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Second guess my 7 year old's birthday gift




Assuming that a used iPod touch (8GB, latest generation, used) cost the same as a used DSi (again, latest generation, used), which would you get a 7 year old boy?

I'm curious, because I spent more time discussing this with my wife than I expected to, but I've not played the DSi all that much, so the allure is lost on me. However, I've already got a ton of games for the iPod touch, and new games are on the order of $0.99 to $9.99 for even the latest offerings - where a cheap used gameboy game is still pushing $15.

I imagine that the gameboy games are better in some ways - anyone use both an iPhone or iPod touch and a DSi? If you had to give up one or the other, which would you keep? Which has better games, or which one do you spend more time playing games on?




I'd probably go with the DSi. I use my itouch to surf the net in wireless spots, keep notes and listen to music. Playing angry birds and whatnot is fun, but I'd figure a 7 year old boy would tire of a lot of the more simplistic itouch games and would have a lot more fun with pokemon.




My husband loves his DSi....and he has the same mental age as a 7 year old so I'd probably go with that.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

My cousins have had DSi's since Christmas and they're 8; they love them.

However, they play with their iPod touches more for videos, music, and games, than their DSis's.




my 3 kids (7 6 and 4) all have ipod touches so *shrug* had great learning games for it




7yrs? I think I'd go with the DSi. I would immediately go for the Touch if he were 11 or so, though. No question.





Well the way I see it, at least money wise, is how long is each game going to keep him entertained?

Personally, a typical Iphone game will keep me busy for a few weeks. Angry Birds and Trainyard come to mind. But if I had a DS it would probably take me a solid month to get through any one game. That's not even considering larger ones like Pokemon or any of the FF games or something. So while you can get a new game for at little as 99 cents, if it only keeps him occupied for a day or two then you'll probably find it adding up fast.

I think I'd go with the DSi. I'd start him out with a couple puzzle games and maybe an RPG or something so it'll be a good few months before he's asking for something new.




Angry Birds and Trainyard come to mind. But if I had a DS it would probably take me a solid month to get through any one game. That's not even considering larger ones like Pokemon or any of the FF games or something.
Plus, you want to teach him to have the patience for longer games at an early age, so he won't turn into someone that only buys CoD each year...


Fun Size

Fun Size

I'm probably too late to jump in here, but I've got both, and if you're looking for a gaming system, go DSi. Like the others said, the games are more expensive but way longer and deeper. I enjoy some games on my phone, but they're all what I consider throwaways.




Well, we ended up getting the iPod touch. Amazon was selling used units for $160, and after we added our various gift codes it was cheap enough. Further, we've already got 2 DS and 1 DSi, and all the kids enough playing various games on the iPod, so if he wants to play a gameboy game, he merely needs to borrow one of the other kids units, and they're more than willing to share if it means they get to play world of goo, or PvZ, or one of the other hundreds of games I've got lying around for it. Apple lets you sign up to 5 iOS devices to your apple account, so he's got access to all the games I've gotten for free or cheap over the last two years since I got my iPhone. Lots of educational games for it as well.

Plus he actually seems to like taking pictures and videos, and listening to the music.

And, lastly (selfishly), I will need to use it occasionally to test out my iOS development projects.

Thanks for all the input! He might have enjoyed the DSi as much, but on balance I think there's some value to having a variety of game systems between all the kids.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

From observing my 9-year-old cousins: since they got their ipod Touches, they barely touch their DSi's. So you probably made the right choice.




Apple lets you sign up to 5 iOS devices Computers to your Apple account
FTFY (basically, you can have as many iOS "children" of those 5 computers...unless those iOS devices are all standalone)





From observing my 9-year-old cousins: since they got their ipod Touches, they barely touch their DSi's. So you probably made the right choice.
And CoD 29 has it's future buyers...




FTFY (basically, you can have as many iOS "children" of those 5 computers...unless those iOS devices are all standalone)

I hadn't realized it was limitless. I thought I had read somewhere that iOS children were limited too, to prevent, for instance, a company buying each employee a device, then copying all the same iOS apps on all of them for business without paying more than once for each app.




Oh, I'm sure there's some sort of limit. But I'm also pretty sure you're unlikely to hit it.





Incoming second-guess.

Honestly, I wouldn't get him either. Those are both pretty expensive presents for a kid and I would argue he's also too young for electronic games. I would push for something more tactile that he can get his hands around and in and will give him some enjoyment as well. First impulse on my mind would be a 200$ AWESOME LEGO COLLECTION. But....I dunno, I'm sure there's something else out there as well.

I would just argue that he's way too young for those things. I'm sure he would prefer those game systems, but you have to forcibly maintain a youthful luddism in him for a while longer.




