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Selling a busted car (what should you ask?)




Trying to sell my busted camry. Engine is shot, and it has 230,000 miles. Interior isn't too hot. AC works, tranny is good. 4 new wheels plus full sized spare. new breaks. What's something like that worth?


Le Quack

4500 to the govt.




Le Quack said:
4500 to the govt.
800 or so to anyone else :p




Isn't Conan O'Brien running some kind of a competition? "Conan, Please Blow Up My Car" or something? You're supposed to send a video of you and your car and tell why your car should be blown up in the Tonight Show. Aaand you also get a Lexus for letting them do that ^_^





Wow, cars must go for a lot in your neighborhood. After 230000 miles, it's pretty much a dead duck. Everything on that car is worn out. Most of it wouldn't even be worth parting out. You might actually (not kidding) get more selling the AC and the wheels (wheels or tires?) yourself. For the record, the last time I sold a dead car, which had only 50000 miles on it, I got 200 bucks.




I'm always surprised at some of the prices I see in some places.
Anyway, I sold my last car, where the pneumatic system was shot (everything else was fine though, about 50K miles and tires less than a month old), for €30 in scrap metal. Second hand cars in Belgium cost outrageous amounts when buying,but seem to be worth nothing when selling. Eh.




I was asking 800, and already got an offer for 550 cash. I'll give it a little more time.



where the heck are you selling this.

I have an old car that RUNS that I can't even sell for $200.
