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So my friend made a movie




And the screening is tomorrow. The thing is, it's going to be horrible. I really don't want to go and pretend like it was ok or something...but I feel like I kind of have to.

I mean, I don't want to go and then lie to him about how it was good when it's not. I also don't want to go and have to tell him it was horrible and that the thing he worked on for such a long time was a total piece of shit.

I mean, maybe I can go and just avoid him and dodge any questions as to my opinion?

Fuck, I dunno what to do.







I think I'll just keep a bottle of champaign in my car, and if it's that bad I'll just get too drunk to care.




Dear Phil,

I know this is a bit late but here's the deal. If you made a movie (or a skit, or...) how would you want your friends to support you? How would you feel if your friends didn't show up? Go to the show. It may be better than you think. If it's NOT...

Don't volunteer opinion unless asked. If he does ask, tell him you didn't like it but tell him why constructively. Don't just say, "That sucked!" Say "The lead characters acted in ways that I don't think were real. It didn't seem natural." or "The lack of special effects were telling in parts but that isn't necessarily your fault." If you find nothing good to say about it, simply say, "Dude, I came to support you because I'm your friend. But I didn't like it, I'm sorry." If he still presses you about it, give reasons why you didn't like it but try and stay constructive. If he's your friend he'll take it constructively. Chances are he already knows it's not good. But the important part is he'l know you were there for him, which is what friendship is all about.




Everyone starts somewhere. [STRIKE]Lots[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] MOST people start by making something really crappy and learning from it. Support your buddy I say.


Kitty Sinatra

Tell him it was better than Transformers 2.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

Be happy your friends name isn't Uwe Boll.
... wait, it's not is it? If it is punch your friend in the face for me.




I'm actually not a filmmaker though. I only acted in and wrote a few sketches, just to clear that up (only for the sake of keepin' it truthful not at all to be mean or anything <3 )

The movie turned out to not be AS bad as I thought it would be. Really if you break a movie down into all it's aspects (sound, acting, cinematography and so on) everything was a C- I guess you could say. I got lucky because he didn't ask me my opinion too!

Then I got to go to an industrial/goth club with some friends of mine and be a 3rd wheel for a little bit. It felt fitting.


Kitty Sinatra

I know most people on this forum feel that TF2 was the worst movie in history (hyperbole much?), but I absolutely loved it
I've never even seen it. :(

Not for any reason but that I've simply never gotten around to it. I intentionally avoid Tarantino flicks, though.




I'm actually not a filmmaker though. I only acted in and wrote a few sketches, just to clear that up (only for the sake of keepin' it truthful not at all to be mean or anything <3 )

The movie turned out to not be AS bad as I thought it would be. Really if you break a movie down into all it's aspects (sound, acting, cinematography and so on) everything was a C- I guess you could say. I got lucky because he didn't ask me my opinion too!

Then I got to go to an industrial/goth club with some friends of mine and be a 3rd wheel for a little bit. It felt fitting.
So Dave was right! Let this be a lesson to you all!
