Export thread

So where's our resident phpBB forum guru(s?)




So, I made a post a bit ago about how to do this and that with a blog on an external site, and didn't get any responses, which is fine because I was finally able to make something work myself.

Thing is, now I'm creating us some legitimate phpBB forums as opposed to "forums-free.com" forums (which are great, don't get me wrong, but we need to legitimize ourselves a bit XD).

So, I have a large number of questions, as I've never made a forum like this before. Likely, questions that need to be taken to PM or e-mail because they will be vast, many, and technical.

For example, I'm wanting to completely customize the forums and make several (custom) themes to choose from. How difficult will this be, and is it likely I'll need help.

Also, is there ANY way to transfer the member list from the old forum to this one?

Anyway, thanks to anyone who might be willing to help with this.




More than likely I could help but I'd have to dig WAY back into my memory banks.

You can transfer the user list if you have access to the databases for both. Basically you'd export one and then import it to the new one.

Most everything is easy to do and there's a lot of places you can go that have step-by-step instructions on these sorts of things.




Awesome, thanks. I should be able to figure stuff out, I was just hoping to find someone who could help if I had an overly-specific question that would be hard to find the answer to.
