School's Out for Summer!

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On Monday, e-mailed my final essay to my Virginia Woolf professor. I am officially done for the year!

If there's any other fellow students out there that are finished for the year, let us celebrate! Festivities! Dancing!

Here, I know just the guy to get the party started:

So, summer plans, anyone? My hopeful goal is to finish writing the noir detective novel I'm working on and maybe start on another, depending on how well that goes. Also, catch up on a lot of fun reading, enjoy some of the summer blockbusters coming out, play some games and just overall, enjoy the summer.
Stiill have another month, and even then I don't get out, just the students and faculty do. However, yay for quiet.
How can you guys be out already? I just had spring break and that marks the half-way point through my semester
How can you guys be out already? I just had spring break and that marks the half-way point through my semester
Depends; some schools do quarter system, which is Sept-Dec, Jan-Mar, Mar-June, so you can finish up in March (that's what I did this year); some schools do semester, and let out fairly early (although I do think mid-April is pretty early).

My "summer" already started, and will probably end when everybody else's starts; heh. I graduated in March, so I've been 'lazing' around: there's nothing I have to do, but I'm just preparing for my move to Michigan in a couple weeks, visiting with friends, cramming in a bunch of 'bro time' with my friends, visiting with the girlfriend's parents, and working out again.

Mainly, I've been enjoying playing the drums again. MAN I missed that, since I was always so busy with work, school, and familial obligations.
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