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School re-paints minority kids on mural white. You'll never guess the state!





Arizona's image can use a facelift, but this might be taking it too far.

Artists who painted a mural at an elementary school in Prescott depicting four students, with the most prominent being a Hispanic boy, were asked to lighten the faces amid taunts and tensions.

R.E. Wall, the artist who heads the Prescott Downtown Mural Project, told a local newspaper passersby regularly shouted racially charged comments at his group while they were creating the mural at the Miller Valley Elementary School.

"You're desecrating our school," "Get the ni---- off the wall," "Get the sp-- off the wall," were common, Wall said. "The pressure stayed up consistently," Wall said. "We had two months of cars shouting at us."

The mural shows students using various methods of "green" transportation, but the colors of the students have generated all the attention.

The mural flap comes amid growing tensions over Arizona's strict new immigration law that has drawn nationwide criticism and praise.

The ranting of one city councilman seems to have revved up the controversy in the community.

"Art is in the eye of the beholder, but I say [the mural] looks like graffiti in L.A.," Councilman Steve Blair said.

"I am not a racist individual," Blair said on a radio show last month, "but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who's President of the United States today and based upon the history of this community, when I grew up we had four black families - who I have been very good friends with for years - to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, 'Why?'"

The "black guy" in the mural is based on a student of Mexican descent, a school official said.

According to the most recent census data, Prescott is more than 90% white, with 8.2% claiming Hispanic origin. Blacks, Asians and Native Americans compose less than 3% combined, the data show.

Blair said Wednesday diversity is a word "I can't stand."

"The focus doesn't need to be on what's different; the focus doesn't need to be on the minority all the time," he said.

Wall said his artists began touching up the mural earlier this week.

"They want us to lighten up the forehead and the cheeks [of the boy in the center], and make him look like he is coming into the light," he said. The school told Wall they want the children to appear more "radiant and happy."

The school's principal, Jeff Lane, told the newspaper he asked the artists to "remove some shadowing that made the faces darker than they are."

He added the negative comments over the mural have mostly ended.

"I think I only received one this past week."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat..._hispanic_student_on_mural.html#ixzz0pvQq6FJY




School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?


Philosopher B.

School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

"I am not a racist individual," Blair said on a radio show last month, "but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who's President of the United States today and based upon the history of this community, when I grew up we had four black families - who I have been very good friends with for years - to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, 'Why?'"
What is he trying to say here? :wtf:




School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

"I am not a racist individual," Blair said on a radio show last month, "but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who's President of the United States today and based upon the history of this community, when I grew up we had four black families - who I have been very good friends with for years - to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, 'Why?'"
What is he trying to say here? :wtf:
Thank you! I read that part 4 times.




I am speechless. Just wow.




School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

"I am not a racist individual," Blair said on a radio show last month, "but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who's President of the United States today and based upon the history of this community, when I grew up we had four black families - who I have been very good friends with for years - to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, 'Why?'"
What is he trying to say here? :wtf:
Thank you! I read that part 4 times.[/QUOTE]

It's like he's an expert at saying a lot of words but ultimately ending up with nothing.

EDIT: I mean, it's not even a sentence! That's four different thoughts strung together to make a Grandpa Simpson-esque ramble meant to make us all go cross eyed!




School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

"I am not a racist individual," Blair said on a radio show last month, "but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who's President of the United States today and based upon the history of this community, when I grew up we had four black families - who I have been very good friends with for years - to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, 'Why?'"
What is he trying to say here? :wtf:
He's saying "NOW I'M NO RACIST.....BUT..... diversity is a word I can't stand. Do you see any black people here? I don't (thank god) so why have a black kid on the wall? What? He's Mexican? Lord in heaven! (BTW STILL NOT RACIST!) "





School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?
Yep. If they own the location the mural is on, they have every right to change, alter, or remove the content of said mural. It's tasteless to alter the content after it's been put down, but it's entirely within their rights.




School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?
Yep. If they own the location the mural is on, they have every right to change, alter, or remove the content of said mural. It's tasteless to alter the content after it's been put down, but it's entirely within their rights.[/QUOTE]

If I was the artist I would refuse to do it.




I hate people.

I hate them so much.

What the hell does he mean about painting the one boy in the middle black (when according to the article it is in fact, hispanic anyway)? Why does that have to be some racial issue "based on who's president right now"? Had it been a white boy in the middle 4 years ago would anybody have said anything? Good. Freaking. Lord. Why does everything always have to be about race?!


---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 PM ----------

I say he should lighten the boy's skin just like they asked. Make him middle eastern. Just to piss them off.



School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?
Yep. If they own the location the mural is on, they have every right to change, alter, or remove the content of said mural. It's tasteless to alter the content after it's been put down, but it's entirely within their rights.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily. Although it looks like in this case the artists have agreed to modify the mural, so VARA doesn't apply.



