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This thread WAS titled "Rant about Positive Things", but I forgot about the Epic Win thread.

So, this topic is now about wrestling!

...which I honestly haven't watched or barely even thought about in months. I used to be a huge fan when I was a kid, watching Superstars every Saturday, wearing my Hulk Hogan bandana and giant foam hand. Hell, I used to do my own matches with a giant stuffed Smurf. At first, it was a My Pet Monster, but my finisher - a kneedrop from the [STRIKE]top rope[/STRIKE] couch - kept ripping its throat out. The Smurf was a bit more durable.

As I grew up, my appreciation for wrestling turned from childlike to more of an interest in the actual business and backstage shenanigans. I started following the insider news on who was being signed, what was going on backstage, etc.

A few years ago, I actually went to wrestling school here in Toronto. Me and a friend of mine (also a Maritimer) were going to do an East Coast gimmick, including our finisher called "The Halifax Explosion". I was going to call myself Nick "The Brick" Brunswick. He was going to call himself Mitch Ripley (and some kind of a nickname for PEI, including a signature move called Slam of Green Gables).

Unfortunately, I discovered I have something of a phobia: I have a fear of being lifted up. I was doing great running the ropes, doing simple holds and such, but when it came to being actually lifted off the ground and slammed down, I always panicked and yelled "Wait wait wait wait! Put me down, put me down! Okay, try it again...waitwaitwaitwait!" I thought I was just nervous doing a flip bump (flipping forward and landing on your back), but I could never take a hiptoss without freaking out.

So, sadly, I left. Between that and the cost of being there (about $250/month), I just couldn't do it. I still dream of wrestling as Nick "The Brick", and maybe if I had the time and money, I could keep up with it and overcome that fear, but looks like that's all just going to remain a dream.




Rant about POSITIVE Things!

That's cool!

...but there's an epic win thread full of rant-turned-win stories. Just so you know :)



Rant about POSITIVE Things!

...crap. I forgot all about that thread. Well, if people wanna use this one, too, then they can. :)




My brother in law used to be on the wrestling team in high school... until he knocked up my sister :heh:

But that's all I have to contribute to this thread. Never got into it...




I didn't get far enough into the training to wrestle or anything. :(




Best. wrestler. ever.

I don't think I've watched it in about 15 years though.



This thread WAS titled "Rant about Positive Things", but I forgot about the Epic Win thread.

So, this topic is now about wrestling!

...which I honestly haven't watched or barely even thought about in months. I used to be a huge fan when I was a kid, watching Superstars every Saturday, wearing my Hulk Hogan bandana and giant foam hand. Hell, I used to do my own matches with a giant stuffed Smurf. At first, it was a My Pet Monster, but my finisher - a kneedrop from the [STRIKE]top rope[/STRIKE] couch - kept ripping its throat out. The Smurf was a bit more durable.

As I grew up, my appreciation for wrestling turned from childlike to more of an interest in the actual business and backstage shenanigans. I started following the insider news on who was being signed, what was going on backstage, etc.

A few years ago, I actually went to wrestling school here in Toronto. Me and a friend of mine (also a Maritimer) were going to do an East Coast gimmick, including our finisher called "The Halifax Explosion". I was going to call myself Nick "The Brick" Brunswick. He was going to call himself Mitch Ripley (and some kind of a nickname for PEI, including a signature move called Slam of Green Gables).

Unfortunately, I discovered I have something of a phobia: I have a fear of being lifted up. I was doing great running the ropes, doing simple holds and such, but when it came to being actually lifted off the ground and slammed down, I always panicked and yelled "Wait wait wait wait! Put me down, put me down! Okay, try it again...waitwaitwaitwait!" I thought I was just nervous doing a flip bump (flipping forward and landing on your back), but I could never take a hiptoss without freaking out.

So, sadly, I left. Between that and the cost of being there (about $250/month), I just couldn't do it. I still dream of wrestling as Nick "The Brick", and maybe if I had the time and money, I could keep up with it and overcome that fear, but looks like that's all just going to remain a dream.

DUde, watch the latest episode of South Park. You'll love it.



Oh, I plan to. :D Thanks for reminding me. I'll go..."legally obtain" it right now!



Oh, I plan to. :D Thanks for reminding me. I'll go..."legally obtain" it right now!
You can watch it for free on the South Park website. They stream every episode for free.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I was a high school wrestler. It was really fun and got me in the best shape of my life. I wasn't very good at it, my crowning achievement was having a match where I lost on points instead of getting pinned. I also sprained my ankle to cut each of my two seasons short :(

I also watched pro wrestling on TV and in person(whoo TNA in Nashville) through high school, but largely stopped once I left for college. Sometimes if I see it on when I have nothing to do, I'll watch for 5 minutes to see if I recognize anybody. And every couple months I browse one of the wrestling news sites.



I had the same high school wrestling experience as Charlie basically, though probably I was even worse. The team needed someone in the 103 weight class or they'd always forfeit that match every event. A couple friends of mine were on the team and convinced me to join to fill that spot. I sucked. My crowning achievement wasn't losing on points, as I never got that far, but simply finally escaping after a near-pin against our rival high school. This was so momentous it was actually applauded by my team, I was that bad.

