... And I'm apparently awesome.
Remember, remember the fifth of November(?)OH YEA????
HEY GUSTO!!!! Your vagina was always dry.
Isn't that kind of like saying "Hey Gusto! I sucked at foreplay?"OH YEA????
HEY GUSTO!!!! Your vagina was always dry.
Untrue. I *want* to join you. Still not gonna be there, unless something really funky happens.Yep.
I have no classes on Fridays. So basically this week, my girlfriend is gonna come over in the morning, we're gonna watch the Office premiere on DVR, have some "quality time", and then she'll go to class for noon.
I'll probably spend the afternoon smilin' and playing video games.
Later that evening, she, my best friend, anyone else who wants to join us, and me are going to the local Boston Pizza to eat appetizers and drink beer.
Not a bad day.![]()
Hot tip: don't punch him in the nuts. It really won't help him get hornier :-PWOOT!!!!!!!
MOAR BITCHING! How long should the "new horniness" of a relationship last?
This every other day business is not cutting it for me... *punches guy in the nutzzzzz*
Niiiiiiice!We've either done it or talked about doing it just about every day for the past month, minus when she was on her cycle and when I was sick.
I dunno if this is standard though, this is my first ever sexual relationship... And I'm apparently awesome.
Well the only other time you've actually been mad was when that guy on your campus got a hold of your private info.I doubt that's true. I was actually in a good enough mood today, just a couple things that kinda set me off.
Dude, I'd hug you and not let go for, like, hours. One huge, humongous, horrible hug.You're not making it seem very worthwhile.
I mean, I'd at least offer multiple hugs.
Well the only other time you've actually been mad was when that guy on your campus got a hold of your private info.[/QUOTE]I doubt that's true. I was actually in a good enough mood today, just a couple things that kinda set me off.
Yuck. Sorry, man.My new job actively punishes with less hours/less money when you do a good job. I'm not comfortable with this.
How can anybody wonder about the state of the nation when incompetence is encouraged?My new job actively punishes with less hours/less money when you do a good job. I'm not comfortable with this.
How can anybody wonder about the state of the nation when incompetence is encouraged?[/QUOTE]My new job actively punishes with less hours/less money when you do a good job. I'm not comfortable with this.
Grrrrrr. I RACED through my slides today and still only got 3/4ths of them done during class.
I need a longer class.
That's too bad, because those are the best kind of "sorry"s.Not even a fucking "sorry."
I prefer some different toppings. Let us talk about why we like the toppings we prefer and then come to blows when we cannot reach a mutual understanding. :coffee:You know what I don't freakin get... what the hell are the subject of the threads for anyways?
For instance..The thread titled PIZZA... WTF?? What the hell are you people talking about? Makes me want to go out on my front lawn and scream.....We're talking pepperoni, mushroom, and black olives here!!! WHAT THE FUCK?! Djer juss stupid!
I prefer some different toppings. Let us talk about why we like the toppings we prefer and then come to blows when we cannot reach a mutual understanding. :coffee:[/QUOTE]You know what I don't freakin get... what the hell are the subject of the threads for anyways?
For instance..The thread titled PIZZA... WTF?? What the hell are you people talking about? Makes me want to go out on my front lawn and scream.....We're talking pepperoni, mushroom, and black olives here!!! WHAT THE FUCK?! Djer juss stupid!
This sentence sums up my entire college career.[/QUOTE]I'm the only one I can count on.
This sentence sums up my entire college career.[/QUOTE]I'm the only one I can count on.
This sentence sums up my entire college career.[/QUOTE]I'm the only one I can count on.
That's fine. You'd have been wrong anyways.I had a lot more to say in the healthcare thread that I just never got a chance to.
I had no problem calling people out on that shit when I had to ride a school shuttle. Assholes.Nothing makes it more obvious who the assholes are, then when a bus is full and there are thirty people standing but 4 or 5 of the people who are sitting STILL have their backpacks/purses/whateverthefuck on the seat beside them. :angry:
orWow, I can't believe anyone would find that funny.
You know why? Because of the intention behind it. When I see this, the poster drops so far in my esteem as to be painful for a moment. See, this post has exactly one intention: to express that the poster and his/her opinion is superior to your own. It's a completely onanistic effort devoid of any real meaning. I actually value this opinion less that those of racists, people who oppose gay marriage, religious terrorist....take your fucking pick, because as wrongheaded and stupid those people are, I can at least acknowledge that their purpose is noble. They want the world to be a better place, and just disagree with me about how to best go about it. The only reason for these opinions however, beyond blatant egoism, is to suck a potential moment of joy out of someone's life. There is no greater purpose, no good to be had or done by it. It's there to take away. Nothing more. And the people who do it piss me off more than anything anyone has ever said in a political thread.Old joke is old.
