"Murdered man 'huge douche', judge lets perp go"The American Justice system is so convoluted and methodical. Instead of applying generic laws to individual cases and, you know, constructing some sort of justice system based on the circumstances, everything is done in such bullshit black and white fashion.
Haha."Murdered man 'huge douche', judge lets perp go"The American Justice system is so convoluted and methodical. Instead of applying generic laws to individual cases and, you know, constructing some sort of justice system based on the circumstances, everything is done in such bullshit black and white fashion.
Riight, that's exactly what happened. He wasn't pressured into a plea bargain or anything by the judge or police. A 13 year old girl just happened to be walking home from school when Polanski and his goons hunted her down off the bus, and forced her into Jack Nicolson's house.haha.
don't worry though, i think this is kind of dumb too! i mean, he took naked pictures of, then drugged/raped a 13 year old girl, but she forgave him, so it's all good.
: |
welp, looks like we've hit the other side of wrong.I'm hoping he goes to jail for life. I'm just annoyed California doesn't have the death penalty
hm. so has he at some point denied the charges against him?Riight, that's exactly what happened. He wasn't pressured into a plea bargain or anything by the judge or police. A 13 year old girl just happened to be walking home from school when Polanski and his goons hunted her down off the bus, and forced her into Jack Nicolson's house.
People get that kind of punishment for drunken bar fights.I don't think he shouldn't pay towards the crime with some kind of community service, fines, and a small stint in jail...
Um...you can stop being annoyed then.I'm just annoyed California doesn't have the death penalty
I'm going to venture a guess that you forgot about Sharon Tate.Roman Polanski...yeah, huge danger to society there. I say if they lock him away, they should release Charles Manson to balance out the prison costs.
...30 years ago, alleged and basically forced confession. Roman Polanski is not a danger to society. Isn't that the whole point of incarceration? To rehabilitate? I don't see the guy going on mass raping sprees.Apparently France wants him to be treated lightly because of his \"exceptional artistic creation and human qualities.\" Oh, WELL THEN, I guess we can excuse the rape because he makes good movies. So if you want to commit acts of violence or sexual abuse, just be an artist and you'll get a slap on the wrist in France!
I'm going to venture a guess that you forgot about Sharon Tate.Roman Polanski...yeah, huge danger to society there. I say if they lock him away, they should release Charles Manson to balance out the prison costs.
I'm going to venture a guess that you forgot about Sharon Tate.Roman Polanski...yeah, huge danger to society there. I say if they lock him away, they should release Charles Manson to balance out the prison costs.
that's... pretty much how all of history has worked. might as well just change "artist" to "famous" and remove "in France!"Apparently France wants him to be treated lightly because of his \"exceptional artistic creation and human qualities.\" Oh, WELL THEN, I guess we can excuse the rape because he makes good movies. So if you want to commit acts of violence or sexual abuse, just be an artist and you'll get a slap on the wrist in France!
i don't exactly see eye to eye with hitler, but it doesn't stop me from telling holocaust jokes that are in poor taste ("even for me")Gurpel, let's just say I have very little compassion for a tweaked-out sadistic bastard and his little harem killing a pregnant woman. The complete lack of humanity in that act... GRRRRRAAAAAHHH!!!
In his defense did you see pictures of her? She was one hot 13 year old. Who here wouldn't hit that?haha.
don't worry though, i think this is kind of dumb too! i mean, he took naked pictures of, then drugged/raped a 13 year old girl, but she forgave him, so it's all good.
: |
I was waiting for some numb nut to mention my daughter. I'm kinda disappointed it was you.So Chaz...when your daughter is 13, let's say some guy in his 40's gives her alcohol, puts some kind of drug in her drink, and then proceeds to rape and sodomize her. You wouldn't want any kind of justice for him drugging and raping your little girl as long as she forgives him. You'd want him to live his life free as a bird, right?
you have to go to the "advanced" version to work.I wouldn't have my daughter go off and do a 'private' midnight photo shoot with him in Jack Nicholson's house.
* what the hell is up with editing posts?*
She's right, he shouldn't have to go to jail forever. Even a few years is excessive.The girl didn't forgive him - she just doesn't think he should go to jail forever.
I'm not at all saying what he did was right in the least, but the guy is not a danger to society. The punishment at this point would not fit.The girl didn't forgive him - she just doesn't think he should go to jail forever.
I'm not at all saying what he did was right in the least, but the guy is not a danger to society. The punishment at this point would not fit.[/QUOTE]The girl didn't forgive him - she just doesn't think he should go to jail forever.
I'm not at all saying what he did was right in the least, but the guy is not a danger to society. The punishment at this point would not fit.[/QUOTE]The girl didn't forgive him - she just doesn't think he should go to jail forever.
It does seem like they wanted him worse than Osama bin Laden.The thing that irks me is how U.S. prosecutors have been pushing this so hard and pretty much pressured the Swiss police to make the arrest. The point isn't about the pursuit of justice anymore. It's to lynch him and say, "we got our man."
Yeah, but last I heard prostitution is legal...What did they imagine would happen? They knew they were whoring their daughter for a chance of stardom and money.
