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Recovering from a nasty virus (rundll32.exe missing)




I picked up the windows 7 home security 2011 virus recently, and I think I got it licked. My avast scans show up clear, and I haven't seen it anywhere.

Now, my problem is that *I think* the virus corrupted my rundll32.exe file. This means that any time I open a program/file it gives me an "open with" request. I can bypass this by running the programs as an administrator, but it's not an ideal or long term solution.

So, 2 questions.

1) How can I be sure I have removed this virus?

2) How can I recover the rundll.exe issue?

For the latter my understanding is that I can just pilfer it from the dll cache and put it in there, but I am not 100% sure if that is right.

Any thoughts?



that new one I manage to remove with malwarebyte scan and microsoft security essentials.




I'll download those and see if they scrub the rest of it out. Absolutely terrible virus though eh? Worst part was it shutting down my browsers.



It is pretty horrible. There are couple variant of it. There is one called XP full anti-virus 2011 protection (just as bad) also Anti-Virus 20xx series (09, 10, and 11) Yesterday the XP version hook into my firewall and almost look legit, but my user got smart and call me first. I look at it and almost fall for it, but I notice subtle difference on the screen (plus I configure these PC so I know default settings and the setting display wasn't right)




Yeah it looks like Malaware bytes scrubbed the last of it and got the rundll32.exe back working. Whew.



Yeah it looks like Malaware bytes scrubbed the last of it and got the rundll32.exe back working. Whew.
Woo! I'm glad that worked.
