So my neighbor moved out

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The neighbor we have at my apartment complex has been gone for about a month then showed up last night about 9pm (fucker) knocking on our door to tell us he's moving out. My wife went outside to talk to him then came back in at about 9:30ish, I was playing Red Dead Redemption. Anyway she comes int he room tells me to get off the game we have work to do, puzzled I say ok and get off, we go to his apartment (he already left) and says ok, I just bought everything in here for 300 bucks. There was a 300 dollar bike in there that had only been ridden once from when his girlfriend lived there with her teenage son before they said screw it and moved out (could take it to a pawn shop) a complete living room (with leather?(ish) couches) end tables, a small tv. a complete bedroom set, a nice king size bed, wooden dresser, drawers, side table that we all took, and a bunch of stuff we didn't, some lamps, another dresser from a different room, a desk, another side table a computer chair a wood holder thingy that stands up in a corner, I'm guessing about 1000 bucks of stuff that we got for 300, the stuff we didn't take we gave to someone that we saw outside that helped us move. Didn't get done till like 1:30 in the morning, but it was worth it.


Staff member
And here I thought it was going to be a rant!

Good luck for you, eh? Did he say why he wasn't taking the stuff?


Staff member
Done that before. A friend of mine majored in anthropology. He graduated a semester before me, decided there were no jobs in anth. and joined the army. I looted his house for the low, low price of "free" at his request. I looked up the grandfather clock I got some years later, and found out it originally sold for 600 bucks.


I really hope that none of that stuff is stolen and that you got it in writing (signed) that it was ok to take all of it?
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