Really? Cause I think having one's 8 month pregnant wife stabbed to death would dramatically alter someone's mental state for many years to come. I don't agree with what the guy did in the least, but lets look at the facts.Guh, mental flub on my part.
Either or it's not generally used in rape cases...the inmates do that part sans appeals.
Also, I have a -very- dim view of rapists and especially child rapists. Just because his wife was killed by the Manson family is no excuse for him to get sympathy on this matter.
No, Mr. Wozel, there are many reasons for incarceration. Some of which are, in no particular order:Roman Polanski is not a danger to society. Isn't that the whole point of incarceration? To rehabilitate?
No, Mr. Wozel, there are many reasons for incarceration. Some of which are, in no particular order:Roman Polanski is not a danger to society. Isn't that the whole point of incarceration? To rehabilitate?
hmmm, Michael Vick seems to have committed pretty inhumane crimes, and he's forgiven and forgotten after serving a light sentence, primarily because he's got talent.And imagine the precedent that would set, Chaz. The words "fucked up on drugs" can be twisted by defense lawyers in a million different ways to gain lighter sentencing for their clients (not that it hasn't been done before, it would just have more weight).
This also sets a precedent that if you flee from sentencing and run away to another country, as long as your 'achievements stand as a monument to your character' you can get off essentially scott-free.
A murderer and thief who uses his other natural talents to create beautiful, lasting and timeless works of art that make the angels weep is still a murderer and should be treated as such. Thusly should Polanski
You sure about that? Citation, please.Funny, after O.J. was acquitted after being blatantly guilty, murder rates did not rise in the U.S. because potential murders figured they'd get off easy as long as they had a good lawyer.
No, primarily because he committed those acts against animals which have little protection.Michael Vick seems to have committed pretty inhumane crimes, and he's forgiven and forgotten after serving a light sentence, primarily because he's got talent.
You sure about that? Citation, please.Funny, after O.J. was acquitted after being blatantly guilty, murder rates did not rise in the U.S. because potential murders figured they'd get off easy as long as they had a good lawyer.
You sure about that? Citation, please.Funny, after O.J. was acquitted after being blatantly guilty, murder rates did not rise in the U.S. because potential murders figured they'd get off easy as long as they had a good lawyer.
No, primarily because he committed those acts against animals which have little protection.Michael Vick seems to have committed pretty inhumane crimes, and he's forgiven and forgotten after serving a light sentence, primarily because he's got talent.
Good for him. His crime occurred in the United States.Polanski did plead guilty. And the European public loves him...
Then don't make assertions you can't back up.I'm not hunting down citations for you
You are saying that he shouldn't be treated as a CHILD RAPE SUSPECT. Of course it appears that you condone what he did.Do please stop making it seem like I condone what he did. I don't.
Pleading guilty does not equate to an apology, and more often than not involves a plea deal which says, "I'm not REALLY guilty, but I'm cutting a deal so I don't have to be punished for the crime I actually committed, but instead will be punished for a lessor crime."Polanski did plead guilty.
Huh, you brought up Michael Vick and US attitudes changing for him, and now you're talking about European attitudes? Dude, your train is derailed.And the European public loves him...
Except that the age of the victim is the main argument for rape... otherwise he would have had a good defence case.There is only one punishment suitable for rapists. The age of the victim is completely irrelevant.
Then don't make assertions you can't back up.I'm not hunting down citations for you
You are saying that he shouldn't be treated as a CHILD RAPE SUSPECT. Of course it appears that you condone what he did.Do please stop making it seem like I condone what he did. I don't.
Pleading guilty does not equate to an apology, and more often than not involves a plea deal which says, "I'm not REALLY guilty, but I'm cutting a deal so I don't have to be punished for the crime I actually committed, but instead will be punished for a lessor crime."Polanski did plead guilty.
Huh, you brought up Michael Vick and US attitudes changing for him, and now you're talking about European attitudes? Dude, your train is derailed.And the European public loves him...
Once an aspiring actress, Geimer has said she long ago got over what Polanski did to her. She sued him, and a settlement was reached out of court. But the media, prosecutors and the courts in Los Angeles, California, continue to torment her, she has said.
Ummm.... yea, I am coming into this thread late... butI I say if they lock him away, they should release Charles Manson to balance out the prison costs.
And just think. If he had just faced the music and done his time instead of skipping out before sentencing, then this would have been resolved over 25 years ago and it would merely be a footnote in history.http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/09/29/polanski.victim.profile/index.html
media, prosecutors and the courts in Los Angeles, California, continue to torment her, she has said.
Ummm.... yea, I am coming into this thread late... butI I say if they lock him away, they should release Charles Manson to balance out the prison costs.
Then don't make assertions you can't back up.I'm not hunting down citations for you
He fled sentencing altogether whie he was out on bail.I don't know off the top of my head if it's a crime or not, but I think he should face U.S. prison time for fleeing his plea sentence.
Then don't make assertions you can't back up.I'm not hunting down citations for you
And that also has nothing to do with the smaller campus population vs a large city population and the higher ratio of college kids smoking more dope (and having easier access to it) than non college folk...I could go ahead and show marijuana use on University of Michigan campus (where the campus police will NOT arrest for possession) and Ann Arbor city in general (where city police will arrest for possession) and the fact that Ann Arbor Police cannot work on Campus. I could then go to show that marijuana use is greater on campus than off.
