and washed it down with a YooHoo. My mouth went all like, "dude, is it 1988 again?"
You guys ever get massively nostalgic from certain kinds of foods?
Blue Nehi and those candy cigarettes! Oh, and Fun Dip!
Anytime I am on a road trip I buy myself a Yoohoo when I stop for gas at least one time. I've almost always had one on family trips since I was a kid.
Every time I have a Judice Inn cheeseburger I think of my grandpa taking me there when I was 4 and scolding me for ordering a cheese sandwich and not a burger.
The Lovely Boehner
Devil Cremes do it for me. My grandma always got them for me back when she lived with us.
Ooo those oatmeal cookie cream sandwiches. Mom used to buy us those for after school snacks.
AND those cheap cookies with the picture of the happy chef on them--they were kind of shaped like flowers and had holes in the middle? Those and cheez balls remind me of my great grandma. She always kept those for us.
Little Debbie brownies with the nuts picked off the top.
Any kind of porridge makes me very nostalgic.
1. Big Boy
2. Dadu icecream
Swiss Cake Rolls.
And Dinty Moore Beef Stew, but that makes my heart palpitate.
There's this stuff my grandma and mom makes for Thanksgiving every year. We call it the "pink stuff." It's some sort of cranberry/cool whip/marshmellow concoction. I don't really like it anymore, but I eat it anyway to make them happy. I do get a bit nostalgic seeing it on the table.
Blueberry muffins and pancakes made from scratch also makes me think of my mom, but I'm not really nostalgic about those.
I feel like I should have more things, but I can't think of anymore.
The dish that probably brings back most of my memories of high school years is wheat pasta with sauteed vegetables stirred in with olive oil. We ate that 3-5 times a night. I was so sick of it. I hope I never eat it again.
The dish that probably brings back most of my memories of high school years is wheat pasta with sauteed vegetables stirred in with olive oil. We ate that 3-5 times a night. I was so sick of it. I hope I never eat it again.
I just about posted my least favorite dish from childhood. Mine was goulash, or at least that's what my mom called it. It was essentially, ground beef with tons of garlic powder, canned diced tomatoes, and elbow macaroni. Blech. I never want to see that again. We had that a few times a week as well.
BBQ Lays. Not that KC Masterpiece crap, but the original that I heard was invented by Justin Wilson. When I eat it, it reminds me of my summer days hanging out at the Knights of Columbus Pool. I'd get dropped of there for about 4-7 hours of swimming and watching the really hot life guard. I was left with enough money for a fountain coke and a bag of chips. I swear every time I have them now that they have come back... I look down to see if my hands have pruned up from being in the water too long.
I love Yoo Hoo, chocolately goodness.
Used to eat nerds all the time in the early 90s. Had some just recently for the first time in more than a decade. It sure was nostalgic. In fact, it was more than nostalgic, it was fucking RAD.
apricot jam.
For me it would be a hot dog on wheat bread and a glass of Strawberry Quick. That was a common meal for me when I was a kid.
I really get nostalgic for country fried steak and brown beans.
Grandma made the best in the world...I would scarf it down till I got sick.
Macaroni and cheese with corn kernels thrown in. My brother and I would eat that a lot when we were kids.
Wasabi Poptart
Strawberry shortcake made with Bisquick. My grandmom used to make them in the late spring/early summer. I'm allergic to strawberries, but I would always eat it one time during the year when she made it and take some Benadryl afterward.
Mike and Ikes and Hershey's Cookies and Cream.
A friend of mine worked at the local paper subbing station. Free coupons for those went to us. I can't eat another Hershey's Cookies and Cream after a box of 48 were consumed in a week.
Vanilla Coke.
The one, the only...
Rice with Tuna and an Omlet :S
Hostess Fruit Pies for me.
I drank like over 9000 of these on every family trip.
Joe Johnson
Oh yeah, those weird drinks in the clear plastic "kegs", those were always in the produce aisle in our grocery store for some reason.
I equate those with the little wax bottles full of similar liquid.
My childhood thing was either Pop-tarts, or a Watchamacalit with a Dr. Pepper.
Aaaaaah Watchamacalit! So good. And such a wonderfully weird commercial, too.
I loved Squeeze-Its as a kid, but my parents would only buy them on my birthday or a similar occasion.[/QUOTE]
Oh my God I had forgotten about those. My brother and I had to beg to get them, even though it was basically Kool-Aid for rich kids.
I was a camp counselor for the YMCA a few summers ago and packed my lunch every day.
I put Squeezeits in my brown bag every day!
Red Velvet cake takes me to a happier time.
And Chocodiles rocked!!!!
Wasabi Poptart
Tandy Cakes. I haven't had these in forever, but my grandpop and I would have them with milk for a snack on Saturday afternoons. Unless you're from the Northeast US you'll probably have no idea what they are.
Looks like now they are called Kandy Kakes.
YooHoo and Chiclets Gum
Silver Jelly
Since I read this thread, I have been trying to think of something, but nothing comes to mind...
Probably because, if it's avaliable today, I'm probably eating it sometimes.
My parents would never buy me Ecto Cooler because "that's nothing but sugar." Same thing went for most of the kid cereals.
My parents were similar. I get to be nostalgic about stuff like:
The kind of candy you found in health food stores.
*sigh* I'm glad my mom's standards lowered over time, but early on in my childhood I got carob-coated malt balls in my stocking at Christmas. At least baked goods were always real stuff. My grandmother made awesome monster cookies, and my mom made this stuff she called kringla, but actually wasn't. It was some sort of puff pastry soaked in icing, though. Mmm, so good.