So What's the plan for Thursday?

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Everyone else's pic for an avatar pic, many grues, jellybean faces.. what?
Plan is to go to work, clean up the recyclables in the garage, watch the hockey game and Survivor on the tube, formalize Fridays plans, possibly pizza and beer for dinner. Maybe some D&D work, maybe wash the floors.
Normally I'm all "APRIL FOOLS! WOOOO!", but I've got an interview for a co-op position on Thursday, so my plan is pretty much just take the train to Toronto and try not to blow this interview.
Celebrating my birthday with my family, try to speak with a couple professors I'll be working with, prepping for the move, and (hopefully) getting the design for my tattoo.
Normally I'm all "APRIL FOOLS! WOOOO!", but I've got an interview for a co-op position on Thursday, so my plan is pretty much just take the train to Toronto and try not to blow this interview.
Actually you don't really have an interview, you're going to walk in the door and they're going to shout "APRIL FOOL'S" then point while laughing.
On a forum I used to moderate, I'd usually make a fake post about the forum closing. And every year, a few shmucks would believe it, forgetting entirely that I made the same exact joke the year before. I'd once planned to do a fake in-fighting situation for February and March between the mods, with staged public arguments and such, and then the owner of the forum would make the "shutting down" post, but we never all got around to it.

At another forum, I say I've come out of the closet... and each year, someone believes it.

I don't know what's more lame, that I used to recycle the jokes, or that the same people would fall for them again and again.

I don't bother with it anymore though.


We could just give Kurtz the username and password for the main site and let him Nuke it again...
...and then...
Hijinx ensue?
Normally I'm all "APRIL FOOLS! WOOOO!", but I've got an interview for a co-op position on Thursday, so my plan is pretty much just take the train to Toronto and try not to blow this interview.
Actually you don't really have an interview, you're going to walk in the door and they're going to shout "APRIL FOOL'S" then point while laughing.[/QUOTE]

This horrifying thought had occurred to me.

That didn't happen, but I don't think the interview went well. I took a wrong turn and wound up 15minutes late.
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