Actually, Americans, in general, usually want to lynch the suspect before he/she's even proven guilty. I think most of the United States want Polanski to burn at the stake, because we loves us a good scapgoat. Someone to point at and say, "at least I ain't evil like that dar varmint." Black and white thinking. Gotta love it.Why do we as a public never want to punish people for fleeing the law? It's a crime and has punishments associated with it. Why should we let this guy go from his original crime and fleeing his sentence? Because he's famous? Because he's sorry? Not that he fled the country for sure. Or maybe because he avoided the law for such a long amount of time he's not a threat anymore. Well damn, we shouldn't charge anyone if they can get away from it for long enough.
black and white logic is the reason why the world is as fucked up as it is.Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
What exactly do you think is punishment?Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
What exactly do you think is punishment?[/QUOTE]Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
black and white logic is the reason why the world is as fucked up as it is.[/QUOTE]Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
black and white logic is the reason why the world is as fucked up as it is.[/QUOTE]Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
black and white logic is the reason why the world is as fucked up as it is.[/quote]Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
black and white logic is the reason why the world is as fucked up as it is.[/quote]Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
black and white logic is the reason why the world is as fucked up as it is.[/quote]Well I don't speak for the rest of America but I'm a "black and white" guy I guess. I feel that if a crime is committed the punishment should be carried out no matter who you are.
I remember reading about a particular French case in which several low level governmental employees were running and participating in a child sex slave ring. One day, the father of one of the girls involved in the ring collects his child and runs to the US, seeking asylum. The US grants it and everything looks like it will be a happy ending... until one day, French officials kidnap the girl and take her back to France. They refuse to return her and the Father is turned away at the border (or Airport rather) when he tries to go back and get her.This entire case reminds me of this:
The guy drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. I very much enjoy his movies, I can respect the French for not extraditing him because he's a citizen of France, but he drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. He took his penis, stuck it in her vagina, then stuck it in her ass to ejaculate. That shit don't fly.
Juxtaposition is important when dealing metaphorically.This entire case reminds me of this:
The guy drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. I very much enjoy his movies, I can respect the French for not extraditing him because he's a citizen of France, but he drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. He took his penis, stuck it in her vagina, then stuck it in her ass to ejaculate. That shit don't fly.
Facepalm @ Woody, but a giant WTF to Martin. This "he's a great artist" bullshit makes me want to spit nails."Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen are among a group of people in the film industry who have signed a petition objecting to the 76-year-old director's arrest."
Oh, Woody Allen's out there defending charges of sex with minors.. That's helpful!
Juxtaposition is important when dealing metaphorically.[/QUOTE]This entire case reminds me of this:
The guy drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. I very much enjoy his movies, I can respect the French for not extraditing him because he's a citizen of France, but he drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. He took his penis, stuck it in her vagina, then stuck it in her ass to ejaculate. That shit don't fly.
Yeah, I really feel bad for her, constantly having to have this dredged up. No wonder she just wants it all over with.I find it funny that these articles come out days after Samantha Geimer was quoted in saying the media was far worse than what Polanski did to her.
That's true. Now that the brilliant minds at the View have weighed in we can all go home.hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
I think in Whoopi's own little stupid way she was trying to blurt out that it was statutory rape. Eitherway, that statement made me /facepalm in real life when I heard it.hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
I know it is a little caveman of me, but I still see it as much more distasteful/illegal/immoral to yank some one off the street at the point of a weapon - than what the crime committed by Polanski.hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
I know it is a little caveman of me, but I still see it as much more distasteful/illegal/immoral to yank some one off the street at the point of a weapon - than what the crime committed by Polanski.
I know it is a little caveman of me, but I still see it as much more distasteful/illegal/immoral to yank some one off the street at the point of a weapon - than what the crime committed by Polanski.hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
I think in Whoopi's own little stupid way she was trying to blurt out that it was statutory rape. Eitherway, that statement made me /facepalm in real life when I heard it.[/QUOTE]hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
Actually, some places in the US DO have a statute of limitations on rape and murder because it's not a federal crime, and each state/county can set it's own statute. It's asinine... some places actually have longer statutes for parking tickets than they do for Rape.Well, it's been a long time.
But you know what? We don't have a statute of limitations on some crimes, like rape and murder. He still needs to be brought to the justice system to account for his accounts.
Just because you successfully fled the country for a few decades doesn't mean you get a free pass.
It really surprised me how many people came out to support him. You'd expect a few no matter what he did but goddamn, it's like there is a separate reality that we didn't know about.hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
It really surprised me how many people came out to support him. You'd expect a few no matter what he did but goddamn, it's like there is a separate reality that we didn't know about.[/QUOTE]hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
It really surprised me how many people came out to support him. You'd expect a few no matter what he did but goddamn, it's like there is a separate reality that we didn't know about.[/QUOTE]hey according to Whoopi It's not like it was rape-rape.
This is the same thing Oprah is saying.I supported him back when I thought it was a statutory rape charge. Then I read what happened, and the girl's testimony, and I fully admit that I was wrong, and that he should be brought to justice.
It could be that the majority of people supporting him simply don't know the facts.
