Return of the Kanye West Meme

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Staff member
Okay, now that we are moved and faster and hotlinking is verboten, I'm posting this. No, I'm not reopening old wounds.

This morning I opened up my morning newspapers - which Scott Kurtz has wounded but not killed yet - and I'm greeted by this story:

What we are parodying: Kanye West

I thought this was fairly funny at first but then saw the picture. On the web site it's the second one of two. My question is, wasn't that one of our originals?!? Has one of our original postings gone so viral that it's being used in newspapers?
The end is neigh! The jackass of the apocalypse is upon us again! Repent your E-sins for tomorrow we will be but dust in the wind.

It was nice knowing you guys. Tell Hal I'd forum her.
Well it was nice knowing all of you :(

Surely Dave has rung the doom bell and has summoned out deaths to appease some greater evil.


Staff member
The Kanye meme was started way before Halforums. So is that really one of ours? Or someone on 4chan. I tend to think the latter.


Staff member
The Kanye meme was started way before Halforums. So is that really one of ours? Or someone on 4chan. I tend to think the latter.
That's basically what I was trying to discern. I know we had some here that were originals. I think it would be great if this was one of ours.
I don't believe that image originated with our forum.

Also - nice way to try and test the new server setup, but that meme is old enough that it won't work.

Try to keep up here.



Staff member
I'm still mad that apparently one of my booby pictures has gone viral and nobody's given me credit for it :mad:

Right there, on the first page of a Google image search for boobies.

this thread represents the two cardinal rules of halforum to me

1) nothing good+original eminates from here
2) posting about memes/running jokes way past their expiration date
That and Charlie posting something completely unhelpful to a thread to justify himself in some weird ego boosting "mightier than thou" way.


Maybe by good, Charlie means "culturally beneficial". Because that's totally the case, even if I'd argue our fantasy football podcast could do people a service (I try to pepper the Halforum specific stuff with general fantasy tips). :p

Original? Eh. Just look at the October contest thread, TONS of originality there.
Alright. That was really harsh. I take it back, and apologize. The podcast is pretty cool. I was mainly referring to the image macros/etc always being from elsewhere, I guess.


So how did the leapin' lawyer turn out on fark? I know there were other places where it completely bombed.
yeah, i can't even google search to find leaping lawyer memes. I know i searched like hell whenever the photoshop contest was on, because I knew I'd seen it before and thought I'd look around for inspiration, but I couldn't find a thing. heh
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