Say there's a blog based solely on attacking you...

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... What would you do?

This happenned to a friend (or rather "friendly acquaintance") some years ago, somebody created a blog solely to attack her. In that moment, she didn't care (or so she says), but recently she has rediscovered it.

She has rebuilt her life, she is in a new marriage... I don't exactly know what kind of attacks are written in this blog, but she has made reference to her new marriage and to her children (the one that predates this marriage and the one that came after) so I guess that may be a topic.

Now she seems to be an active member of some of those associations that defend re-usable nappies and extended breastfeeding, and I imagine, even if she didn't explictly say so, that that's one of the main reasons she doesn't want this webpage floating around saying stuff about her.

The problem? Blogger (or Blogspot or whatever it's called now) won't react to this kind of problems because of free speech (and seems logical too) if there's not a lawsuit. But isn't this too much trouble for five difamatory posts?

So I come to you, Halforums, asking for suggestions. Is there something that can be done so this person that created the blog decides to delete it? I'm not talking about anything illegal, though, even if she said she will do that if she needs to!

So, any ideas?


thats just fucked up. Honestly i would just ignore it. I mean its easier said then done, but most reasonable people wouldn't give any credibility to a blog that is made for an attack.
If it was only insults and diffamation maybe it would be easier to ignore, but apparently there are also pictures of her and and her previous boyfriend, and we (I) don't know how they are...
If it was only insults and diffamation maybe it would be easier to ignore, but apparently there are also pictures of her and and her previous boyfriend, and we (I) don't know how they are...
Yeah, she wouldn't show it to us, and considering she has already told us that the contents are diffamatory, it has to be something more than insults and stuff we can ignore because we "are on her side" and know they are written to be hurtful.


Staff member
What is the blog? Not that I want to give them traffic, but we have a few people here who know about the law and they would be able to tell if anything said was illegal. In that case she could get them shut down.
I'm telling her about this. If she finds confortable sending the url to an unknown person (you, as I don't think she wants people who really know her to see that blog), what e-mail adress should tell her to send it to?
Find the guy, beat the shit out of him, have him take the blog down... if it's a she use women for the job.


Staff member
Uhh, I don't know about international law, but that sounds like slander through and through. You can't just go around talking shit about people in public--especially if it's not true.

At the least she can whine to Blogspot or whoever so they can take action and take it down...


She wouldn't show it to you?

Screw it. There's no logical reason for her not to if you're trying to help her. HOWEVER, some things she could do is get it de-listed from web searches, ask the owners of the blogs it was linked to for it to be taken down, find out if there's any advertising on the website and then ask for all pictures of hers to be taken down if there are (For not consenting to having her image used to make a profit or what have you), OR just being a reasonable person and directly linking to it before anyone finds on their own, and explaining the contents of it. Takes the wind out of the blog-owners sails, I'd say.

Do a quick search of anyones handle on the webz and you're sure to find defamatory posts one way or the other. Why does she think this is something so big?
I got busted with a DMCA complaint for my BSpergers blog. Had to take down a link to someone else's website. Don't know if that applies here.
If she's not willing to pay a lawyer to take it down, then she isn't that interested in taking it down.

A good lawyer will be able to use the DMCA, the terms of service of the offending ISP, and a number of other legal means to have the site removed immediately. They will continue to swat it each time it goes up, and if desired they will bring suits against the defaming person until they have a signed contract that they will stop.

But if it were me, I'd carefully read and USE

The ISP's TOS (Terms of Service)
The DNS server's TOS

I would consider claiming copyright and privacy violations for every scrap of possibly infringing data listed on the website, and would make such a pest of myself that the ISP would rather cancel the account than keep fighting for her $4/mo.

I'd keep copies of everything so it's easy to search for later.

If she persisted, then there are much more effective ways to hurt a person electronically than a simple webpage blurting out embarrassing information, true or no.


At the end of the day.

Does it really matter? You'll waste so much time, effort, energy, and emotion fighting, and it's rarely, if ever, worth it. People who read those things are either intelligent and sane enough to read them with a grain of salt, or they are people not worth knowing anyway.
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