I've talked at length about my novel that I finished last summer. I've had some friends red-pen the hell out of it and I'm pretty happy with the manuscript, overall. Right now, Quotemander Prime's looking it over and red-penning it himself. I'm terrified of the results.
No, but seriously, being published is my biggest dream. I keep dreaming of the day that I walk into a bookstore and see something of mine on the shelf. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a big seller, it's just a sight that I want to see.
So far, I've submitted the book to two publishers. The first, Pyr, rejected it but was kind about it. She said "Dill [the main character] has such a strong, colloquial voice, and I'm sorry to say I didn't connect with it." The second, Ace, I'm still waiting to hear back from. I sent it in September, but they have a 6-month submission waiting period. To say that I'm getting antsy is an understatement.
At this point, I'm starting to think more and more about self-publishing. Quotemander said something to the extent that because of the internet, e-books, etc, it's much easier to self-publish.
And I've considered it. But...well, the thing is, it feels more of an accomplishment or an acceptance if a big name publisher (or even a relatively small publisher) accepts it, distributes it, and I see it in Chapters or something. There's the chance of losing the rights, but I'd like to believe that's not as big an issue as it used to be. Plus, as I said, there's something to be said about the pride and accomplishment of having a book published.
Still, I'm starting to rethink it. There's options out there like LightnightSource, Lulu.com, and Amazon's CreateSpace. I already have a flipping gorgeous cover the for the book. It'd be just a matter of finding someone who could design the rest of the cover and such.
What do you guys think?
No, but seriously, being published is my biggest dream. I keep dreaming of the day that I walk into a bookstore and see something of mine on the shelf. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a big seller, it's just a sight that I want to see.
So far, I've submitted the book to two publishers. The first, Pyr, rejected it but was kind about it. She said "Dill [the main character] has such a strong, colloquial voice, and I'm sorry to say I didn't connect with it." The second, Ace, I'm still waiting to hear back from. I sent it in September, but they have a 6-month submission waiting period. To say that I'm getting antsy is an understatement.
At this point, I'm starting to think more and more about self-publishing. Quotemander said something to the extent that because of the internet, e-books, etc, it's much easier to self-publish.
And I've considered it. But...well, the thing is, it feels more of an accomplishment or an acceptance if a big name publisher (or even a relatively small publisher) accepts it, distributes it, and I see it in Chapters or something. There's the chance of losing the rights, but I'd like to believe that's not as big an issue as it used to be. Plus, as I said, there's something to be said about the pride and accomplishment of having a book published.
Still, I'm starting to rethink it. There's options out there like LightnightSource, Lulu.com, and Amazon's CreateSpace. I already have a flipping gorgeous cover the for the book. It'd be just a matter of finding someone who could design the rest of the cover and such.
What do you guys think?