I agree with this 100%.You know what makes me insane? I mean just fills me with enough rage to choke a kitten? These posts:
orWow, I can't believe anyone would find that funny.
You know why? Because of the intention behind it. When I see this, the poster drops so far in my esteem as to be painful for a moment. See, this post has exactly one intention: to express that the poster and his/her opinion is superior to your own. It's a completely onanistic effort devoid of any real meaning. I actually value this opinion less that those of racists, people who oppose gay marriage, religious terrorist....take your fucking pick, because as wrongheaded and stupid those people are, I can at least acknowledge that their purpose is noble. They want the world to be a better place, and just disagree with me about how to best go about it. The only reason for these opinions however, beyond blatant egoism, is to suck a potential moment of joy out of someone's life. There is no greater purpose, no good to be had or done by it. It's there to take away. Nothing more. And the people who do it piss me off more than anything anyone has ever said in a political thread.Old joke is old.
I recently posted a sort-of "old joke is old" post in the PvP vs PA batman debate.You know what makes me insane? I mean just fills me with enough rage to choke a kitten? These posts:
orWow, I can't believe anyone would find that funny.
You know why? Because of the intention behind it. When I see this, the poster drops so far in my esteem as to be painful for a moment. See, this post has exactly one intention: to express that the poster and his/her opinion is superior to your own. It's a completely onanistic effort devoid of any real meaning. I actually value this opinion less that those of racists, people who oppose gay marriage, religious terrorist....take your fucking pick, because as wrongheaded and stupid those people are, I can at least acknowledge that their purpose is noble. They want the world to be a better place, and just disagree with me about how to best go about it. The only reason for these opinions however, beyond blatant egoism, is to suck a potential moment of joy out of someone's life. There is no greater purpose, no good to be had or done by it. It's there to take away. Nothing more. And the people who do it piss me off more than anything anyone has ever said in a political thread.Old joke is old.
I agree on the latter (although not the insane-with-rage part). I see it used rarely as an actual informative statement, but more often than not it just means "I'm so awesome I heard someone tell me that joke before you did." No one gives a shit.You know what makes me insane? I mean just fills me with enough rage to choke a kitten? These posts:
orWow, I can't believe anyone would find that funny.
Old joke is old.
I agree on the latter (although not the insane-with-rage part). I see it used rarely as an actual informative statement, but more often than not it just means "I'm so awesome I heard someone tell me that joke before you did." No one gives a shit.You know what makes me insane? I mean just fills me with enough rage to choke a kitten? These posts:
orWow, I can't believe anyone would find that funny.
Old joke is old.
Yeah, I take your point. There is a rampant "My opinion is both fact and awesome" attitude around here.It depends on the context of the first one for me.
You can probably get a refund for that, seeing as how somebody fucked up.I got this yesterday.
In the mail.
Nobody fucked up. I'm an eternal member. I can go every year without cost.You can probably get a refund for that, seeing as how somebody fucked up.
Nobody fucked up. I'm an eternal member. I can go every year without cost.You can probably get a refund for that, seeing as how somebody fucked up.
If this person is like the countless students that I've had the pleasure of interacting with in my three years, she's probably looking at the wrong recipe. Her recipe card probably reads something like:Read it. Obtain the main points. Add related bullet points to main points. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes... It's a very simple recipe.
I'm on the fence about kids. But I'd gladly give you mine and then just adopt. I've always wanted to adopt... more than I've ever wanted my own biological child.One girl I had a crush on a few months back just told me she sent a love letter to another girl. >.> I'm not really that hurt by it, but it still sucks. :/ Hey, at least I still got her nudie pics!
Trade you? *wants a child*I hate being a woman sometimes.....
More specifically, I hate my uterus. *pain*
Ugh. No. NO!I can't respect her as an 'artist.' For all her pretty pictures, she has nothing to say, and since art to me is communicative ... it's completely devoid of merit.
It just frustrates me that these people can consider themselves artists. Perhaps it's conceited, but they don't deserve to. Not from where I stand.
I feel the same way about my various talents. And yet here I am, checking all the threads in this forum instead of working on my many projects.But an artist has to produce art, and I do stuff at such an appalling rate, I couldn't in good conscience lay claim to the title.
I also wish I could respond that I'm an artist but I've never had a gallery show, have only sold 12 paintings/drawings in 10 years for pathetic sums and I have terrible work ethic which has only gotten worst since I had the babe.Yeah, after thinking about my post, perhaps I was a bit brutal. I still feel like art should be communicative, but I guess "this hill is pretty" is communication. It's just not a message that I care that much for.
As for my frustration at them being able to think of themselves as artists ... I'll admit that's completely on me. I had a conversation with someone this week about something similar, and she asked me "Are you an artist?" I had to answer 'no.' That crushed me.
