Facebook Civilization? If those terrible, shitty awful farm games can hook millions of people, I wonder how one of the world's foremost leaders in "just one more turn" games can do it.
...no! NO!!
*crawls into a fetal position and sucks his thumb, having nightmares of playing until 5 AM, just trying to learn how to make tanks to roll across my enemies*
We're doomed. That is all.
Facebook Civilization? More like THE END of HUMAN Civilization!
Geez...as if Mafia Wars wasn't ENOUGH of a time sink...
Silver Jelly
Things are looking up!
I mean, I don't play facebook games, so I guess I'll suddenly become one of the persons that procastinates LESS in the world!
Rob King
SeriousJay, I knew exactly what that video was, but I had to watch it anyways.
I think I'm going to have to stop using facebook now. I like having something that remotely resembles a life.