We prefer to call it a Freedom Prison.Living in a mansion in France is not a punishment.
This is the same thing Oprah is saying.I supported him back when I thought it was a statutory rape charge. Then I read what happened, and the girl's testimony, and I fully admit that I was wrong, and that he should be brought to justice.
It could be that the majority of people supporting him simply don't know the facts.
We prefer to call it a Freedom Prison.[/QUOTE]Living in a mansion in France is not a punishment.
This is the same thing Oprah is saying.I supported him back when I thought it was a statutory rape charge. Then I read what happened, and the girl's testimony, and I fully admit that I was wrong, and that he should be brought to justice.
It could be that the majority of people supporting him simply don't know the facts.
Can't be much more clear than that. You support statutory rapists. Awesome.I supported him back when I thought it was a statutory rape charge.
No one is saying that. The problem is, that's not the issue at all. The issue is they finally got him.So let's not pretend Polanski is the only bad apple.
Just to clear it up. He didn't have consensual sex with a 13 year old. HE DRUGGED AND RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD.Having had a 14 year old gf when I was 22, I personally don't put much weight in "statutory rape" when both people are reasonably young. Much older than that, and the divide between the two generations becomes too big to comfortably cross and it becomes a matter of pure lust and on that basis alone, I don't believe it's right (unless the two people really DO love each other and manage to bridge that gap). If it's a case of sex and nothing else, I'm against it in any case. Heck, I don't even believe in one night stands let alone having a minor involved. I DO believe in love, however, and think people don't choose who they love and from the age 14+ onwards, some teenagers are well capable of having a close relationship. My gf was very mature for her age and a heck more mature than most other girls I knew my own age which says it all. I've never regretted it and neither has she - in fact, she recently told me that what we had back then changed her for the better.
Anyway, what Polanski did was NOT statutory rape, I just wanted to get the above off my chest since the discussion was revolving around that topic as well. What he did was wrong. What the girl's parents did was wrong. The industry is full of hidden shameful secrets and if they were to lift the lid, I think you might be surprised how many worse skeletons than this would fall out of the closets all over Hollywood. Too many parents are over-eager to get their children to become successful - many many models have sex with managers, designers, etc. at the age of 14-15 to get a job, to climb the ladder. It's an open secret of the industry that this happens everywhere. I've personally talked to East European girls who admitted that sex was a "must" for them to even be taken seriously as a model. So let's not pretend Polanski is the only bad apple.
Hence myJust to clear it up. He didn't have consensual sex with a 13 year old. HE DRUGGED AND RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD.
Better read a post first before replying.Anyway, what Polanski did was NOT statutory rape
maybe they should take a closer look at what is going on *right now*.
^^^It has nothing to do with who else may have done what.
Where's the eyeroll emoticon? Ah, here it is:I got the idea from this sentence:
Can't be much more clear than that. You support statutory rapists. Awesome.I supported him back when I thought it was a statutory rape charge.
I think this might have been mentioned once or twice already.Just to clear it up. He didn't have consensual sex with a 13 year old. HE DRUGGED AND RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD.
Hence myJust to clear it up. He didn't have consensual sex with a 13 year old. HE DRUGGED AND RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD.
Better read a post first before replying.Anyway, what Polanski did was NOT statutory rape
You don't have to call me out, I never called you out.And just for Shakey's sake, I'll go ahead and repeat that I've since realized I was wrong, now that I know the full details of what happened.
I think this might have been mentioned once or twice already.[/quote]Just to clear it up. He didn't have consensual sex with a 13 year old. HE DRUGGED AND RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD.
You don't have to call me out, I never called you out.And just for Shakey's sake, I'll go ahead and repeat that I've since realized I was wrong, now that I know the full details of what happened.
I think this might have been mentioned once or twice already.[/quote]Just to clear it up. He didn't have consensual sex with a 13 year old. HE DRUGGED AND RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD.
Cool. It just frustrates me to no end that this will end with the typical ending. No real discussion as to what he did, because he is a good guy who made pretty movies. Meanwhile all those people who weren't really "rape-raped" will fucking hesitate because of this.Oh no, wasn't calling you out. You're stating the fact that a lot of people missed, myself included, when first hearing this story, and there ain't nothing wrong with that. I was just making it clear where I stand, so you wouldn't have to waste a round preachin' to the choir.
I'm talking about in terms of media attention - it's often via the media that such cases come to light in the first place.No, Icarus, I don't give a flying fuck how many rape cases they're prosecuting right now. Unless every lawyer in the country is tied up on serial rapists I think we can spare something to bring a man to justice even though he got away with it for thirty years.
If anything this shows the law is hopelessly out of date and needs a great deal of refinement. When a 19 year old can "rape" a 17 year old when it's consensual, the law is a joke, full stop. Refining it will make the law stronger and it will stop some ridiculous cases from going to court between a teenage boy and girlfriend. Not to mention that states among each other can't even come to an agreement when it's rape and when it's not. In Europe, many countries already have a new law which makes exceptions based on age differences and rightfully so.^^^
Yes, I had my virginity taken away from me at 17 by "statutory rape." Yes, the guy was 19 and it was 100% consensual. Just because people laugh off statutory rape in situations like these doesn't mean the statute doesn't exist for a reason, and that reason is Roman fucking Polanski in case he further had the gall to claim it was consensual.