I want to be. Arrogant as it sounds: I could be. But an artist has to produce art, and I do stuff at such an appalling rate, I couldn't in good conscience lay claim to the title.
Sorry if my frustrated ranting was ignorant or offensive. I guess this is the more genuine rant.
Parents and non-parents alike whether you ask their advice/opinion or not.Rantos EVERYONE have an opinion on how to raise and care for my child?!
gragh.Type 3 break through the bone at the growth plate, separating the bone end from the bone shaft and completely disrupting the growth plate.
* May result in arrested growth and requires surgical treatment.
* Often treated with internal fixation to ensure proper alignment.
That sucks.I just found out more. Salter III fracture of the distal tibia involving 40% of the joint surface.
gragh.Type 3 break through the bone at the growth plate, separating the bone end from the bone shaft and completely disrupting the growth plate.
* May result in arrested growth and requires surgical treatment.
* Often treated with internal fixation to ensure proper alignment.
Now I'm unhappy.
Last time I saw a clock it was about 7. Headed into work now. Ugh.Woo, 5 am, work at 10 and I can't sleep at all.
Gonna be a fun day!
Haha, yeah it's overwhelming if you've never played it before. There are even a ton of new things between Sims 2 and 3. I find playing a house with 8 people in it is only possible if I crank up their autonomy and only interfere a tiny bit.Why did I think I could pick up Sims 3 and make a game with 6 characters? Holy shit! It's fun, but I haven't even gone through 1 day yet and I already have about 40 screen shots and didn't get to bed until 2!
Last time I saw a clock it was about 7. Headed into work now. Ugh.[/QUOTE]Woo, 5 am, work at 10 and I can't sleep at all.
Gonna be a fun day!
Last time I saw a clock it was about 7. Headed into work now. Ugh.[/quote]Woo, 5 am, work at 10 and I can't sleep at all.
Gonna be a fun day!
Aw man. It's awesome that you're doing it but don't worry if it stops being fun!Why did I think I could pick up Sims 3 and make a game with 6 characters? Holy shit! It's fun, but I haven't even gone through 1 day yet and I already have about 40 screen shots and didn't get to bed until 2!
Aw man. It's awesome that you're doing it but don't worry if it stops being fun![/QUOTE]Why did I think I could pick up Sims 3 and make a game with 6 characters? Holy shit! It's fun, but I haven't even gone through 1 day yet and I already have about 40 screen shots and didn't get to bed until 2!
Read the Mav thread about how to socialize. I know you have issues with meeting new people, but don't you have any friends to hang out with?ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Not only am I unbearably frustrated/stressed/feeling like a complete and total idiot about an upcoming writing assignment for Non-Fiction writing, but I can't seem to buy a goddamn fucking month bus pass. Why? Because very few locations in the city accept either debit or credit card as a form of payment. How the hell can a major form of a city-wide transportation not accept either as a form of payment in this day and age?
And this assignment. Fuck, I don't know. I have to break down a paragraph of a non-fiction essay, finding all the different grammatical definitions within it (participal phrase, etc) and then write a short essay of my own in the same style. Unfortunately, even though I'd like to think of myself as a good writer, I've never remembered what all those different things are. We have a grammar book that's confusing as hell and even then, all the definitions go right over my fucking head.
Couple that with the fact that I have no social life, lonely as hell, been single for five years (haven't been laid just as long) and just...hating everything about my life these days. Feeling like a loser. Honestly, I've been tempted to just step out into traffic a few times while I've been crossing the street.
Last time I saw a clock it was about 7. Headed into work now. Ugh.[/quote]Woo, 5 am, work at 10 and I can't sleep at all.
Gonna be a fun day!
... why is there a giant hole in your house?I'm wearing a long sleeve tee under two sweaters and I'm still freezing. Fuck this giant hole in my house.
... why is there a giant hole in your house?[/QUOTE]I'm wearing a long sleeve tee under two sweaters and I'm still freezing. Fuck this giant hole in my house.
Drywall doesn't want foreplay, it just wants to get nailed.any idea how to perform foreplay on drywall?
See, now there's your problem...any idea how to perform foreplay on drywall?
Drywall doesn't want foreplay, it just wants to get nailed.[/QUOTE]any idea how to perform foreplay on drywall?
Drywall doesn't want foreplay, it just wants to get nailed.[/QUOTE]any idea how to perform foreplay on drywall?
Watch the first couple episodes up to the laser shooting cube thing, imagine a few scenes with Rei and Shinji looking looking awkward and Gendo and his second saying how they should make the 2 closer and a scene of the last angel on the moon.GAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I am at the theater anywhere between one to three times weekly, and I still did not know that this was being shown. And I did so love Evangelion, too.
