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So I've made a decision on if I'm going into Law or Medicine



I've decided that while I like law and would love to be a prosecutor, I can do far more with my eventual medical doctorate to help people.

To that end I believe once I finish my residency, I'm going to possibly enlist in the US Army's Medical Corps to serve as an overseas trauma surgeon. Once I get back, I'll try to join a hospital as an attending surgeon.

Wish me luck!




Should've gone medical, chicks don't dig lawyers



Frankie Williamson

Cat said:
Should've gone medical, chicks don't dig lawyers
Did you read the post?


Scarlet Varlet

WolfOfOdin said:
I've decided that while I like law and would love to be a prosecutor, I can do far more with my eventual medical doctorate to help people.

To that end I believe once I finish my residency, I'm going to possibly enlist in the US Army's Medical Corps to serve as an overseas trauma surgeon. Once I get back, I'll try to join a hospital as an attending surgeon.

Wish me luck!
Best of luck with your choice.

An uncle of my father's served during his medical practice and made it his career.




Why choose to help people? Carnage, chaos, mayhem, these are the spices which make life worthwhile.




Frankie said:
Did you read the post?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Cat said:
Frankie said:
Did you read the post?




:Leyla: The thread I imagined was better




Any idea what in surgery you want to do? Orthapedics are the rockstars of surgeons and you would be a lot more helpful overseas with that set of skills. Just food for thought.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Cat said:
:Leyla: The thread I imagined was better
Lay off da hooch!




Kudos man. We need more people in this world who want to help others. :thumbsup:

Reminds me of when I was younger and was choosing my future path. Did I want to be a doctor? An engineer? Diplomat? Politician?

Eventually I decided on Internet Pervert. Do what you love, after all.
