So far i'm loving the new Expansion.
Lots of new stuff to learn,like Photography and Martial Arts (You'll want to learn this to fight Mummies!!!) making your own Wine (Nectar) and snake charming. You can even charm the snakes into another persons clothes.
Travelling is a blast,though you can travell only once every couple of days,but the new locations are simply Awsome. Dungeon Crawling and fighting off Mummies in Dusty Egypt, Mysterious China where you learn tthe Secrets of Sim Fu, and France,land of Delicacy's.
Only Drawback is, you have to Delete ALL custom Mod's and Packagess,or else the game will run horribly slow.
I'd say "this sounds awesome for Halforums House" but.....
(when I first saw the snake charming into other peoples clothes,I had to think of you )
I've already seen Qonas fighting immigrants.
Whatever did happen to that house?
How is the Halforum House?
just opened up my own Distillery and Fortune Cookie Empire in the basement.
I have stopped updating the Halforum House, mostly because the neighbourhood progresses in real-time and I wanted to play something else. Plus all the updates were starting to be the same.
I'm contemplating doing an epilogue update at some point, since Sims act with more autonomy if you aren't paying attention to their household. It might be nice to see where some people ended up. Since I've stopped playing them, I've noticed that Dave has become an Elder, Gusto and Droll have moved out together and are likely engaged, and Qonas picked a fight with a Chinese tourist who turned out to be an orange belt in Sim Fu. [/QUOTE]