If anything this shows the law is hopelessly out of date and needs a great deal of refinement. When a 19 year old can "rape" a 17 year old when it's consensual, the law is a joke, full stop. Refining it will make the law stronger and it will stop some ridiculous cases from going to court between a teenage boy and girlfriend. Not to mention that states among each other can't even come to an agreement when it's rape and when it's not. In Europe, many countries already have a new law which makes exceptions based on age differences and rightfully so.[/QUOTE]^^^
Yes, I had my virginity taken away from me at 17 by "statutory rape." Yes, the guy was 19 and it was 100% consensual. Just because people laugh off statutory rape in situations like these doesn't mean the statute doesn't exist for a reason, and that reason is Roman fucking Polanski in case he further had the gall to claim it was consensual.
Let me rephrase that for you:I supported the idea that the manhunt that had sprung up around him was overdrawn and pointless.
I'm sorry that we disagree, but even if you were correct earlier and it was statutory rape, I still don't believe it's right to 'support' him in ANY way, shape, or form.I supported the idea that the manhunt that had sprung up around a person who committed statutory rape of a child and then fled the country before sentencing after pleading guilty was overdrawn and pointless.
Yes, but that wasn't exactly my point. I'm saying the "statutory" part of it is clouding the point for some. What he did was rape-rape-rape-rape-rape-rape-rape-rape or however many goddamn times it'll take before everyone (and believe me, I am not just talking about this thread) quits with the justifications and caveats just because the issue of "statutory rape" has problems.If anything this shows the law is hopelessly out of date and needs a great deal of refinement.
First, What do you mean "Just because he chose to" ? Are you saying he had no legal reason to reject the plea bargain?judge of the case went to the media and said he was going to go back on the deal and go much harsher, just because he chose to. That... isn't how the law is supposed to work.
What is locking him away for 10 + years in federal prison going to accomplish exactly? (aside from further wasting tax dollars).It doesn't seem that statutory rape is the core issue here. The girl's age is just an aggravating factor of the classic rape committed. She did not consent, and in fact, could not consent due to the drugs.
If you say too much time has passed and it is too late to punish him justly, you are saying that he deserves to get away with rape. That's all there is too it.
Yeah, most statutes of limitations 'pause' the clock if you flee.There is a statue of limitations but since he fled from prosecution or what ever i doubt it matters.
What is locking him away for 10 + years in federal prison going to accomplish exactly? (aside from further wasting tax dollars).It doesn't seem that statutory rape is the core issue here. The girl's age is just an aggravating factor of the classic rape committed. She did not consent, and in fact, could not consent due to the drugs.
If you say too much time has passed and it is too late to punish him justly, you are saying that he deserves to get away with rape. That's all there is too it.
Well that came out of left field...If you're 22 and have a 14 year old girlfriend you are fucking sick in the head. Had you come around last year when my daughter was 14 I would have beat the living shit out of your perverted ass and had you thrown in jail.
Top of the page.Having had a 14 year old gf when I was 22, I personally don't put much weight in "statutory rape" when both people are reasonably young.
There needs to be adjustment for <18<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
What is locking him away for 10 + years in federal prison going to accomplish exactly? (aside from further wasting tax dollars).It doesn't seem that statutory rape is the core issue here. The girl's age is just an aggravating factor of the classic rape committed. She did not consent, and in fact, could not consent due to the drugs.
If you say too much time has passed and it is too late to punish him justly, you are saying that he deserves to get away with rape. That's all there is too it.
Top of the page.Having had a 14 year old gf when I was 22, I personally don't put much weight in "statutory rape" when both people are reasonably young.
And she should be able to drive herself home.<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
And she should be able to drive herself home.[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
Top of the page.Having had a 14 year old gf when I was 22, I personally don't put much weight in "statutory rape" when both people are reasonably young.
And she should be able to drive herself home.[/quote]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
Even after he settled with the victim with an undisclosed sum and lived in exile for 30 years? What is it exactly about serving a prison sentence makes the crime magically go away? My feeling is that he's done his time in other ways, and for the U.S. system to slap him down afresh with new charges and put him away for a number of years in a maximum security prison is far worse than what he deserves. You're trying to pull the ol' 'use him as example' argument Steinman was. Rape cases are not going to spike up to untold amounts because Roman Polanski does not go to prison, just like murders didn't spike when O.J. was acquitted.
What a way to go. The guy fucks up once in his life, and gets to finish it off in prison. Are you saying people involved in other crimes like D.U.I related death cases deserve to rot in jail for one mistake they made? Polanski is not a horrible monster. You know why this case hits so close to home for me? My brother was killed by a DUI, and the guy that did it is currently serving for it. He's got 15 years, no parole. At the time I thought it was a just ruling, but after some years passed I've gone through several sessions with my and his lawyers to see if he can get off earlier. He was just a regular dude, who one night fucked up royally. That doesn't deserve a lifetime of punishment.
Cold, straight judgment is the single biggest flaw of the system. People are not methodological robots, and make judgments without emotion based on nothing but cold assumptions is simply wrong. I agree with Tin, that it's scary how willing some people are to lynch the guy when technically he's innocent until proven guilty.
