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SKYward Sword (Zelda)




In keeping with the recent Sky theme, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is released this Sunday.

I haven't been this excited about a game in more than ten years, I think.



Frankie Williamson

Legend of what? Oh yeah, Skyrim!




have it (zelda) pre-ordered. just waiting to get it home on Sunday (day off on Monday).




I have the special edition pre-ordered (the one with the gold Wii remote) and I am counting down the days until I can get my hands on it :D




I haven't given a crap about a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time, but this one looks good, sounds fun, and is getting 10s in reviews. I'm actually a bit excited.




Can't wait to play it. Thankfully I can buy it tomorrow.




I'm almost in agreement with doomdragon. I haven't found a Zelda game entertaining since Link to the Past and the first one on the original gameboy. I will say that Windwaker was "ok" but I never got into the N64 games or Twilight Princess.

Guess Link/Zelda just isn't my "thing".




I pre-ordered the special edition, but more for the gold wii-mote and the symphony CD than the game. I mean, I will play the game, and probably like it, but it was the #3 reason that I pre-ordered.



Frankie Williamson

That gold wiimote is Malibu Stacy's new hat.




My son (who dressed as Link for Halloween this year) was running around the house last night squealing, "Skyward sword is coming out!".

He's four... what have I done?




My son (who dressed as Link for Halloween this year) was running around the house last night squealing, "Skyward sword is coming out!".

He's four... what have I done?
A good job? ;)




Got my copy (limited Edition with Wiimote and CD) today. No Preorder necessary. To bad I'm still at work and have to wait at least 5 Hours until I'm home.




The game doesn't even officially release till Sunday! No fair!




In Europe, it was released today.




I was so close to having it today. This morning I was at the store and they had them on display and when I went to talk to an employee about opening the case, another one came up out of no where and wisked them all away saying come back sunday which is the day after their sale on games ends. :mad:




I'll be getting this when Christmas break rolls around. My thanksgiving break is already dedicated to Batman: Arkham City.




going to try to find a copy in the morning, hoping to find the one with the remote.




Picked up the collector's edition we'd preordered today; waiting for my girlfriend to be off the phone in a minute so I can play some sweet, sweet Zelda-y goodness.

On a sidenote, the music CD included with the game is AWESOME!




Is it just me or are the graphics really bad. I enjoy the art style but I have noticed that there is horrible pixelation and compression affects. I have mainly noticed it at the
sealed grounds temple
. At first I thought my component cables were going bad but I tested my standard composite cables and it was even worse. I understand that this is the Wii and I am playing it on a 32" widescreen TV but it still seems pretty bad. For the most part it only seems really bad when it is a relatively dark area. If I am in a brightly lit area I barely even notice it. But that issue aside I am still having an absolute blast so far.




Is it just me or are the graphics really bad. I enjoy the art style but I have noticed that there is horrible pixelation and compression affects. I have mainly noticed it at the
sealed grounds temple
. At first I thought my component cables were going bad but I tested my standard composite cables and it was even worse. I understand that this is the Wii and I am playing it on a 32" widescreen TV but it still seems pretty bad. For the most part it only seems really bad when it is a relatively dark area. If I am in a brightly lit area I barely even notice it. But that issue aside I am still having an absolute blast so far.
The Wii's biggest failing is in its graphics. I have the camecube and Wii versions of Twilight Princess and it actually looks better on the GC.



The Wii's biggest failing is in its graphics. I have the camecube and Wii versions of Twilight Princess and it actually looks better on the GC.
Twilight Princess was made for the Gamecube and then quickly ported to be a Wii launch title.




No issues with the graphics for me, and I really like the art direction for this game. I am playing on an SDTV, though, so it'd be difficult to notice pixellation anyway.




I think its a issue with the newer HDTV's. I have a super awesome SDTV from ten years ago and the game looks awesome.




I think its a issue with the newer HDTV's. I have a super awesome SDTV from ten years ago and the game looks awesome.
I love my awesome new HDTV, but I haven't been able to stomach Wii games on it since.




the thing is they can look fine, let me find the link and I will show you.
I am hoping that with the new console they will allow for HD.




the thing is they can look fine, let me find the link and I will show you.
I am hoping that with the new console they will allow for HD.
Whelp, I got a new project now.




It actually is the HD that shackles the Wii. On a SD tv, everything looks A OK because the "jaggies" don't really show. Earlier consoles had no use for Anti-aliasing due to the fact that you'd only notice that on the higher resolution PC monitors, not a regular TV.

