Shirt.Woot Help!

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The shirt sold out before I could get one for the girlfriend. She's a baker and I KNOW she would LOVE this shirt. Is shirt.woot the only place it exists? I tried looking elsewhere but no luck.
I may be remembering this wrong, but don't shirts that sell well get put in a list of 25 or so that you can buy from while they still sell? If it sold out, they'll probably reprint it and put it on there or somethin'. IIRC the designs are exclusive.


Staff member
I may be remembering this wrong, but don't shirts that sell well get put in a list of 25 or so that you can buy from while they still sell? If it sold out, they'll probably reprint it and put it on there or somethin'. IIRC the designs are exclusive.
Shirt.Woot: The Reckoning

I don't know how it works, though. I think Jiarn will still be able to get the cupcake shirt tomorrow, for a higher price, and it will stick around as long as it keeps selling, but I'm not sure. (There are $5-off coupon codes from Woot's anniversary floating around.)


Staff member
They're excellent quality shirts, too. I have 6 shirts from Woot and I love wearing them. Two of the shirts were random, and while they aren't exactly "me", they're so comfortable to just wear around the house.
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