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So... TV show about killing is ok, but games are not?




It is interesting how the media is not attacking the show "Dexter" (kid's fav show) in the killing of his younger brother

but if you replace "Dexter" with "Halo" or "Modern Warfare" the media will be all over it and start blaming the game.

It is interesting to see, I also notice that this article is looking deeper into the person rather than "recent" hobby.

Dr. Lisa Boesky, a San Diego child psychologist and expert on teen and child behavior, said the boy's alleged self-mutilation indicated he may have been suffering from depression or anxiety, or experiencing overwhelming emotions such as rage.

Boesky said teens who kill nearly always have deep, underlying problems and that it was unlikely the television show influenced Conley's actions.

"It's rarely something that happens overnight," she said. "This is not caused by a television show or a fight with their parents. This is typically indicative of a serious disturbance. And clearly in cases like this, it indicates that something is seriously wrong."




I'd say this would go away with the newer generation taking over the news, but sadly, most people in my college tend to think that video games are somehow worse than TV.




I think they already finished the cycle for freaking out about TV shows..




it is jsut too bad he did not have someone like Harry to help him learn to control his Dark Passenger.



Eh, it seems that in the modern world, every medium has a period of being considered evil before gaining widespread acceptance.

Theatre was the great evil during Shakespeare's time. The great evil of film prompted the strict guidelines of the Motion Picture Production Code. Comic books were the bane of parents when they were first introduced.

Video games are no different. Eventually, people will realize that the great video game scare amounts to nothing, and get over it.

---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

I'd say this would go away with the newer generation taking over the news, but sadly, most people in my college tend to think that video games are somehow worse than TV.
Which college did you go to? Because I didn't run across that at all.







I'd say this would go away with the newer generation taking over the news, but sadly, most people in my college tend to think that video games are somehow worse than TV.
I read somewhere a while ago that the rationale for VG being worse than TV is that you're "actively participating" in the violent acts instead of passively watching them.




People still freak out over television and movies, but they don't produce things any longer that are on the edge or push the envelope. Do you seriously think Lolita could be made today?

Remember the NC-17 rating? It was supposed to be for graphic movies with a plot and direction to them as opposed to X rating which is graphic without a plot per se. Hell, for the most part R ratings can be a death knell for a film!

The problem is, once they come down on video games it'll be impossible to find ones that are edgy and push things forward. And that's a damned shame.

The biggest difference that I see is that the industry still bows down and apologizes for user-generated content, which is stupid. And the fact that video games CAN be modified by users may be the only real differentiating quality between the mediums.



None of this will ever completely go away.

Ross and I watched a Forensic Files where D&D was blamed for some boys pipebomb spree. And they showed 3.5e on the screen so it's not like it was 20 - 25 years old.





The bad guy was nuts because of a role playing game. Four Horsemen. Just 10 years ago.
