screw the dinner thread. This one deserved it's own thread (image heavy)

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Some of you may have seen this monstrosity floating around the tubes. I've seen different recipes, some calling for sausage and bbq sauce, some with just cheese. I decided to go with bleu cheese and mozzarella. It was seriously freaking delicious. I think we were moaning the entire time we ate it.

A few friends and I did a bacon weave almost a year ago. We have been planning a Bacon Explosion for a few weeks now. I have two packs of bacon and a kilogram of loose sausage meat just waiting for the call.
we figured the whole braid was 30 weight watchers points.

For those who don't know, that's about a whole day's worth of food.


Staff member
Oh man, I think I've clogged an artery just by looking at that.

Also, this reminds me of the time I went out to a steak house and ordered one of the biggest steaks they had. I think I suffered a meat overdose...


Looks Yummy. I couldn't be brave enough to eat.....The calories in that shit would have me worrying for weeks !~
I have been wanting to try a similar recipe for awhile now but to tell the truth I am a bit to scared to try it.


I have been wanting to try a similar recipe for awhile now but to tell the truth I am a bit to scared to try it.

Why? It's just bacon. It's not like you're going to keel over and die from food porn every now and then.
That looks so good... but I'm trying to lose weight now so I can't eat it :( I hate you. On the other hand, I started a bacon picture thread, go post in it.

---------- Post added at 04:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 AM ----------

And the other reason is I just had mexican food for dinner and Roman/Chili with beans/corn chips for a late night snack (last night) and it made me gain all the weight I had lost over the past five day s(2.2 pounds) and I just lost it all off after two days of work
Looks tasty. But it seems to be so little for so much effort.I dont think it could fill me up. Any sidedish with that?
yuck. I really don't understand what's the deal with Bacon. Bacon is not good, people.
If nearly everyone in the world feels differently than you, then the problem probably doesn't lie with everyone else. ;)

Looks tasty. But it seems to be so little for so much effort.I dont think it could fill me up. Any sidedish with that?
There wasn't any effort at all, really....5 minutes to weave the bacon. In the oven for 20. Throw on some cheese, roll it up, and slice it.

I'm ashamed to say that was the appetizer. We actually had basil chicken afterward. Our calorie counts were pretty off that day :(


Staff member
Too much bacon is just gross. I love it in very small amounts or as some kind of garnish or flavoring, though.
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