School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?
Yep. If they own the location the mural is on, they have every right to change, alter, or remove the content of said mural. It's tasteless to alter the content after it's been put down, but it's entirely within their rights.[/QUOTE]

If I was the artist I would refuse to do it.[/QUOTE]

They'd just hire another artist to redo it.




What a bunch of assholes.




School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?
Yep. If they own the location the mural is on, they have every right to change, alter, or remove the content of said mural. It's tasteless to alter the content after it's been put down, but it's entirely within their rights.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily. Although it looks like in this case the artists have agreed to modify the mural, so VARA doesn't apply.[/QUOTE]

VARA wouldn't apply anyway, unless Murals are covered under paintings. It only covers paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, still photographic images produced for exhibition only, and existing in single copies or in limited editions of 200 or fewer copies, signed by the artist.




The school told Wall they want the children to appear more "radiant and happy."
Darn darkies lookin all gloomy and depressed.

He added the negative comments over the mural have mostly ended.

"I think I only received one this past week."
And that person was promptly tracked down and deported.



School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?

No, my child, it is not.

---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------


"now I'm not a racist but" is a clear indication that anything following will be racist, but you cant call me a racist because I have black friends, now get that black guy off my wall, just because the president is black doesn't mean we should ever depict a minority in a place of importance. Don't you know their place is at the back of the bus?

I fucking hate people who say that liking the president just means you're a white person feeling bad for black people.

I'm sorry but in comparison to "Maverick" and Pailin a paralyzed person would be a better candidate. (of course this could include the likes of Rosevelt and Hawking, but I hope you get my point)

blah racists should get out of their little wells more often. I don't hate much (except for the entire city of Shanghai, Nato, The subway during ruch hour, Anakin Skywalker, the Canadian postal system)

but I really hate racists because I hate ignorance.

"I'm not a racist but..." is always followed by the most racist thing to come out of a person's mouth.




I can't believe he also pulled out the, "some of my best friends are black" argument....

I mean, really?




Stay classy Arizona...




I bet you american halforumites are so pround to share a country with these people. You know, I heard canada is amazing this time of the year.




I bet you american halforumites are so pround to share a country with these people. You know, I heard canada is amazing this time of the year.
You know though, all facepalming, rage, and shame for my countrymen aside I really do feel like this is becoming more of a case of the candle flickering wildly before it goes out. I feel that people like this are become fewer and fewer and thus are ragging louder and louder to keep themselves and their messages of hate in the spotlight. I mean the westboro church is only like one family plus affiliates, right? But the attention they get is MASSIVE compared to the actual members.




If Arizona were to attempt to suceed from the union, would anyone really try to stop them?

Arizona: We're gonna leave!
USA: .. ok.




If Arizona were to attempt to suceed from the union, would anyone really try to stop them?

Arizona: We're gonna leave!
USA: .. ok.
The rest of the US would demand they take Texas too. Then I'd be put up against the wall after failing my bible test.




If Arizona were to attempt to suceed from the union, would anyone really try to stop them?

Arizona: We're gonna leave!
USA: .. ok.
The rest of the US would demand they take Texas too. Then I'd be put up against the wall after failing my bible test.[/QUOTE]

You goddamned heathen!




I bet you american halforumites are so pround to share a country with these people. You know, I heard canada is amazing this time of the year.
You know though, all facepalming, rage, and shame for my countrymen aside I really do feel like this is becoming more of a case of the candle flickering wildly before it goes out. I feel that people like this are become fewer and fewer and thus are ragging louder and louder to keep themselves and their messages of hate in the spotlight. I mean the westboro church is only like one family plus affiliates, right? But the attention they get is MASSIVE compared to the actual members.[/QUOTE]

Y'know what... I think there's something to what you're saying.




I bet you american halforumites are so pround to share a country with these people. You know, I heard canada is amazing this time of the year.
You know though, all facepalming, rage, and shame for my countrymen aside I really do feel like this is becoming more of a case of the candle flickering wildly before it goes out. I feel that people like this are become fewer and fewer and thus are ragging louder and louder to keep themselves and their messages of hate in the spotlight. I mean the westboro church is only like one family plus affiliates, right? But the attention they get is MASSIVE compared to the actual members.[/QUOTE]

Y'know what... I think there's something to what you're saying.[/QUOTE]

You're not allowed in this thread. You don't have papers, and you're already a white-washed mexican.

You know I love you, right?




Actually, I have a valid American Visa :smug:



re: OP title... I was gonna guess Tennessee or Georgia..




I'd facepalm, but to match the magnitude of stupid and racism in the article and particularly the "I'm not racist but" ass-wanker I'd have to risk caving in my face.