Now, however, the "jaggies" make the games look WORSE in HD than they do in SD. Most next gen consoles (360 and PS3) have hardware AA, the Wii, however, does not. and it shows.... A LOT.

As a note, it is possible to have software AA. I believe some Wii games actually do.




Yeah, I noticed the jagged edges when I loaded it up (and I agree it looks worse in HD...no issue at all on a 30" SDTV, all over the place on a 50" HDTV), but it doesn't bother me too badly. Loving the game so far.

Also, why the HELL didn't Nintendo add orchestral music to the series sooner...




I finally got a chance to play it.

Best Zelda ever. Still wish it was HD, it would be so beautiful.




The jaggies show even on streaming video footage.

That being said, I'll be playing the hell out of this over christmas break. The reviews that I've read so far place it far above twilight princes, but then I was never a huge twilight princess fan, either.




Picked up Skyrim on Friday, but I can't tear myself away from Zelda yet. Just finished the third temple, and the storyline's starting to get interesting...




Just past the second dungeon...

The Lanayru Mine/Desert area is fantastic.


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

I am about 20+ hours in. This game is fucking amazing. I seriously have not put it down since I started, save for when I was participating in the anniversary contest here.

The story, while essentially more of the same, just feels so god damn powerful even still.

I love this.




I am really loving the game but I can't help but feel I would like it more without the motion controls. Although the thing I hate the most is the stupid harp mini game but I feel that most of my hatred towards that could be fixed with standard controls.




Agreed with you, Bumble. As much as I've wanted to play Skyrim, I can't tear myself away from Zelda...it's the same story, but it's amazing because...well, minor spoilers:

It's the "origin" of Link, how the Master Sword came to be, and how he and Zelda became the reincarnating versions of themselves.

In particular (don't read if you haven't beat the 5th dungeon yet):
I'm finding it very intriguing that multiple pieces of the Triforce are lighting up on the back of his hand, rather than just the Triforce of Courage like in previous games. I'm really looking forward to see where this is going...




I am really loving the game but I can't help but feel I would like it more without the motion controls. Although the thing I hate the most is the stupid harp mini game but I feel that most of my hatred towards that could be fixed with standard controls.
I totally disagree. The controls really add to the game.




I totally disagree. The controls really add to the game.

For me I have never been a huge fan of motion controls in general. But even setting my natural distaste for motion controls and just looking at them as a whole I feel that while they work they don;t feel as tight or as responsive as I would hope them to. The sword combat works fine for the most part ( although the game has mistaken my movements every now and than) but other mechanics (like playing the harp) are just awful. And most of the other controls fall into the "alright category" such as the swimming controls or the flying the bird controls. I can see how some people would like the controls but for me I have always (and probably will always) prefer a normal controller setup. I don't think the controls break the game but I do think all around they they make more annoyances than they actually fix. But once again this is all just my opinion on the subject.




I love the motion controls for the flying beetle.


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

I totally agree with the harp, that it sometimes is just plain horrible with the reactions. Especially when you are performing at night with that singer at the pumpkin pub.. Took soooo long for me to get mild applause..

However, I think the sword controls are great. I love the feel of it, and the shield use makes it all come together!




Calling it now; Skyward Sword is the greatest Zelda game Nintendo's made.

Just went through the scene where Link and Zelda were reunited, and their respective roles were revealed...I didn't think it was possible to give that much emotional weight to a character whose entire dialogue has consisted of "KYEEEEAH!", but jeez. Well done, Nintendo...




I want to play this so bad, but I have so many other things I need to do, and Skyrim already absorbed so much of that time, and now with the new WoW patch, and holidays.... ARGGGDGDGD.




Right now, I don't have enough free time to really dive into Skyrim, so in the little downtime I have I've been playing skyward sword and loving every minute of it. I just started the 3rd area.




Just completed the end game, and ... yeah, that was pretty cool.




Finals are finally done, so I'll be going to town on that game in the next week.
Added at: 16:48
I totally agree with the harp, that it sometimes is just plain horrible with the reactions. Especially when you are performing at night with that singer at the pumpkin pub.. Took soooo long for me to get mild applause..
However, I think the sword controls are great. I love the feel of it, and the shield use makes it all come together!
I don't know if you folks don't have rhythm or what, but I had absolutely no problems with the harp controls. Got wild applause on the second try.




Heh, Yahtzee says it's the worst Zelda game he's ever played.




Yahtzee hates everything, and especially motion controls.




I hate motion controls....

Also it seems the majority of his complaints wasn't even about the controls, they had about a 30 second complaint in the whole 10 min video.