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
Top of the page.Having had a 14 year old gf when I was 22, I personally don't put much weight in "statutory rape" when both people are reasonably young.
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/quote]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
Even after he settled with the victim with an undisclosed sum and lived in exile for 30 years? What is it exactly about serving a prison sentence makes the crime magically go away? My feeling is that he's done his time in other ways, and for the U.S. system to slap him down afresh with new charges and put him away for a number of years in a maximum security prison is far worse than what he deserves. You're trying to pull the ol' 'use him as example' argument Steinman was. Rape cases are not going to spike up to untold amounts because Roman Polanski does not go to prison, just like murders didn't spike when O.J. was acquitted.
What a way to go. The guy fucks up once in his life, and gets to finish it off in prison. Are you saying people involved in other crimes like D.U.I related death cases deserve to rot in jail for one mistake they made? Polanski is not a horrible monster. You know why this case hits so close to home for me? My brother was killed by a DUI, and the guy that did it is currently serving for it. He's got 15 years, no parole. At the time I thought it was a just ruling, but after some years passed I've gone through several sessions with my and his lawyers to see if he can get off earlier. He was just a regular dude, who one night fucked up royally. That doesn't deserve a lifetime of punishment.
Cold, straight judgment is the single biggest flaw of the system. People are not methodological robots, and make judgments without emotion based on nothing but cold assumptions is simply wrong. I agree with Tin, that it's scary how willing some people are to lynch the guy when technically he's innocent until proven guilty.
:werd:How the hell did I miss that?!
My little sister is 14. If some 22 year old dude started trying to hang around her, I think I'd beat the shit out of him.
Sorry Icarus... maybe you might want to not tell that story anymore.
Actually a regular person (with French citizenship) who had fled to France as Polanski had done probably would have gotten away Scott free. The only reason the D.A. kept going after him was because he is so famous. If he was a normal Joe, he wouldn't have been caught in Switzerland.like I said before, if this was just a normal guy (a non famous person) would that person get the same treatment?
Shit, I'll go under house arrest in his stead, if that's the case.It's okay guys.
Polanski said, he shouldn’t go to jail just because he drugged a child then f**ked her in the ass while she begged him to stop, and that he’s already suffered enough by living his life in exile.
He agrees though that he should be punished in some very harsh way.
So he has proposed a solution:
Place him under house arrest.
Specifically, this house.
This chalet outside Gstaad, Switzerland, where singing bluebirds presumably pull your sheets back in the morning and Mr Sun gives you a big thumbs up. Oh that poor man. He’ll never make it!
*yanked from WWTDD.com
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
:io:Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
There needs to be adjustment for <18[/QUOTE]<your_age>/2 + 7 = bare minimal acceptable dating age
In many society they are consider children. You can't get legally get into any contract agree with with a child under 18 without a parent consent.Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
In many society they are consider children. You can't get legally get into any contract agree with with a child under 18 without a parent consent.Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
By perspective, you want us to be child molesters?Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
In many society they are consider children. You can't get legally get into any contract agree with with a child under 18 without a parent consent.Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
In many society they are consider children. You can't get legally get into any contract agree with with a child under 18 without a parent consent.Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
By perspective, you want us to be child molesters?Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
dude, I took care of my sister since I was 5. We live in the poorest place in Thailand and well.. food is scares. When we came back to the states my step dad and mother were busy working a lot. I took care of my sister at age 12. I can assure you while I have the responsibility, I can still be impressionable or even can be manipulated by the wrong people. Your situation may differ, but the law is design to protect the general public. I am sure if a woman of 20 might have an interest in me and make me think that she loves me I would probably fall for it then. Now.... no so much since I am more mature mentally. I may have been an "adult" in terms of responsibility, but I am not an adult in my head.Yes cause we are going to take someones biased word that they are as mature as they say the person is. First of all 14 year old is in what middle school? Hasn't ever lived on her own, prolly never had a real job or even part time job, doesn't understand alot of how things work. The 22 year old is either in college/graduated college, or been working full time for at least a few years.
Its stage of the life differences, and beyond that its life experience differences. Fuck you can't even take her to an R rated movie, or bar, she can't fly on a plane without parents permision or her lying.
It's all right fellas, abused girls grow up real quick.You admit that not everyone at a certain age is the same - this was not a legal dispute (heck, that was why I gave that example - not everyone is the same) but to show that the law generalises and because of that, there's cases where it protects people who don't need protecting. If you both know you're ready, if you both know it's right, if you both really mean it and if you both know you're mature enough, are you really going to be so narrow minded to be blinded by a mere number which means nothing really?
The girl in question grew up being abused by alcoholic parents, had to take care of her little brother and had to really fight through her childhood and despite all that she had become a wonderful woman at such young an age. I was the only person she knew at the time who understood what she had gone through and who she could open up to, and that helped her immensely, something which she admitted so herself only a few months ago (yes we're still very close friends).
And then some narrow minded gits here dare to put in question this relationship based on a few figures without knowing any of the facts.
It's all right fellas, abused girls grow up real quick.[/QUOTE]You admit that not everyone at a certain age is the same - this was not a legal dispute (heck, that was why I gave that example - not everyone is the same) but to show that the law generalises and because of that, there's cases where it protects people who don't need protecting. If you both know you're ready, if you both know it's right, if you both really mean it and if you both know you're mature enough, are you really going to be so narrow minded to be blinded by a mere number which means nothing really?