As for TV wrestling, I grew up on the stuff just as I did Star Trek: TNG, Star Wars, Ninja Turtles, Married with Children, and GI Joe. The Hulkamania-era WWF was just awesome, pure entertainment, and didn't try to overstep what it could be. I slipped out of watching it a bit in the early 90s, when Hogan left for WCW, but got right back into watching wrestling with the coming of Monday Nitro and the beginnings of the Attitude Era in the WWF. Flipping back and forth between WWF and WCW was a Monday night ritual throughout late middle and high school.

But then, as I was gearing up to go to Marine Corps boot camp after graduating, Vince McMahon bought WCW. And everything has been on a downward trend ever since then. There was a faint glimmer of things getting better around Wrestlemania 20, but that got cut off at the knees. Now McMahon is insular and insane, not changing his product for fans but insisting the fans change for his product; a product which is horribly written, bears no logic or storyline continuity, and generally insults everyone's intelligence. Instead of dynamic personalities who could wrestle, we're given John Cena the rapper with five moves and Randy Orton, Resthold Killer. I haven't watched any shows the past few years, though I do keep up with reading recaps and message boards out of habit from being so attached in the past.

I am liking TNA somewhat, though.



Oh, I plan to. :D Thanks for reminding me. I'll go..."legally obtain" it right now!
You can watch it for free on the South Park website. They stream every episode for free.[/QUOTE]

I sure could!

...if I lived in the U.S.




I, too, was a terrible high school wrestler. And it was a lot of fun, and really did get you in insane good shape.



This thread feels sort of like one would if people were holding simultaneous discussions of football and american football


Kitty Sinatra

Oh, I plan to. :D Thanks for reminding me. I'll go...\"legally obtain\" it right now!
You can watch it for free on the South Park website. They stream every episode for free.[/QUOTE]

I sure could!

...if I lived in the U.S.[/QUOTE]
The Comedy Network streams it on their website. They have all of South Park and quite a few other shows, too. And there's a link to CTV's web streaming (and vice versa, click on the more channels tab) where you can watch a bunch of mainstream programs, too, including Flashpoint and the Daily Show.

Oh, and here's the link http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/
Click on the Video Library tab below the video player to browse for South park and a tonne of other shit.




I wrestled from the eighth grade until my HS graduation. It was great fun, got me in great shape, and played a large part on my social development. Was never that good. To slow, and not strong enough to make up for that fact. Thankfully I was tall and lanky enough to be hard to pin.



Those of you that are talking about Olympic wrestling: you DO know I'm talking about pro-wrestling, right? The Hulk Hogan kinda stuff? :p


Kitty Sinatra

You should've said "the Kurt Angle kinda stuff" just to mess with our minds



I could've thrown you all for a loop and said "You know, the Chris Benoit stuff".



I used to watch a lot of wrestling in the late 90's. It started out as just a pre-teen crush on The Rock but I really enjoyed it after awhile. My family would always ask me if I knew that it was fake b/c I would yell at the tv so much. Finish Him!!

You should've said "the Kurt Angle kinda stuff" just to mess with our minds
Did they ever let him grow his hair back?



I could've thrown you all for a loop and said "You know, the He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named stuff".


Kitty Sinatra

meh. Chris Benoit turned out to be a giant asshole. He should be named. And shamed, 'cept that he was such a huge fucking coward, too: it doesn't matter what we say about him anymore since he can't fucking hear it.

I mean, of all the people in rasslin' he gets to go down in the books as the worst of the lot.




I think the 80s was really the heyday of "pro wrestling". Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Jimmy "superfly" Schnooka, Sgt Slaughter, Junk Yard Dog, Roddy Piper, Captain Lou Albano, etc... They had breakfast cereals, toy lines, saturday morning cartoons and a whole slew of other stuff.



I miss 80s wrestling, honestly. They didn't have fifty PPV's a year (embellishing, but it sure feels like that much) and didn't have three different shows a week. There was Superstars and that was it. Now, it's just WAY too much and the product is diluted, as a result.

Plus, you know what? ALL of the characters were awesome. Each of them had their own unique look or style that set them apart from each other. Of course, this was back in the day when all you had to be was big to be a wrestler. But you had monsters rocking beards, little guys wearing bright colours (Hart Foundation, Bulldogs, etc) and no two guys looked alike unless they were a tag team. These days, if you put Orton and Priceless beside each other, they all look like clones of each other. Or skinny, defective clones of Cena. No main event feels special anymore because they'll just have the rematch next month or something even the night after. Hell, Cena and Orton have wrestled in the main event FOUR PPV's in a row, so far.

Oh, by the way, I watched the South Park episode last night.


I love South Park, dont' get me wrong. And that's why I was expecting more or better from them. But they basically went to the same cliche well that most people use to make fun of wrestling: it's fake, its fans are hick idiots that believe anything, The wrestling coach was pretty funny, admittedly. But the rest just felt so by-the-numbers, which for South Park, is surprising.




