So I think I was exposed to Meth last night...

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So I've been house hunting lately. Yesterday I stumbled upon a house in a VERY nice neighborhood for under 200k (recently reduced from 230). I called my agent who said we could see it right away, as it is vacant and listed as "easy to show". Apparently, "easy to show" is code for "unlocked, with no key box".

It was once a very beautiful house. It is now likely home to a squatter. The first thing we noticed when walking around the back side of the house was that the AC unit had been ripped apart (scavenged for copper tubing). Undeterred, we walk in and find that pretty much every wall has had a giant holes in them. As this is "cosmetic" my wife felt that it would be easy to fix and we moved on. The main level bathroom has had the shower pipe removed (not just the head, there is a hole in the wall where the pipe would come out). Someone had been washing things in the sinks or the plumbing had backed up (all coated in filth) and the hot tub in the sunroom still had standing water.

Then we hit the garage. No power in the place, but as soon as I opened the door the smell of Rot hit me. Then I saw the couch (making me realize that someone was most likely sleeping there). At that point, I ushered my wife and our agent out of the house and to the front (as it was dark in the garage and I was concerned that someone was actually in there and hiding).

Then it hit me. Something between a normal head ache and a weak migraine (more towards the normal head ache scale, but about twice as intense). Then I started being itchy on my arms, legs and scalp. We immediately headed home and showered. My wife wasn't experiencing the same problems, but she didn't get near the garage like I did.

Today I still have the headache, although it is in line with a standard headache.

So for those of you who are knowledgeable of such things, was I exposed to meth (either where it had been smoked or cooked) or am I just being paranoid?
If you're really concerned, you should see a doctor, if you can.

Ashburner is probably right, but better safe than sorry.
Sounds like a reasonable level of paranoia. Be sure the agent calls the local law enforcement to watch the house, and contact the owners that there could be illegal activity and vandalism happening to their property.

If people are able to squat there and steal the outside part of the A/C unit, the house may not be in a safe enough neighborhood for that price.

If the house is a foreclosure the damage may have been done by the previous 'owners' before they were forced out. I had to replace all the major appliances and light fixtures in my house before I could move in.

Kitty Sinatra

I think I just got a glimpse of the future: Shego's niece is gonna die overdosing on meth.
My Father in law is convinced that every house for sale today has been used to cook meth (Utah is the meth cooking captial of the west according to the local media) and "warns" us about it everytime we talk about buying a house, so that put the thought in my head. The fact that the house was in the condition it was in and it was apparent that somone was living there added to it.

That and I know very little about the drug to begin with (know that it makes your teeth rot, thats about it).


Generally the effects of being exposed to a meth cook house are chronic. The chemicals leech from the walls over time, so unless someone was cooking it while you were there, you shouldn't have had any symptoms from a meth house simply from a walk through.
I'm going with GS's assessment. As I have relaxed a bit my head ache has gone away.

As for Zombie virus, all I have to say is uuuuuurrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh....


I'm going to say some kind of mold, Laurelai kind of threw meth out the window. I wouldn't waste time on a doctor since you seem to have recovered but mold can fuck you up.


Staff member
You really thought that you were exposed to meth :(. It's probably just a mold, man...not exactly harmless, but...I came into this thread expecting things.
Yeah, Meth is actually a pretty awesome TF2 player, being exposed to his playstyle can leave you pretty light headed, I mean af...... ohhhhh THAT kind of Meth....
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