The girl in question grew up being abused by alcoholic parents, had to take care of her little brother and had to really fight through her childhood and despite all that she had become a wonderful woman at such young an age. I was the only person she knew at the time who understood what she had gone through and who she could open up to, and that helped her immensely, something which she admitted so herself only a few months ago (yes we're still very close friends).
And then some narrow minded gits here dare to put in question this relationship based on a few figures without knowing any of the facts.
It's all right fellas, abused girls grow up real quick.[/QUOTE]You admit that not everyone at a certain age is the same - this was not a legal dispute (heck, that was why I gave that example - not everyone is the same) but to show that the law generalises and because of that, there's cases where it protects people who don't need protecting. If you both know you're ready, if you both know it's right, if you both really mean it and if you both know you're mature enough, are you really going to be so narrow minded to be blinded by a mere number which means nothing really?
The girl in question grew up being abused by alcoholic parents, had to take care of her little brother and had to really fight through her childhood and despite all that she had become a wonderful woman at such young an age. I was the only person she knew at the time who understood what she had gone through and who she could open up to, and that helped her immensely, something which she admitted so herself only a few months ago (yes we're still very close friends).
And then some narrow minded gits here dare to put in question this relationship based on a few figures without knowing any of the facts.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
You know, most jurisdictions don't have a statute of limitations on statutory rape. The girl can file charges at any time in her adult life.They don't need protection, they just need a 22 year old creep to manipulate them into having sex.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
In light of this new discussion. I'd like to officially change my stance on Polanski. I've never experienced it first hand nor known someone close enough, but thanks Icarus, you've shown me just how vomit inducing statutory rape is.
Although, I really don't think jailtime is going to solve much in the case regardless.
In light of this new discussion. I'd like to officially change my stance on Polanski. I've never experienced it first hand nor known someone close enough, but thanks Icarus, you've shown me just how vomit inducing statutory rape is.
Although, I really don't think jailtime is going to solve much in the case regardless.
Icarus.Having had a 14 year old gf when I was 22, I personally don't put much weight in "statutory rape"
Eh, I can live with it.Oh my.
Sorry Iaculus, you pedophile.
Statutory rape involves sexual contact... I officially do not know what you have been talking about.Dear God, so much stupidity I don't know where to start
d) you're all so narrow minded you think relationships are all about sex which says more about you all than about me. Romance does NOT equal sex - intimacy does NOT equal sex. I feel pity for you if that's all you can think about. I'm not going to talk about the details - that's a private matter.
I'm responding to those who called me creepy, said she couldn't possible love it, said that what we had was wrong, that she was immature, etc. I can't let such ignorance stand, I'm sorry. I didn't start it after all. After a dozen such comments, I had enough.Icarus: I am not condeming you and your relationship but I ask you this
Did you
Drug a 14 year old and rape her?
If not, how does that relate to the original case in question?
The original topic was about sex pure and simple. It was about a man drugged a girl and raped her (basically sex without consent) He even ADMIT it. the whole point (originally) on this thread was how all these celeb is trying to get him NOT to be punish by law.
If you happen to drug that girl and raped her...... then I might condemn you since that is a despicable act, but if you didn't then, we are talking about totally two different situation now isn't it?
"Creepy" is subjective. Gay people are "creepy" by lots of people. Senior people having sex is "creepy" by many. Heck, ugly people having sex is "creepy" too to some! Fuck creepy. That says more about the people using that word than anything else.He's right. These insults and rationalizations are definitive proof that being older than 18 and being romantically involved with 14 year old girls isn't creepy.
"Creepy" is subjective. Gay people are "creepy" by lots of people. Senior people having sex is "creepy" by many. Heck, ugly people having sex is "creepy" too to some! Fuck creepy. That says more about the people using that word than anything else.[/quote]He's right. These insults and rationalizations are definitive proof that being older than 18 and being romantically involved with 14 year old girls isn't creepy.
I'm responding to those who called me creepy, said she couldn't possible love it, said that what we had was wrong, that she was immature, etc. I can't let such ignorance stand, I'm sorry. I didn't start it after all. After a dozen such comments, I had enough.[/QUOTE]Icarus: I am not condeming you and your relationship but I ask you this
Did you
Drug a 14 year old and rape her?
If not, how does that relate to the original case in question?
The original topic was about sex pure and simple. It was about a man drugged a girl and raped her (basically sex without consent) He even ADMIT it. the whole point (originally) on this thread was how all these celeb is trying to get him NOT to be punish by law.
If you happen to drug that girl and raped her...... then I might condemn you since that is a despicable act, but if you didn't then, we are talking about totally two different situation now isn't it?
Ah... just so we're clear, were you twenty when you met, or was she?Now of course in history there are many relationship that worked out with a legal vs a minor. If you think about it, when I was 18 my wife was 11 at the time. Granted I met her at 20 and love her since. We been together for 9 years now and going, but I do get a little creep out and probably end up in jail if I was dating a 11 year old at the time when I was 18.
