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Region Wide Battlegroup - Phase 2




Just to refresh everyone, Battlegroups are small groupings of servers that are linked together to allow cross-server PVP (and dungeons after the inclusion of the LFD). Blizzard made it clear a long time ago they wanted to expand on this, and only recently have we gotten more information on the plan. This plan is to merge all battlegroups into one massive "region" battlegroup.

They are going to take it slow, but they are at Phase 2 now. So far our battlegroup, Retaliation, has now been linked with Nightfall and Stormstrike for dungeon finder sharing.

What does this mean? It means starting today, we will have an estimate of triple the players queuing for dungeons. Queue times should be interesting to see.

World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Region Wide Battlegroup Matching




That should be good, then, right? Lower queue times?




YES, but I can't kill the same newb pally 3 BG matches in a row anymore. Or if not a newb... the other way around.




That should be good, then, right? Lower queue times?
It should lower queue times for battlegrounds by a ton. Most should be nearly instant once this goes region.

Dungeon Finder? Kind of a toss depending on your spec. There are still going to be a majority share of DPS over both tanks and healers, so for some the queues times may not change (if you are a tank or healer), or even worst case scenario, increase (dps), depending on how much of a surplus of DPS are on the other battlegroups. There is still a good chance that the queue times will shrink, but it will all depend on the actual ratio of tanks, healers, and dps that get merged into the region groups.

Really, I am confident in the end that it will improve queues, but I just wanted to put out the possible facts.

YES, but I can't kill the same newb pally 3 BG matches in a row anymore. Or if not a newb... the other way around.
Then kill three different newb pallies in a row. It's not like the game has a shortage of newb pallies. ;)




Queue times should be better for battle grounds, but I don't know if it'll be any quicker for dungeons. BG's don't look for specific roles, so it doesn't matter if there aren't very many tanks or healers queuing.




I am having flashbacks to vanilla wow pvp... Get up on Saturday morning log in, queue for Alterec Valley, go down stairs cook an omelet, go back upstairs push the space bar, go down stairs, eat. Start a load of laundry, clean the toilet, press the spacebar, next load of laundry, spacebar. Then sit in IF chat for an hour. Make lunch, Sit in IF chat for an hour. Then 5 hours after logging in, get summoned to the battle ground, turtle for the next 3-5 hours. Eat dinner, then see if you can get into Warsong Gulch within the hour, get steamrolled by a pvp guild against a random in 5 minutes...

And I played that way for 2 years...

It was worse when you had to stand at the physical entrance to AV, WSG or AB...
