So, I downloaded the Banjo-Kazooie Soundtrack

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And I mean, I dunno. I guess it's what I wanted. Tuba all going "tuba tuba tuba tuba" and the woodwinds all going "dididididlilililili".
More like a xylophone.

It's pretty much the same theme with different instruments and styles overall. "Doo dee doo diddee doo dee doo doo, doo dee doo didde doooo..."

That's even true in the final battle, but the way they actually made fatass Gruntilda seem intimidating from it was cool.
I didn't think there was any synthesizer at all :( :( :( :(
I meant more in the way that it has many instrument samples and if you drop it down a long flight of stairs it sounds like pretty much any Rare music from the N64 and beyond era. Sadly they never quite got the DKC feel back, which to me was awesome ambient music for a game.


whenever I hear this song,

"Doo dee doo diddee doo dee doo doo, doo dee doo didde dooo"
if you go out-to the woods today, your in for a-big supriiiiiise
if you go out-to the woods today, you'll nev-er believe your eyyyyes....

It's GOT to be on purpose...

Because todays the day the teddy bears have their picnic.
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