Recommendations for a song to audition with?

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Wasabi Poptart

Sometimes the producer (or whomever you're auditioning for) may request that you sing something else. I think if you are auditioning with a specific part in mind and you sing that music it may put a bias on whether you'd fit in for another part.
I... actually didn't think of that. >.< herp derp. My experience with high school was either everyone is given the same song to perform AT the audition, or if you're supposed to bring a song then it has to be from something else. May not be the hard rule.

The instructions:
Bring Headshot, Resume, and a 50-70 Word Bio, Please Prepare up to 32 bars of Music (Accompanist will be provided as well as a cd player if you'd like to use an instrumental cd)

Tips of what to bring to auditions:

Sheet music or cd of your prepared song
Comfortable clothes and shoes you can move in
Be ready to perform cold readings from the script
Be ready to learn a short dance routine

Open Auditions on 5/16/11 and 5/17/11
Call backs 5/18/11
Possible additional callbacks the following week.

Wasabi Poptart

How about "Any Dream Will Do" from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat?
I watched an interview with ...hmm brain fart... the girl from the Phantom of the Opera movie... Anyway, she was talking about an audition and how she had prepared a couple songs to sing, but what they wanted her to sing was the Birthday song since there's a full octave change in it. /random

What part are you auditioning for?
You could always prepare The Star-Spangled Banner. It's considered by many to be a difficult piece to sing due to its range. I doubt you'll get extra points for preparing the additional verses, though.

How about "Tixo, Tixo, Help Me" from Lost in the Stars (based on Cry The Beloved Country)? It's relatively modern, you get points for a powerful piece that not many people have probably heard.
There's plenty of scenery in the song to chew on, as well.

Rent has a variety of songs, but many of them can be characterized as:

- strong beat
- emotionally powerful
- forcefull

While singing a song from rent may be reasonable, I would personally look around for music that has similar characteristics that I can sing exceptionally well. You want to show off your talent. Further, to get that powerful emotion, you should pick a song that already moves you. It will be helpful if it's a song that makes you want to move and take action (even if it's a song about how you are stuck or can't take action). You probably don't need to dance during the singing portion of the audition, but they will be looking for people that appear to want to dance while they're singing, even if they're standing in one place.


Find that one piece of music, sing through the whole thing, select the 32 bars of it that you sing the best, and practice, practice, practice. Deviating from the score significantly might be helpful, or might shoot you in the foot - it depends on the director and producer, but do what you love, and that should shine through your performance.

Also, note that I have absolutely no experience in this field and am probably way off base, but it's what I'd do, and obviously since I'm perfect you should try to emulate me whenever possible.

Plus I like rent, so I want to see you do it and be successful.
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