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Reinstate Pete Rose?




Since today is a day for stirring up shit, I'll add my own bit.

I say no. The First Rule of Baseball is you do not bet on baseball. He broke that rule, and then lied about breaking that rule. He accepted the lifetime ban. His behavior since then does not show that he is really truly remorseful. It should stick, writers and fans be damned. It's the right thing to do.

P.S. You don't know who Pete Rose is? Not my problem. You shouldn't have clicked on the thread. :tongue:




Well, it's someone's problem... Who is Pete Rose?



Denbrought said:
Well, it's someone's problem... Who is Pete Rose?
here you go denden




Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of all time, but after he retired he went into managing and bet on the games (though only on his own team). When people were starting to find out, he accepted a lifetime ban from baseball in order to get MLB to stop investigating. He denied it for years, but recently admitted it was true. Because he is banned for life from baseball, he is not allowed to get into the Hall of Fame, which is a source of controversy. Personally, I think he should be allowed to be in the Hall of Fame because he wasn't going to be a hall of famer as a manager, where he bet on games, but as a player.




Oooh. Dunno, I'd say let him into the Hall of Fame posthumously.

wana10 said:
Denbrought said:
Well, it's someone's problem... Who is Pete Rose?
here you go denden




blotsfan said:
Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of all time, but after he retired he went into managing and bet on the games (though only on his own team). When people were starting to find out, he accepted a lifetime ban from baseball in order to get MLB to stop investigating. He denied it for years, but recently admitted it was true. Because he is banned for life from baseball, he is not allowed to get into the Hall of Fame, which is a source of controversy. Personally, I think he should be allowed to be in the Hall of Fame because he wasn't going to be a hall of famer as a manager, where he bet on games, but as a player.

I agree with pretty much all of this. He agreed with the ban, but what he agreed to allowed him to apply for re-admission after one year.

Even all but the most egregious crimes have a statute of limitations. It's been 20 years. Let it go already. It's not like he threw games to win bets.




Tinwhistler said:
blotsfan said:
Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of all time, but after he retired he went into managing and bet on the games (though only on his own team). When people were starting to find out, he accepted a lifetime ban from baseball in order to get MLB to stop investigating. He denied it for years, but recently admitted it was true. Because he is banned for life from baseball, he is not allowed to get into the Hall of Fame, which is a source of controversy. Personally, I think he should be allowed to be in the Hall of Fame because he wasn't going to be a hall of famer as a manager, where he bet on games, but as a player.

I agree with pretty much all of this. He agreed with the ban, but what he agreed to allowed him to apply for re-admission after one year.

Even all but the most egregious crimes have a statute of limitations. It's been 20 years. Let it go already. It's not like he threw games to win bets.
I'm with you on this. Other sports figures have done worse and not got half the punishment Pete got. Of course, he was a huge dick about it and pissed off enough of the right people that he's pretty much guarenteed his lifetime ban. You know they'll lift it after he's dead which is a shame because he'll never see it.




Tinwhistler said:
blotsfan said:
Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of all time, but after he retired he went into managing and bet on the games (though only on his own team). When people were starting to find out, he accepted a lifetime ban from baseball in order to get MLB to stop investigating. He denied it for years, but recently admitted it was true. Because he is banned for life from baseball, he is not allowed to get into the Hall of Fame, which is a source of controversy. Personally, I think he should be allowed to be in the Hall of Fame because he wasn't going to be a hall of famer as a manager, where he bet on games, but as a player.

I agree with pretty much all of this. He agreed with the ban, but what he agreed to allowed him to apply for re-admission after one year.

Even all but the most egregious crimes have a statute of limitations. It's been 20 years. Let it go already. It's not like he threw games to win bets.
It's been 90 years for Shoeless Joe Jackson. Him first.




DarkAudit said:
Tinwhistler said:
blotsfan said:
Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of all time, but after he retired he went into managing and bet on the games (though only on his own team). When people were starting to find out, he accepted a lifetime ban from baseball in order to get MLB to stop investigating. He denied it for years, but recently admitted it was true. Because he is banned for life from baseball, he is not allowed to get into the Hall of Fame, which is a source of controversy. Personally, I think he should be allowed to be in the Hall of Fame because he wasn't going to be a hall of famer as a manager, where he bet on games, but as a player.

I agree with pretty much all of this. He agreed with the ban, but what he agreed to allowed him to apply for re-admission after one year.

Even all but the most egregious crimes have a statute of limitations. It's been 20 years. Let it go already. It's not like he threw games to win bets.
It's been 90 years for Shoeless Joe Jackson. Him first.
Sounds good to me. Both should be in the Hall.




The only reason I would support Shoeless Joe is because lately there has been a lot of evidence showing that he wasn't one of the players. If he actually did fix the series, he still should be banned.




He didn't bet on his own games, and didn't do anything to fix any games. Knowing that there will be multiple steroid cheats that will get into the Hall, (identified or otherwise) his sins seem slightly tamer. Both offenses taint the integrity of the game, but one could argue that steroids are worse, because the ultimately do alter the outcomes of games. Those cheaters are still in the game, so why not let Rose back in? Let him have his Hall shot, and see how the writers respond.


Sure, I remember Pete Rose! He helped create a great sports legacy...

...getting the crap beat out of him by Kane!




The Hall of Fame should be a Museum of Baseball instead. That way you can include the complete history of baseball, the good and the bad. Let people see all of baseball, unvarnished.




absolutely. They let these douchebags bang steroids and HGH and don't even give them serious suspensions. This guy deserves to be reinstated,


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Keeping Pete Rose out and leaving Ty Cobb in is extremely hypocritical.

but still, in a vacuum, I'd have both of them in.




I'd rather have Barry, Jose, Mark and Sammy in the HOF before Pete.




Pete Rose 4,256 May 5, 1978 1963-78, 84-86 Cincinnati; 79-83 Philadelphia (NL), 84 Montréal

Ty Cobb 4,1911 August 19, 1921 1905-26 Detroit; 27-28 Philadelphia (AL)
The only reason to have Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame.

That and the head first slide, and being the hardest working man in baseball for 23 years.



He's the all-time hits leader, and deserves to be in the Hall. Put the fact that he was banned for betting on his plaque or whatever makes them feel better about it.

And yes, Shoeless Joe deserves to be there if it can be proven he didn't conspire to throw the Series.

[/twins fan]




Armadillo said:
[/twins fan]
[/Pirates fan]


Armadillo said:
He's the all-time hits leader, and deserves to be in the Hall. Put the fact that he was banned for betting on his plaque or whatever makes them feel better about it.

And yes, Shoeless Joe deserves to be there if it can be proven he didn't conspire to throw the Series.
Agreed with both. Let the ban on Rose stand but it's always bothered me that he can't get into the Hall, for exactly the reason that blotsfan mentioned.

As for Joe, has there been any research or anything lately to try and exonerate him? Not saying I believe he was involved one way or the other but since there's so much doubt and he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, it would seem to behoove someone to open up that can of worms again.




ZenMonkey said:
As for Joe, has there been any research or anything lately to try and exonerate him? Not saying I believe he was involved one way or the other but since there's so much doubt and he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, it would seem to behoove someone to open up that can of worms again.
I believe most of the players who were involved in the fix later admitted that they only said Shoeless Joe was involved because they wanted to make their story sound better.