Meh, I get the ppvs really cheap because of work, so yeah, I still do watch wrestling currently from time to time, and usually catch raw on its hd replay over the weekend if I am not out.



meh. Chris Benoit turned out to be a giant asshole. He should be named. And shamed, 'cept that he was such a huge fucking coward, too: it doesn't matter what we say about him anymore since he can't fucking hear it.

I mean, of all the people in rasslin' he gets to go down in the books as the worst of the lot.
Yeah thats pretty much my thoughts exactly, I just thought someone needed to apply the WWE's approach to Benoit to TNG's post.

And the recent wrestling themed south park also came off kind of...flat or something...to me too. Usually I find their skewering of whatever is being mocked pretty funny but this one fell flat, I think there was a lot more they could have easily made fun of along with the ribbing of the "soap opera" schtick. It just seemed like that one joke ran low on steam after a few minutes.

The wrestling coach was fairly entertaining though.



Yeah, I thought it was funny how they literally erased his name from everything on their website. For WrestleMania 20, for example, the match was changed to just HHH vs. HBK. Which made me and my friend joke that the title belt was kind of lost during the action in the match. And then Orton miraculously found it after Summerslam later that year.

Between Benoit and Owen's death, I think that's when my interest started to wane heavily. Owen, one of the brightest spots in the business (who was a legitimately great guy in real life), was killed doing a stupid stunt. Benoit? Benoit used to be one of my faves. And then he killed his wife and a seven-year-old child. Anything he did in his career is immediately moot. I STILL don't feel comfortable watching his matches.

And Shannow, I don't blame you to keep watching. I still keep up to date on what's going on, reading about the latest shows and such. If it gets a LOT of praise, I'll find a way to watch it. A good example of this was hearing all the praise for HBK/Undertaker at WrestleMania. And man, that was totally worth watching.




I love South Park, dont' get me wrong. And that's why I was expecting more or better from them. But they basically went to the same cliche well that most people use to make fun of wrestling: it's fake, its fans are hick idiots that believe anything, The wrestling coach was pretty funny, admittedly. But the rest just felt so by-the-numbers, which for South Park, is surprising.

Sorry. I've been looking for any excuse I can get to post my "Your post it wrong" gif.



I used to be a huge fan of the pro wrestling back in my younger days when I lived on Long Island. Me and my brother had a bunch of action figures and a little toy ring that we would play with after and during the matches. And then when we got bored of that we would emulate it.
Once I moved to Virginia at I just stopped watching it and would feign interest in it when my new friends watched it because it was huge down here, but for whatever reason I just didn't care about it any more.
I think what sealed the deal with me just not giving a rats ass about wrestling was when I was at my scout troop's annual lock-in at the church that we had our meetings in. We were aloud to bring our game consoles from home and one of my friends brought "WCW Vs. NWO" for the N64 and while playing the game I had a siezure and was sent home early because of it.
Now I know it seems like a flimsy/stupid/illogical reason to not like wrestling any more but every time I see it, I'm reminded of my epilepsy and I just would rather do anything else besides watch it. I may make jokes about it but I hate bringing up memories about actual seizures I've experienced, it's just something that doesn't really sit well with me.




Now I know it seems like a flimsy/stupid/illogical reason to not like wrestling any more but every time I see it, I'm reminded of my epilepsy and I just would rather do anything else besides watch it. I may make jokes about it but I hate bringing up memories about actual seizures I've experienced, it's just something that doesn't really sit well with me.
Damn, I hope you don't get an attack while having sex.




I just got word.... I shit you not... Bret Hart is coming back to the WWE, tonight on Raw.





que Mickey Rourke comparisons



Frankie Williamson

Eh, he's old and he had a stroke. He's still one of my childhood heroes.




TNA is going live head to head with RAW tonight with Hulk Hogan joining them. Brett is going to featured heavily up to and including Wrestlemania.


Kitty Sinatra

huh. Did the McMahons all die or something? Or is Brett broke?




Brett is returning and in return is being granted creative input and consideration on a Hart Family DVD. He did the same on his own DVD, he's doing it again to make sure his family is treated fairly. And Vince always has and always will do anything to succeed.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I'm curious about the rekindling of the "Monday Night Wars" tonight with zombie-WCW versus Vince McMahon, but not curious enough to not watch football.


Kitty Sinatra

I, uh, thought we were into the playoffs now.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I, uh, thought we were into the playoffs now.
Fiesta Bowl


Kitty Sinatra

oh, college.

I pay no attention to that.




I was in a backyard wrestling league throughout middle and highschool...

We built wrestling mats out of old trampoline mats and wooden frames.

It was glorious. Surprisingly, very few injuries were sustained. We got pretty good at it. That is until Joseph came along. He was a nice kid and all, he seemed into it, and he was pretty athletic, which was quite different from the rest of us nerds.

But goddammit... you're not supposed to -actually- piledrive someone!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I hear TNA is having a hilarious parade of old faces




Best Rassler Ever. . . Macho Man. This is when I loved wrestling. He never made any sense.



I hear TNA is having a hilarious parade of old faces
And moving to Monday night.

WCW deja vu
