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If you already understand recursion click here otherwise read on.

What is Recursion?
Recursion is an incredibly useful programming tool. A recursive function is a function that references itself in it's body.

int factorial(int n) {
    if(n <= 1)
        return 1;
        return n * factorial(n-1);
But How is it Useful?

This technique allows you to break down a large problem into multiple identical smaller problems, increasing the efficiency as your datasets grow. A prime and common example is when sorting groups of items. Without recursion you might go about this linearly.
int [] sort(int[] items) {
    boolean madeSwap;
    do {
        madeSwap = false;    // reset the exit condition of our do/while loop
        for(int i=0; i<items.length-1;i++) {
            if(items[i] > items[i+1]) {
                madeSwap = true;    // the list wasn't completely sorted so we'll have to go back through
    } while(madeSwap)    // keep going until we've ensure the items are sorted
    return items;
I know what you're thinking. But Covar, I only have a few items to sort and it's not the 1970s anymore. Sure you think that, and you can be right. The problem here is that it doesn't scale well. if you have, say, 100,000 or more items you'll be waiting a while. The answer here is recursion. By breaking up the items into smaller and smaller lists before sorting you drastically reduce the amount of effort needed to sort.

int [] items = new int[100000];
void sort(int low, int high) {
    int i = low, j = high;
    int pivot = numbers[low + (high-low)/2];
    while (i <= j) {
        while (numbers[i] < pivot) {
        while (numbers[j] > pivot) {
        if (i <= j) {
            swap(i, j);
    // Recursion
    if (low < j)
        sort(low, j);
    if (i < high)
        sort(i, high);
The above code is an implementation of a quick sort. Courtesy of Lars Vogel

What is the downside to using recursion?
Well for one you have to have a good mental grasp of what goes on in recursion. Until it clicks it can be hard to read and only serve to make the code confusing. You can also get stuck. A recursive method or function needs to have an exit condition, a way for it to stop calling itself and allow the original call to finish. Unlike a loop, failure to exit will not cause your program to run indefinitely. No infinite recursion causes your application to bomb out via a stack overflow (Oversimplified explanation: the call stack is memory allocated to a program to run in, when you exceed that you get a stack overflow). This is because the way recursion works, when you run a function it goes onto the call stack. When you run a recursive function each new call in the function definition creates a new copy on the stack. As your function starts hitting it's end condition the stack empties out.

I still don't get it.
That's okay. You can click here for clarification.
I see what you did there...

For the record, I have the biggest love/hate relationship with recursion. It's mostly working with stacks and linked lists where I hate it the most.

In practice :p

class Hw7_2
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] array = {56, 23, 78, 91, 2, 45, 11, 37, 10, 27, 82, 13, 90}; //initialize unsorted array
int[] sorted = new int[array.length]; //create empty array for sorted array
printArray(array); //print unsorted array
sort(array,0,array.length-1); //call sorting method
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++) //loop to input sorted array
printArray(sorted); //print sorted array
public static void sort(int[] a, int s, int e) //sort method
if(s<e) //termination condition, end if start index is == to end index
int index = partition(a,s,e); //get index from partition method
if (index>1) //condition to check if subarray is greater than 1
sort(a,s,index-1); //recursive call incrementing end index down
if (index+1<e) //check if start of subaray is less than end of array
sort(a,index+1,e); //recursive call incrementing starting index up
public static int partition(int[] a, int s, int e) //partition method
int indexNum = a; //set placeholder for index number
while(0<1) //infinite loop until return condition met
while(a<indexNum) //increment starting index up if start less than index number
while(a[e]>indexNum) //increment ending index down if start less than index number
if(s<e) //condition to swap number
int temp=a[e]; //placeholder for swapping places of numbers
a[e]=a; //swap last in subarray with first in subarray
a=temp; //swap first in sub array with placeholder number
return e; //terminate loop and return ending index of subarray
public static void printArray(int[] a) //print method
for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
System.out.print(a+" ");

Also, I can't believe that I ever thought that this program was hard.
I remember reading somewhere that in a certain programming textbook, if you look up "recursion" in the index, it also lists the index page that the word "recursion" shows up on. So, theoretically, you could recursively look up recursion in the index, infinitely.
Hey, recursion is freakin' awesome. I love collapsing code. I just hate when I forget to include the exit condition.



Staff member
Having spent the last 2 months trying to decipher someone else's code, let me tell you: I hate anything that reduces readability. As long as it's absolutely clear it recurses.
I made use of recursion last week. My client wanted to print receipts using a template, and wanted to have repeating sections inside the template. I found out that they wanted to put repeating sections inside repeating sections once I looked at the example receipt, so I made the code call itself when it encountered a repeating section, and only feed the repeating section to itself. They can now nest the repeating sections as deeply as they want and it'll work as intended.

Example template:

?storename? ?date?
!itemrepeat!?quantity? ?description? ?priceeach? ?linetotal?

Subtotal: ?subtotal?
Tax: ?tax?
Total: ?total?

Then a receipt, once all the data was filled in, might look like this:

Halforums store 12/3/2012
6 XBox360. $150.00. $900.00
1 COD4 $35.00 $35.00
1 Coupon. $ -45.00. $ -45.00

Subtotal: $890.00
Tax: $89.00
Total: $979.00

So they can have as many items in the receipt as they want without specifically writing an item line for each one in the template, and each item can have as many, or no, serials as needed without writing a serial line for each possible serial they might print under a given item. In this example the code would be called on the whole thing, then on the itemrepeat section, then on each serial section, and as the data was processesed it would return on each level back up until all the data was processed and the whole thing would return with the filled in receipt data.

So there are real world uses for recursion beyond conceptual algorithms, math, and computer science programming assignments. It's not something to be used without due care, though, the are a number of pitfalls...
PatrThom said:
I just hate when I forget to include the exit condition.
PatrThom said:
I just hate when I forget to include the exit condition.
PatrThom said:
I just hate when I forget to include the exit condition.
PatrThom said:
I just hate when I forget to include the exit condition.
PatrThom said:
I just hate when I forget to include the exit condition.
PatrThom said:


Staff member
I am a huge code nerd. I've been coding since like the mid 80s (woohoo BASIC). I have had the need to write one recursive function in all that time, despite the fact that coding books lavish attention on them. Mine is a finite element mesh search routine that needs to grow organically from a start point. It makes logical sense to check the node, then check all the connected nodes, then all nodes connected to that node, etc.
The fun thing about recursion is that you can almost always perform the same work using a different technique, and recursion is a little harder to understand and apply correctly. So generally people choose the non-recursive path.
The fun thing about recursion is that you can almost always perform the same work using a different technique, and recursion is a little harder to understand and apply correctly. So generally people choose the non-recursive path.
I'd say rather that you can almost always perform an iterative task with recursion, but it'll be harder to understand, but there's a few things that you can do with recursion that are much harder to understand if you do it with anything like an iterative approach (the amount of state variables you need to keep track of become insane). fade's mention of tree/graph traversal is actually one of those that's almost always clearer with recursion. The other thing is often divide-and-conquer approaches to problems, where you do the same thing, but with a sub-set (quick sort is the most commonly-known one of those).

Basically, if you try either approach to a problem and it ends up looking like "wtf did I just do?" then you're probably supposed to use the other one.
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