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Restore Fear/Sanity Rally Live feed


Element 117

just in case you dont have a TV nearby

Live Video Stream | Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear




My wife has a hat from the rallies. It's too cool for me to wear.




Oh my GOD!! I had no clue they'd pull that many people! Amazing!




How many people did they get?




At least 150,000.


Element 117

Cat Stevens Vs Ozzie Vs OJays. = AWESOME




This is freaking amazing!



Frankie Williamson

That is terribly impressive.




Does this remind anyone else of Woodstock?




Yeah, I couldn't believe it when I first saw them scan the crowd. Remarkable.





Does this remind anyone else of Woodstock?
You're the only forumite old enough to have been there, so we can't answer that.



Frankie Williamson

Yeah Mick Foley!


Element 117

"You dont have a koran!"




I think on of the Reasonable Awards should have gone to the Austin, TX councilman who started the "It Gets Better" campaign.




What was that Motown group they opened with? There was too much noise at the restaurant so I couldn't hear.


Element 117

I think on of the Reasonable Awards should have gone to the Austin, TX councilman who started the "It Gets Better" campaign.
What is the It Gets Better Project? | It Gets Better Project

He participated. Technically Dan Savage started it.

Sorry OCD thing




A Kid Rock song that doesn't make me wish I was deaf. I guess I can still be surprised.




I think on of the Reasonable Awards should have gone to the Austin, TX councilman who started the "It Gets Better" campaign.
What is the It Gets Better Project? | It Gets Better Project

He participated. Technically Dan Savage started it.

Sorry OCD thing[/QUOTE]

Huh. I thought he started it after he gave his speech. I stand corrected. But he still deserved it for his speech. And Dan should get one for starting the movement. :D


Element 117

What was that Motown group they opened with? There was too much noise at the restaurant so I couldn't hear.
the roots wasn't it?



Frankie Williamson

This is a good God damn speech.




That was an incredible speech. The whole thing ws great from start to finish. I'd like to thank Amy for the post as I would have totally forgotten to watch it.




Yes it was The Roots, and remember "Make Awkward Sexual Advances Not War!"




That was an incredible speech. The whole thing ws great from start to finish. I'd like to thank Amy for the post as I would have totally forgotten to watch it.
Seconded. I wholeheartedly endorse mr. Stewart's message, even though the cynic in me can't help but wonder how effective this will really be.




Man, why do I have to work today?

Maybe they'll replay this stuff tomorrow.




That was some crazy shit. I wish I had gotten there earlier so I could've seen more of The Roots.

I took pictures, but they aren't very good. Too far away from the main stage unfortunately.

I don't know how the crowd looked on TV, but it was seriously packed. I could barely breathe without bumping into people.



That was a fantastic rally, through and through. I wish that were the standard for political rallies.

And Vagabond the crowd looked absurd. An ocean of people packed tightly as far as the eye could see. Pretty awesome stuff.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I was amazed seeing people from the capitol to the Washington Monument. We were going to go until we heard how huge it was supposed to be, so we were fine watching it online.

I agree with Jon Stewart's message in his speech at the end. While I too wonder how effective it will be, whether it'll make people in the discourse of things consider the reality in their words, he is right. We are stronger than the politicians and pundits say, and we can do better. His Lincoln Tunnel analogy was perfect.




A mock presidential ticket of "Palin, Voldemort, 2012" left little doubt about its bearer's leanings.
Would Voldemort be president or vice-president?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Vice. That's why he's second on the ticket.


Philosopher B.

Oh shit. It all makes sense now. That's why Palin has such big hair.




Oh shit. It all makes sense now. That's why Palin has such big hair.
Note-to-self: make a picture based on that.


General Specific

General Specific

It was insane... which is a bit weird. However, it was an awesome time. I was near the middle behind 7th street and it was packed there. The Yusuf/Ozzy/O'Jays bit was my favorite part of the whole thing.





Yes it was The Roots, and remember "Make Awkward Sexual Advances Not War!"
That should be the Motto of this board.


Element 117

Yes it was The Roots, and remember "Make Awkward Sexual Advances Not War!"
That should be the Motto of this board.[/QUOTE]

It is, and it's one of the reason's many don't post as much as they used to. *waggles eyebrows in Shego's direction*




Yes it was The Roots, and remember "Make Awkward Sexual Advances Not War!"
That should be the Motto of this board.[/QUOTE]

It is, and it's one of the reason's many don't post as much as they used to. *waggles eyebrows in Shego's direction*[/QUOTE]

How YOU doin'?


Element 117

after that fantastic magical month, disappointed.




after that fantastic magical month, disappointed.

Want an even bigger dissapointment?

Wink wink.




I think I'm gonna have to kill makare just so I can marry Jon Stewart.


Element 117

after that fantastic magical month, disappointed.

Want an even bigger dissapointment?

Wink wink.[/QUOTE]

disappointment requires anticipation, and maybe desire, not apathy.

Also, I can't legally endorse killing anyone, but hey, wouldn't you have to kill Stewart's wife too?




Keith Olbermann rolls out the whaaambulance with a series of twitter posts complaining that Fox's brand of over-the-top isn't the same as his.

Keith Olbermann said:
It wasn't a big shark but Jon Stewart jumped one just now with the "everybody on Thr cable is the same" naiveté
Which apparently irritated people, to whom he responded with:
Keith Olbermann said:
The America before today's cable wasn't reasonable discussion.It was the 1-sided lockstep of Fox and people afraid of Fox.That got us Iraq.
Keith Olbermann said:
I wish it were otherwise. But you can tone down all you want and the result will be: the Right will only get LOUDER. Sorry.
See, Keith, what you are missing is Stewart wasn't saying one side is as bad as another, or they do it the same amount, or even disagreeing is wrong. It's the language used (like your Worst Person in the World segment) that goes way over the top in demonizing people who have different opinions than you.

