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Setting up proxy for OSX?




So I'm curious about setting up a proxy on my at home mac as I beef up my security a bit (little snitch being my most recent addition) but the more I look around I only find links to proxy sites and that doesn't seem terribly reliable and are usually just "paste this in your browsers network settings" type things. I'm more interested in setting up a proxy that would cover my entire computer no matter what browser I use, meaning all outgoing traffic would be through the proxy... does that makes sense?
So I have a couple questions:
1) Is that doable?
2) Is it ridiculously hard?
3) Would it slow down my internet speeds?

It's not super important, more of a "it would be cool to do it" kind of thing if the only solution is buying a really expensive piece of software or taking 5 days to set it up I probably won't do it, but if there is something more reasonable I'm interested...
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas?




1) Yes
2) Not really
3) No (technically)

Check out privoxy.

Getting rid of it later might be a little tricky (especially if you are running Little Snitch along with it), but that sounds like it'll do exactly what you want.





Intriguing! Thanks!




I second the Privoxy method. I setup Privoxy as a cheap corporate proxy for a few dozen terminal server users. I'm not using the advanced adblocking filters only basic ACLs.

Although I'm not quite sure how to force the proxy settings for all browsers at once on a Mac. I guess you could add it manually to Safari and your other flavors of choice then lock the settings.




I've only tried installing it the one time. I think you can set it up to catch all outgoing port 80 requests, for instance, no matter what application (besides itself) is making those requests.