Ah... just so we're clear, were you twenty when you met, or was she?Now of course in history there are many relationship that worked out with a legal vs a minor. If you think about it, when I was 18 my wife was 11 at the time. Granted I met her at 20 and love her since. We been together for 9 years now and going, but I do get a little creep out and probably end up in jail if I was dating a 11 year old at the time when I was 18.
Ah... just so we're clear, were you twenty when you met, or was she?Now of course in history there are many relationship that worked out with a legal vs a minor. If you think about it, when I was 18 my wife was 11 at the time. Granted I met her at 20 and love her since. We been together for 9 years now and going, but I do get a little creep out and probably end up in jail if I was dating a 11 year old at the time when I was 18.
Ah... just so we're clear, were you twenty when you met, or was she?Now of course in history there are many relationship that worked out with a legal vs a minor. If you think about it, when I was 18 my wife was 11 at the time. Granted I met her at 20 and love her since. We been together for 9 years now and going, but I do get a little creep out and probably end up in jail if I was dating a 11 year old at the time when I was 18.
Hey, why not go for all of them at once?There are so many jokes in her that I don't even know where to begin. I really don't. I hate this thread because I can't decide which direction to take it in.
I think I'm going to go watch the South Park "NAMBLA" episode now. That should be a good starting place.
Swap "stupidity" with "creepy horribleness" and I could not possibly agree more.Dear God, so much stupidity I don't know where to start
Whooooa, that's not all that's in her :smick:[/QUOTE]There are so many jokes in her
:clap Doing the same now.I think I'm going to go watch the South Park "NAMBLA" episode now. That should be a good starting place.
So how were those Hannah Montana concerts? Did you pretend to be her dad when you picked her up from school?Dear God, so much stupidity I don't know where to start
a) you're ignorant if you think it's impossible for someone to be more mature than others their own age. Considering 16 is perfectly legal, and she was a mere month away from becoming 15, do you seriously think that a year will suddenly make a huge difference? Ignorance ignorance ignorance.
b) She was in High school, not middle school.
c) she had a job since she was 11 and she was more responsible than me in many areas.
d) you're all so narrow minded you think relationships are all about sex which says more about you all than about me. Romance does NOT equal sex - intimacy does NOT equal sex. I feel pity for you if that's all you can think about. I'm not going to talk about the details - that's a private matter.
e) Tell me how she couldn't possibly love me when she still does, 7 years later? Are you seriously so ignorant to think it's impossible for someone her age to know what love is, simply because most other girls her age don't?
f) it's not because YOU never met someone several years younger than you who you can't connect with that it's impossible - the world does not revolve around you. Me and her clicked on every level and that's what matters - I don't give a shit about your personal experiences, I know mine.
g) I never pushed myself on her AT ALL so keep your \"creepy\" comments to yourselves, jack ass.
And how the hell could you just go \"oh it's bad for her\" when she admits that I brought much needed stability in her life and that it did her a lot of good. How big a MORON do you need to be to think that? Seriously, the arrogance coming from small and narrow minded people here is baffling - I even saved her fucking life at one moment in time, yet you got the gall to say it was wrong simply because your mind is too primitive to understand?
And yes I will defend this full out, because you're desecrating one of the best moments in my life and you're insulting her to boot with your petty comments.
I met my husband when I was 30 and he was 24. I remember when I first realized that he was a few months from being born when I went to see Star Wars with my parents. It was kind of funny. Then I realized he was only 11 when I got my driver's license. It was too icky to think about. We try not to discuss those things too much.well. It is funny cause when I talk to my wife about events like my first job vs her first job and such. She always goes, "Do you know how old I was then?" so age difference does have some impact. I told her my life in High school and she always goes, "but, I was in elementary school then"
While I love my wife with all my heart, it does creep me out what if I met her earlier even 3 years earlier or 4 years earlier might change things. (i.e. I would be 23 vs 16)
If anything, talking about how mature she was highlights how immature he was.It's been mentioned before, you can rant over and over again about how mature she was for her age, but the bottom line is a 15 year old is still maturing, developing, and is a big raging sack of hormones.
Poor Iaculus. You mean Icarus.Iaculus: I think Chaz might be right and he could be wrong. When a person is from a broken home, usually try to find a role model or someone that will care for them. I think this is one of the reason gangs are popular now-a-days. Parents (usually both) are so busy trying to survive in this economy and don't have time for kids.
I could be possible she look up to you since you are the adult figure who give her support that she wanted.
Poor Iaculus. You mean Icarus.[/QUOTE]Iaculus: I think Chaz might be right and he could be wrong. When a person is from a broken home, usually try to find a role model or someone that will care for them. I think this is one of the reason gangs are popular now-a-days. Parents (usually both) are so busy trying to survive in this economy and don't have time for kids.
I could be possible she look up to you since you are the adult figure who give her support that she wanted.
Tell that to your signature!Ladies and gentlemen, I did not have sexual relations with that teenager.
Tell that to your signature![/QUOTE]Ladies and gentlemen, I did not have sexual relations with that teenager.
Yeah, we learn about them in my teenage psychology book. Because, you know, they're not at adult levels of thinking. Ask Piaget, or Erikson, Or Kohler.14 year olds, dude.
... Are they naturally shiny?14 year olds, dude.