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So...I need a new time sink...




So today I canceled my World of Warcraft account. I won't deny I had fun but after hitting 80 I found I only really had two things to do...Raid and Dailies...neither of which entertain me. The final straw has been my three ral life friend who play WoW all deciding to drop their accounts as well.

So now I am left in a bit of a predicament...a bunch of free time with not much to do, so I bought a PlayStation 3. Currently I am playing Fallout 3 and having a blast, I have the PS3 Armored Core game and Grand Theft Auto 4 to mix it up. I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some fun stuff to do with my new toy (I love console RPGs I might add)




Should have got Fallout 3 on PC instead, the mods give it a replayability for months.

My other suggestion is an older PSP "modded" and you'll have enough to do for months on end with solid RPGs found "mysteriously" online.

I'm pretty much in the same WoW boat as you, though I do raid full-time during the week. Right now I'm looking at getting Aion online when it releases, maybe pick up the LOTRO 10day Free Trial in the meantime.

You may want to check out the "What are you playing now" thread for some more ideas.




Why is it every time someone mentions that they bought a game on either the PS3 or Xbox 360 that has a PC version, people tell them to go out and buy the PC version?

I realize mods can do a lot for a game, but I can't think of an instance where it really justifies re-purchasing something you've already spent 50-60 dollars on.

Sorry, just my pet peeve.

To the OP:
I think you really need to narrow down what genre you're looking for.




I don't and have not ever said it for any other game, but Fallout mods can add MONTHS of playtime, not just a small little change here and there.



Bowielee said:
Why is it every time someone mentions that they bought a game on either the PS3 or Xbox 360 that has a PC version, people tell them to go out and buy the PC version?

I realize mods can do a lot for a game, but I can't think of an instance where it really justifies re-purchasing something you've already spent 50-60 dollars on.

Sorry, just my pet peeve.

To the OP:
I think you really need to narrow down what genre you're looking for.
only a few game like this qualifies. Fallout 3 does have quite a bit of mods that enhance the gameplay and can pretty much "change up" the game. The PS3 version can only handle DLC content but not mods :( (at least not the same level as PC)

hmmm... time sink?

what are you looking for? Single player? multi-player? rpg? shooters? fatansy? there is quite a bit of stuff out there.





you're welcome



Shegokigo said:
Should have got Fallout 3 on PC instead, the mods give it a replayability for months.

My other suggestion is an older PSP "modded" and you'll have enough to do for months on end with solid RPGs found "mysteriously" online.
This and This.



twitchmoss said:
No... no... must not click... nooooooooooo....

[sucked in -- will be back in two months]


Steven Soderburgin

My suggestion is to learn a new language! :)




Kissinger said:
My suggestion is to learn a new language! :)


Steven Soderburgin

I was going to suggest Esperanto.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Post here a lot




twitchmoss said:
Not agaaaaaaaaaaaaa--*click*


Steven Soderburgin

I really don't get the obsession with tvtropes. Whenever someone brings it up, I go there, click on two things, then close the tab and forget it exists until someone mentions it again. What is the big deal?