There is a reason why some pundits were featured multiple times and some not at all. Those who weren't featured don't tend to make ridiculous assertions about those who have different political views.




Keith Olbermann rolls out the whaaambulance with a series of twitter posts complaining that Fox's brand of over-the-top isn't the same as his.

Keith Olbermann said:
It wasn't a big shark but Jon Stewart jumped one just now with the "everybody on Thr cable is the same" naiveté
Which apparently irritated people, to whom he responded with:
Keith Olbermann said:
The America before today's cable wasn't reasonable discussion.It was the 1-sided lockstep of Fox and people afraid of Fox.That got us Iraq.
Keith Olbermann said:
I wish it were otherwise. But you can tone down all you want and the result will be: the Right will only get LOUDER. Sorry.
See, Keith, what you are missing is Stewart wasn't saying one side is as bad as another, or they do it the same amount, or even disagreeing is wrong. It's the language used (like your Worst Person in the World segment) that goes way over the top in demonizing people who have different opinions than you.

There is a reason why some pundits were featured multiple times and some not at all. Those who weren't featured don't tend to make ridiculous assertions about those who have different political views.
Rachel Maddow > Keith Olberman by far.




Any extreme is bad, though... extreme polarization is not good for anyone... even if you sympathize with one side. Let's learn at least that from the Rally.




Any extreme is bad, though... extreme polarization is not good for anyone... even if you sympathize with one side. Let's learn at least that from the Rally.
I'm ok with extreme polarization. Stewart even said we have very different ideas. It's the vitriol and the painting people who disagree as un-American, evil, suspicious, dangerous, and unstable that he was trying to get across at the rally and wanted to bring attention to.







Well, sorta. He still is pouting that he's unfairly compared to the other guys. He's taking the "Yeah, I do it, but those guys are worse" stance.




Any extreme is bad, though... extreme polarization is not good for anyone... even if you sympathize with one side. Let's learn at least that from the Rally.
I'm ok with extreme polarization. Stewart even said we have very different ideas. It's the vitriol and the painting people who disagree as un-American, evil, suspicious, dangerous, and unstable that he was trying to get across at the rally and wanted to bring attention to.[/QUOTE]

No, extreme polarization means no compromise, without compromise no one advances. The heart of Stewart's speech is the Lincoln Tunnel analogy... no matter how much you may agree with Olbermann, he's part of the problem. If we were to adapt the pundits to the tunnel analogy, O'Reilly and Olbermann would block the entire tunnel trying to cut each other off and not letting the other one go first, ever.

That is what's hurting the US.




I hate the Lincoln tunnel. I've hated it every time I've had to go through it. Thank god I don't commute through it, or I would hate all of humanity by now.




Any extreme is bad, though... extreme polarization is not good for anyone... even if you sympathize with one side. Let's learn at least that from the Rally.
I'm ok with extreme polarization. Stewart even said we have very different ideas. It's the vitriol and the painting people who disagree as un-American, evil, suspicious, dangerous, and unstable that he was trying to get across at the rally and wanted to bring attention to.[/QUOTE]

No, extreme polarization means no compromise, without compromise no one advances. The heart of Stewart's speech is the Lincoln Tunnel analogy... no matter how much you may agree with Olbermann, he's part of the problem. If we were to adapt the pundits to the tunnel analogy, O'Reilly and Olbermann would block the entire tunnel trying to cut each other off and not letting the other one go first, ever.

That is what's hurting the US.[/QUOTE]
When did I say I agree with either of them? I don't think you've been reading my posts.




Whoa, we're supposed to read each others posts before commenting? What the hell kind of internet is this? ;)




Whoa, we're supposed to read each others posts before commenting? What the hell kind of internet is this? ;)
Gah, I knew I was doing something wrong!




Any extreme is bad, though... extreme polarization is not good for anyone... even if you sympathize with one side. Let's learn at least that from the Rally.
I'm ok with extreme polarization. Stewart even said we have very different ideas. It's the vitriol and the painting people who disagree as un-American, evil, suspicious, dangerous, and unstable that he was trying to get across at the rally and wanted to bring attention to.[/QUOTE]

No, extreme polarization means no compromise, without compromise no one advances. The heart of Stewart's speech is the Lincoln Tunnel analogy... no matter how much you may agree with Olbermann, he's part of the problem. If we were to adapt the pundits to the tunnel analogy, O'Reilly and Olbermann would block the entire tunnel trying to cut each other off and not letting the other one go first, ever.

That is what's hurting the US.[/QUOTE]
When did I say I agree with either of them? I don't think you've been reading my posts.[/QUOTE]

I never said you said you did, my post was responding to your "I'm fine with extreme polarization" and "even Jon said we can have different ideas".

You need to brush up on YOUR reading comprehension ;)




Sorry, Calleja, I just can't accept that. The idea that there is no compromise because of polarizing views is a near impossibility. Eventually, if there is civil debate and discussion, there will be a breakdown and there will be compromise.

No matter how polarized the views, there will always be a commonality somewhere which can be worked on and expanded on.


Element 117

Whoa, we're supposed to read each others posts before commenting? What the hell kind of internet is this? ;)
Gah, I knew I was doing something wrong![/QUOTE]



General Specific

General Specific

C-SPAN Video Player - Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear Today in Washington

First hour is missing, but everything w/ Stewart & Colbert is there.




But the first hour had the MYTHBUSTERS!




I'll drop this here:

Can't say I agree with Maher, because I don't think that's the message Stewart/Colbert were trying to send at all. Close...but I don't think they were saying that both sides were equally to blame at all. After all, they're unabashed liberals.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

QQ some more, angry liberal talking heads.
