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Scientists Levitate Mice




Mice freak the hell out, then settle back into their normal routines after a couple of hours while still levitating.




This thread fails without some video!



Well, there's always the video of the frog:

EDIT: Arg. What's the format for youtube videos now?

EDIT EDIT: Got it now.




You don't need to use the youtube tag anymore, just the URL one.



You don't need to use the youtube tag anymore, just the URL one.
Aha. Much less typing - thanks.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

The worste part is that this frog thing happend back in the late 90s. I remember doing a research project on it, and it was amazing that it was happening, but nothing real happened for years that I tried to follow up on it.



The worste part is that this frog thing happend back in the late 90s. I remember doing a research project on it, and it was amazing that it was happening, but nothing real happened for years that I tried to follow up on it.
That long, huh? Damn - small animal levitating technology is advancing really slowly compared to other major technologies. If this was computing, we'd be able to levitate a blue whale in another 3-4 years, 5 tops.




I wonder what that feels like.

Would you still feel the effects of gravity? Parts of your body that don't have much/any water molecules in them, like your hair, would still be pulled down, but what about the rest of you?

I look forward to the Omzi exhibit that will, ultimately, be the only worthwhile usage of this technology in 10-20 years.


Rob King

Rob King

Holy flip. Science is cool.