So I'm just gonna go into a short and controlled rant in Finnish: Jumalauta mikä vitun rasistinen kusipää paskanaama! Mitä helvetin rehua ne siellä lounaassa vetävät kun tällaisia aivokääpiöitä nousee esille, ei helvetin kuustoista!

Thank you.




School re-paints minority kids on mural white. GUESS WHICH STATE THIS HAPPENED IN

Jesus Christ. Is this legal?
Why the fuck wouldn't it be?




Sanity is restored...FOR NOW.

"...the mural is being restored to its "original theme." Jeff Lane, the principal of Miller Valley Elementary School, and Kevin Kapp, the school superintendent, showed up at a protest today to apologize for giving in to whims of mentally deranged adults..."




Hmmm. I'm surprised. Pleasantly surprised. I like the thought of racist assholes screaming in frustration with this announcement.




"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of racist assholes with 'black friends' suddenly cried out in frustration and were suddenly silenced. I hope something glorious has happened."


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of racist assholes with 'black friends' suddenly cried out in frustration and were suddenly silenced. I hope something glorious has happened."
That was perfect. I laughed hard. Thanks, NR. :D




"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of racist assholes with 'black friends' suddenly cried out in frustration and were suddenly silenced. I hope something glorious has happened."
That was perfect. I laughed hard. Thanks, NR. :D[/QUOTE]







I'd facepalm, but to match the magnitude of stupid and racism in the article and particularly the "I'm not racist but" ass-wanker I'd have to risk caving in my face.

So I'm just gonna go into a short and controlled rant in Finnish: Jumalauta mikä vitun rasistinen kusipää paskanaama! Mitä helvetin rehua ne siellä lounaassa vetävät kun tällaisia aivokääpiöitä nousee esille, ei helvetin kuustoista!

Thank you.
Surprised no one has done this yet:

Google Translator said:
Omg what a fucking racist asshole shit face! What the hell they feed there, pull the southwest aivokääpiöitä when such arises, do not fucking sixteen!
Wow, that turned out much better than I expected. :p

On a more serious note: fuck those damn racists.



you know those mural's kid did not have their proper ID so they are going to be deported off the wall




Not enough facepalms in the world.




I'll play devil's advocate here...

Why should art representing the children of a school that is 90% white represent only the 10%?




I'll play devil's advocate here...

Why should art representing the children of a school that is 90% white represent only the 10%?
I don't think thats even the issue here. If they had an all white or 90% white mural and painted over it to appease minorities that got all pissy I would imagine most of us would be facepalming that as well. At least for me the issue is that they didn't stand up to racist assholes.




I'm not a racist, but....

1) I heard this great joke. These two black guys go into a bar...
2) They should send all the people back home! Except those who work on my lawn, cook my food or make my life better.
3) I fucking hate brown people.

Pretty much anything following statements like "I'm not a racist but..." or "I don't mean to be mean, but...." are always exactly what they say they are not.




Thats why I never preface my racist statements with that line, I just let 'er rip!




I'm not racist but those are some huge knockers you have!!

Am I doing it wrong?




I'll play devil's advocate here...

Why should art representing the children of a school that is 90% white represent only the 10%?
They're not only representing the 10%. There are white kids in the mural too. It's just that the largest kid is Hispanic.

It's also a kid who goes to the school. What's that kid supposed to think of himself if a painting of him gets whitewashed?




"They're saying we all want to be white!"
"Well, isn't that true?"
"Black RAGE!"




Many of us tend to consider a school bending to the whims of racists to be a big deal. It sets a bad precedent.




Stuff like this hurts my brain. I figured there's just be a few angry emails sent to the school or something, but then I read and saw the article and omg..

Actual protesters with drums, megaphones and signs 'n shit. Like it is something truly important, like government taxes or whatever (I'm not into politics so I dunno what's important for an American protester.. apparently this is.) This is just really, really dumb.

The saddest thing is that they caved to this retarded protest.

There are not enough facepalms.
They were protesting the whitewashing though. They originally caved to people yelling the N word out of their cars as they drove by.




Ame, you posted a pic of people AGAINST Arizona's new immigration law... y'know.. the NON racists.




Ame, you posted a pic of people AGAINST Arizona's new immigration law... y'know.. the NON racists.
lol - Yeah, I did realize that after the fact (I think there's an Hispanic woman in there, too) but eh...

a post is a post *cashes in HalBucks for food coupons* :p[/QUOTE]
You... you can do that?

*Tells the wife we can eat this week*




Can I cash in my HalBucks for 750 2-ticket bouncy balls?




I'm not racist but David loves his bouncy balls.



yay... bouncy balls!



That is pretty cool and creepy at the same time




Bouncy balls!

in suspended animation ? :confused:
I have seen this kind of sculptures done with dead animals, muchy creepier.