Watch the first couple episodes up to the laser shooting cube thing, imagine a few scenes with Rei and Shinji looking looking awkward and Gendo and his second saying how they should make the 2 closer and a scene of the last angel on the moon.GAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I am at the theater anywhere between one to three times weekly, and I still did not know that this was being shown. And I did so love Evangelion, too.
How weird...a post of mine from about 8 years ago seems to have resurfaced.FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU
I pay my motherufcking rent on motherfucking time so i expect you to fix motherfucking problems on motherfucking time.
I told you about this fucking problem over two months ago. I told you about it again a week ago. And now theres a giant hole in my bathroom cealing because you're a fucking dumbass.
Problem solved: Don't marry your brotherIn my opinions weddings suck at least the one with my brother
How weird...a post of mine from about 8 years ago seems to have resurfaced.FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU
I pay my motherufcking rent on motherfucking time so i expect you to fix motherfucking problems on motherfucking time.
I told you about this fucking problem over two months ago. I told you about it again a week ago. And now theres a giant hole in my bathroom cealing because you're a fucking dumbass.
I hate to say it, but she'll be okay.I wish she had a mentor who would tell her to go out and live. Get her own apartment. Go away for school. Do something to mature.
Maybe then we could really be friends, instead of me being the sole anchor for a rickety ship in a stormy sea.
And now I'm going to go cry. As true as it is that we need to be away from each other, it kills me that I'm hurting her.
Ugh. School pictures. We did them a few times in the past, but it was just too expensive to do it every year for every kid.So, apparently they sent home a notice that today was picture day at my daughter's school. I say "apparently" because my daughter was home sick with strep throat yesterday. So I get an email this morning letting me know this (real helpful, guys - thanks), and now I'm stressed because this is the second year in a row she went in on picture day without wearing the outfit we specifically bought for picture day. Last year I ran the outfit to school and had her change. This year, I think we're going for the retakes.
No idea. I was pissed about the little hole (about 3 inches or so) now that the entire area is fucked I can't even use my shower now.That's crazy...
What an asshole of a landlord.... Sowwiez...
Now what?
Thanks for the lecture but you may have noticed both Frau VildSoul and myself talked about getting screwed despite GOOD credit practices. It's called "fallout from the U.S. economy nosedive."I just honestly, seriously, don't understand this odd thing about credit cards wherever you people live.
Thanks for the lecture but you may have noticed both Frau VildSoul and myself talked about getting screwed despite GOOD credit practices. It's called "fallout from the U.S. economy nosedive."[/QUOTE]I just honestly, seriously, don't understand this odd thing about credit cards wherever you people live.
It's a good time to check. As far as I can tell they are almost randomly jacking up interest rates to obscene levels, hoping customers won't notice (and I bet many don't).You guys made me go check my credit card interest rate! Whew. I'm not getting screwed. You had me worried, though. Really.
I usually do that, too. Earlier in the year I got a notice from my credit card company saying they were raising my credit limit. I didn't need such a high limit and had planned to call them to ask to have to put back to my normal limit. I procrastinated. A few weeks later, I got a notice that they were raising the interest rate to 15% plus prime. The letter said to call their 800 number if you wanted to refuse the new rate and close the account. So I called. I told the representative that as a long-standing customer whose account has always been in good order I should not have to pay such a high rate especially since my credit limit was just raised considerably. I was told I was welcome to close my account if I felt the rate was unfair. So I did.Every time the CC companies do that, my wife gets on the phone, reads them the riot act, and they reduce the interest rate.
Thanks for the lecture but you may have noticed both Frau VildSoul and myself talked about getting screwed despite GOOD credit practices. It's called "fallout from the U.S. economy nosedive."[/QUOTE]I just honestly, seriously, don't understand this odd thing about credit cards wherever you people live.
It's a good time to check. As far as I can tell they are almost randomly jacking up interest rates to obscene levels, hoping customers won't notice (and I bet many don't).You guys made me go check my credit card interest rate! Whew. I'm not getting screwed. You had me worried, though. Really.
Bitter apple spray. You get it at the pet store. Spritz your cords, and kitty ceases taking interest. Non-toxic and everything.HOLY FUCK YOU STUPID CAT!
The god damn thing just chewed through my headphones cord! I kept telling it to not fuckin' do that and tried to scare it off when it did but just now as it was laying on my stomach as I watched Hulu it fuckin' bit right through the thing.
I'm [---] this close to leaving the door open and letting the damn thing just be someone else's problem.
Why did my roommate have to get a fuckin' cat? I hope he dosen't mind me having my speakers back on my computer and us competing for sound again, 'cause that's the way it's going to be from now on.
---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------
Now I can't even punish it!
I put it in the bathroom (after making sure the toilet and stuff was closed so it couldn't drown or anything) and the insufferable meowing is so sad sounding that I know I won't last 5 minutes before letting it out.