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Scrubs "name change" (Help me win a bet)




Ok, so a friend and I got into a debate the other day about the new season of Scrubs. You guys know that the show was completely revamped with a setting and cast change, so much so that it really feels more like a spin-off than a new season of the original show.

However, I read somewhere that Bill Lawrence, the show's creator, WANTED to change the name of the show to differentiate it from the previous incarnation, but ABC wanting the name recognition refused. So the show is still officially known as "Scrubs" even though the new title sequence shows (however briefly) a sort of subtitle that says "Med School".

My friend insists that means that the show is now called "Scrubs: Med School" whereas I'm sure it's just a little subtitle they added to the opening sequence as part of it's change. I swear there was mention of this in the wiki article for Scrubs but it's since gone and I can't find any article anywhere that mentions how ABC didn't let Lawrence change the name.

Help me find the article, halforums, you're my only hope!




I think officially, they're just calling it Scrubs. That's the way they have it listed on the ABC website and Hulu groups them all together.




so far the only thing I have found about the name is


Season Nine of Scrubs is currently airing on in from December 1st 2009 to Spring 2010. 13 episodes have been ordered by ABC, and they may order more depending on ratings. With the subtle nickname Scrubs: Med School, the series shifted locations to Winston University and the New Sacred Heart Hospital.


I also found this article


THE SKINNY: Many SCRUBS have been waited with baited breath to see how creator Bill Lawrence transforms the show from a hospital based comedy to a “med school” based comedy, and while at the Summer TCA Press Tour, iF caught up with him to get the skinny.

Here’s what he had to say …

“I tried to change the title of SCRUBS to SCRUBS MED,” says Lawrence. “I felt we had been writing the ending of SCRUBS for four years, because I thought it was going to be cancelled for four years. It’s a completely different show with some of the same characters. It is tonally the same. [ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson] wants to keep it the SCRUBS brand, but the show takes place in the med school. I’d say it’s like THE PAPER CHASE in a hospital setting.”

Lawrence also notes, Sacred Hearts is actually a teaching hospital, but it was something that was never really emphasized on the show.

“It’s one of the things we always fudged on SCRUBS,” says Lawrence. “We always said it was a teaching hospital, but we never really showed the teaching aspect of it. If any of you know the show, we would fudge it and have little classrooms built on set. This year we built a college campus over at Culver Studios and it looks like a Med School. We put the hospital right on campus, much like the UCLA Hospital is in Westwood and on campus. It’s back and forth with 21-year old students at Med School starting their first day of hospital care.”

Of the cast, John McGinley and Donald Faison are full time cast members with Zach Braff “there for the first six or eight episodes,” says Lawrence.

“The only intern who survived last year was Eliza Coupe who is now a regular on the show,” says Lawrence. “I really liked what she did, but 80 percent of the people are new actors. Three new young actors are testing next week for the parts.”

Another comparison Lawrence offers is the transition that happened when Kelsey Grammer moved from CHEERS to FRASIER.

FRASIER was very smart, because they moved it to a new location, so it didn’t bother you when you didn’t see Sam and Diane,” says Lawrence. “The way we’re going to be able to get through this, is there is a Med school setting and right across the street is the hospital. When they’re in the hospital, you’ll see all of the familiar faces from the show. Whether it will be the attorney, or The Todd or Sarah Chalke or Judy Reyes or Ken Jenkins or Christa. We created a world in which the hospital still exists and they’re still there.”

And there will be an explanation for the Janitor (Neil Flynn) leaving the show as well.

“He makes up his own stuff, so he just came up with an idea of how his character would have left, because he has his own show to do,” says Lawrence.


General Specific

General Specific

I don't know, what are the terms of the bet? Will humiliation and pictures be in your future if you lose said bet?




There's no actual bet, but "debate" made the title too long :paranoid:

Thanks for the links hylian, but I think those articles are too fuzzy on the title subject matter for my stubborn as fuck friend to relent. I'm sure I had seen somewhere the actual mention of "ABC didn't want the show's name to change, so it didn't"... urgh, I hate it when I can't rub something in this guy's face.


Chad Sexington



Under "Production", first sentence reads: "Show creator Bill Lawrence wanted to change the name of the show to Scrubs Med, but ABC did not allow this." and cites http://www.ifmagazine.com/new.asp?article=8528 (which I can't currently get to load)

Edit: I now see that's the exact article linked earlier. Oops. Reading fail.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

You could always edit a wikipedia article to say exactly what you want it to say:sneaky:




What do they mean the fact that Sacred Heart was a teaching hospital wasn't emphasized on the show?!? Wasn't that the freakin' point?
