Taken over? There's like what, three or four Canadians in here? By that reckoning, me and TommiR should be demanding equal language rights for Finnish since we're a "significant ethnic minority"
myfunkyself ... Welcome. Guest posting is locked by Dave, our most admirable admin, from time to time to discourage spamming - and on one occasion, a banned person who used the Guest function to throw a tantrum. If my understanding's correct, that function will be enabled if and when they find a decently functioning method to keep out the spambots.
I can't help you with the tattoos, unfortunately. My hide's remained uninked and will likely remain so. Plus, I dislike needles
Other than that, welcome, have fun and look around, hopefully you see something you like. Don't feed the grue, don't ask about steak and... oh yes. Mention sauna pants to me and we will have...
Added at: 21:55