Sims 3 - help request

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Ok, so I can admit that i waste my time stuck in the vacuum of playing the Sims and I sit there playing for hours and hours without getting bored. Nerd alert? Oh yes. I recently bought World Adventures AND Ambitions expansions for TS3 with high expectations of joy to be had. I have not been able to play for more than ten minute increments so far. Every single time I go to save (ok maybe not EVERY one... usually the first and occasionally the second if it makes it that far) it just crashes to the desktop. I don't even get a popup error message. I've heard everything from it being any/all custom content I have installed, which isnt much compared to how big my folder was for TS2 (23gigs >.>), as well as hearing it was just the Ambitions xpac itself, and also the patches it makes you download before you can even install.

I've attempted to remodel my home in game at least 12 times and apparently can't take a hint that it doesn't want to work. If there is anyone who might possibly know what I can do to make this stop, please PLEASE i beg of you to help me. I'm not a completely computer illiterate person, and my husband (crono1224) sort of knows what he is talking about but he doesn't help much because unless it's about some game he plays, he doesn't really care. Even when I end up having to throw water bottles at his head to get his attention. I'm REALLY hoping to not have to uninstall and redo everything because it gets tedious and just depressing.

please and thank you to anyone who tries to help me.


Also we tried an editor that allowed us to change the .exe files to allow the app to use more than 2gigs of memory, as one of the forums we found mentioned this as a possible problem. This did not fix it.


Unfortunately the game just needs to be patched, and it should have been done by now. Sorry.
Ya we are seeing that apparently there is another fix for turning off DEP for just sims but its becoming a giant headache.
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