and thus pretty much a wasted year.
I don't know why people keep saying this, especially when he has kept an impressive number of his promises. Go
here for a list of things he has done. Some biggies include-
Establish a Credit Card Bill of Rights
Expand Loan Programs for Small Businesses
Expand eligibility for SCHIP ( child healthcare program)
Expand funding funding to train primary care proficers
Assure the Veterens Administration budget is assigned as must pass legislation
Create a National Infrastructure Protection Plan
Stand down nuclear forces to be reduced under Moscow Treaty
Initiate Grant program for initiating law enforcement to deter cyber crimes
Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family in Cuba and send money
Restore funding to anti-gang initiatives
Release Presidential Records
Increase funding for National Parks and Forests
Expand hate crime act to include gender
Strengthen laws to prevent gender pay discrimination
Ban Lobbyist gifts to executive employees
New penalties for mortgage fraud
Create a Green Vet initiative to promote environmental jobs for Veterans
Doubled funding for research on clean fuels
Reverse restrictions on Stem Cell Research
Now, whether you agree with these things or not, to say this was "pretty much a wasted year." is extremely shortsighted.