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Should I eat them or not?




So, this morning I bought 3 Chick Fil-A chicken biscuits because I love them so and I'm rarely up early enough or have enough free time to get them.

I ate one and was going to refrigerate the others.

I bought them at about 10 am, and my plan was originally to go to my classes, get back to my car, and get them in the fridge by about 3:30. INSTEAD, I ended up staying on campus 'til about 8 pm, at which point I went home and got them in the fridge.

Now, with my understanding of bacteria and food, they're perfectly fine to eat. But my girlfriend and roommate fear for my health should I eat them. The biscuits were in a car in a parking deck, wrapped in their tin foil, in their bag, for 10 hours. Granted, it's moist Alabama heat, but I feel like they ought to be fine. They don't smell bad or anything or have any sign of decomposition that I can detect.

So, what do you think, Halforum? Should I eat them or not?




Should be fine, if anything I would wager they'll just be kinda dried out.




I'd nuke 'em and bite once.. if it doesn't make me gag, I'd go on eating and enjoying.

you've made me hungry now.




Ok, here's what you need to do:

1.) Slather the food with mayo.
2.) Leave it outside, in direct sunlight, uncovered for a few hours. This will kill the bacteria.
3.) Bring it back inside and enjoy!




I say they are probably fine.




You came in here to ask this question, when you've got 2 Chick Fil-A chicken biscuits that are in dire need of being devoured?

Damn it, priorites man.


Wasabi Poptart

Eat them. Hot car...heat lamp...warming tray...what's the difference?




Threads like these are what keep me at Halforum. No I am not being sarcastic.




Keep it out so long that it'll sprout life and start to crawl around, then kill it and eat it since it's now fresh again.




Should I eat this game or wait for a better one?




Those succulent chickens died for your biscuits! Even if you die from infection, it shall not be in vain.

Eat it. Just eat it. *moonwalks into the sunset*




Now that you have brought it here you must eat them.... and them post pictures if you get sick...




What the hell are chicken biscuits?




What the hell are chicken biscuits?
I second this.



ummm....if they have mayo on em, you might want to rethink it. Food poisoning IS NOT fun.


If not..... eat em. They are ChickaFila. They're the bomb, baby!!! :drool:




Are chicken biscuits really such a conundrum? Take a biscuit (the American definition--a dry soda-leavened round cake of bread) cut it open, and put a fried chicken fillet in it. Mystery of the universe solved.




Think of all the starving children in Africa. Eat it!


Cuyval Dar

Think of all the starving children in Africa. Eat it!
That's how I eat every meal.
Sometimes I mix it up with thoughts of food stamp (ab)users in the U.S. who are eating steak and junk food.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Did I miss it? Did he eat them? If he died, would any of us know it?

If he never posts again, I'm holding you all personally responsible. Food poisoning based explosive diarrhea is no way to die.


Cuyval Dar

It's ok, You'll never find me. I'm behind over9000 proxies.




Dude, it's processed fast food. You could leave it in your car for five years and it will look the same as the day you bought it. And be just as fine to eat, provided you're not worried about the stuff that has kept bacteria and fungi at bay for all that time.




Eat them. Hot car...heat lamp...warming tray...what's the difference?
Temperature. Above ~140°F (60°C) bacteria don't survive. Somewhere between 41 to 140°F (5 to 60°C) bacteria thrives. Unless it was a really hot and sunny day, chances are the car did not get over 140°, and certainly not for the entire time. At room temperature bacteria can double every 20 minutes, and it can be faster with warm temperatures (around the 100° range).

If there were even a relatively small amount harmful bacteria present in the food before it was put in the car, it would almost certainly be a health hazard to eat it after a whole day sitting at temperatures most likely conducive to bacterial growth.




i agree with figmentpez. FDA says not to eat anything that's been sitting out longer than 2 hours. I'm not THAT anal about it, but 10 hours in a hot car would go from the car to the trash bin in my house.




You have an immune system. It's there for something. If it doesn't smell like it's gone bad, you'll be fine unless you're immuno-depressed for some reason.

Why do you think we can eat and enjoy all that food that makes tourists all go on about "Montezuma's Revenge"? Cause we TRAIN our systems. Just like in War of the Worlds. Only with tacos.




You have an immune system. It's there for something. If it doesn't smell like it's gone bad, you'll be fine unless you're immuno-depressed for some reason.
That's not true. Food doesn't have to smell bad to be bad, especially for meat and eggs. Not only that, but it's not just about the bacteria, it's about the toxins they've already produced while living in the food.




Meh, I maintain that those things are jacked up with preservatives, cooked all to hell, and packaged in a relatively clean environment, so they're probably fine. I'm sure the chicken came frozen, but do you think that biscuit hasn't been sitting in a hot truck far longer than 10 hours already?



The biscuit would be a pretty dry and a little hard. I say nuke the meat and eat it (that is what I would do)



Frankie Williamson

Yeah, you could probably leave them out for weeks and still eat them, though chewing the dried out husk that would be left would be tough, and still be fine.




I think that by now the question is not "should he eat them" but "DID he eat them"?



I have to admit, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to find out.




I've subscribed to the "Did he eat them?!" RSS, to keep myself informed in the matter.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

eat them, and then tell us if time turned out to be the best condiment




I think that by now the question is not "should he eat them" but "DID he eat them"?
Someone took rep from me for this post.

I am amused. And a bit curious.



Someone took rep from me for this post.

I am amused. And a bit curious.
I'm amused and curious because of everything. They were probably testing it out. I'm more confused as to how you received an award in the category "calendar"




I think it's cause I tried... note the key word.. to add Towel Day as a forum wide reminder.



I think it's cause I tried... note the key word.. to add Towel Day as a forum wide reminder.
That seems like a valid holiday to me.
