Since you guys like kitten stories so much...

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Staff member
Yearsteday, I came to my office and opend the windows to get the air flowing, there this glass door that opens to a 2ft. area that is pretty much only to provide natural light.

anyway, when I returned from opening the backyard windows I found a small black cat siting in the glass door, I believe that he had fallen in there and couldn't get out, he quickly procede to run and I managed to "shoo" him away to the backyard and close the door from there, by now, my co-workers had arrived, we watch the kitten try to jump the backyard walls, he almost managed to climb them, just missing by another foot.

Another cat, a gray-stripped adult showed up and got near the kitten, I believe it was his mother because they got close and the adult licked him, and then jumped the wall easily. He still din't, and seemed like he was going to give up. he start to walk among some junk we have in the backyard, probably to sleep.

To help, I got the stair (that folding portable type, not sure if there is another name for it...) and placed near the wall, and procede to "shoo" him there, he fanally managed to reach the wall, and after getting a little stuck in the iron bars from the neighboors window he manages to get a safe hold, he them procede to walk away.

okay, that is it, just felt like I should share xD

and sorry, no pics, so I guess it din't happened =P
Cat flu. Symptoms include a mild fever, general feeling of tiered all day, and an inability to form sentences properly, specifically concerning cheeseburgers, cookies that you baked for someone, the length of certain cats and your proximity to the ceiling.


Staff member
forget to add this, but earlier this week I saw the kitten again, he was in the backyard with a another cat, I think he recognized me because when he saw me he aproached (not much, because there was a window separating us) and also kept staring, he learned to climb the walls this time, because next time I was checking he was nowhere in sight.


Question: was better to not touch him? I was affraid that I could get a disease or something xD
You'd be fine. I mean, most animals don't have rabies, unless he was showing signs of it.

Although if you have cats at home, indoor cats, I wouldn't touch him, certain feline diseases are harmless to humans but fatal to other cats who catch it.


A few months ago my mother actually caught cat scratch fever. She was playing w/my boy cat who ended up biting her foot. She cleaned it off & didn't think twice about it. 3 days later she was in the ER with a swollen, infected ankle. Officially, the doctors called it 'infection from a cat bite' but there was no way I was going to let my mother get away with that. Much Ted Nugent was played.


Question: was better to not touch him? I was affraid that I could get a disease or something xD
You'd be fine. I mean, most animals don't have rabies, unless he was showing signs of it.

Although if you have cats at home, indoor cats, I wouldn't touch him, certain feline diseases are harmless to humans but fatal to other cats who catch it.[/QUOTE]

Also, fleas. Don't forget the fleas.
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