...soooooo,,,,anyone still playing EvE?

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I feel like that guy who makes crazy suggestions to people then gets them all hyped about it then it blows up in everyones' faces, and then comes back next week with another crazy suggestion and everyone just rolls their eyes. But the dude says 'no guys, this time its different!'

Well. Probably not different. I've kept paying my accounts to motivate me to play, and I occasionally update my skills, but I found a new EvE podcast and it has made me want to jump into the game a bit again.

Is anyone still playing this?
Haven't touched it since I had to leave last time, but I'm getting some pretty awesome financial aid now so I might be able to come back. I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep up the interest/time-commitment necessary though. I'll wait and see how many others are interested.


financial aid... to play games... I must get on this train.
I'm trying to cut down on my MMO (at least the one's I pay subscriptions for). I intend to return to EvE soonish, just not yet.
EVE looks interesting, but I already devote my spare time (and disposable income) to other things. A pity, since it looks interesting.



I play EvE. I had a 2 or 3 month hiatus recently, but took up CCPs offer to reactivate.


I've never played it, but am considering trying it when my new laptop arrives.


Staff member

I mean that in the nicest way :)
I agree. Except for the nicest way part.[/QUOTE]

But guys, guys, this time it will be different, c'mon!

Just kidding. I'm really not trying to recruit or anything, I barely have the time to get on once in three days, but I am just curious if people are still playing.

Rakim/Math, I thought you were one of the people that stayed?
I actually stayed for a long while... just not as my main. I rolled an alt, joined the penny-arcade corp, and... kinda turned that into my main.

But I was starting to get bored. I haven't logged in in over a month, and with WoW being revamped and awesome now... I don't see me returning to EVE anytime soon.
I can't really play WoW anymore. The fanciness they put in causes too much lag for me. I was starting to get kicked out in the capital cities from lag, so I spent most of the time pulling my hair out trying to get back in.

No idea how much I'll play Eve, but at least I can play it.


Staff member
yeah that was pretty crazy running into you in corp chat. Very much a "fancy meeting you here..." kind of moment. Well, hopefully you stick around. If you do decide to stay, try and find a good corp. Seems like a wormhole corp would do you good.
Once I get settled in a bit I'll look around for a new corp. I need to get the hang of it all again, and figure out a good skill plan first.


Staff member
Well, I just found out that they are about to kill the learning skills, so don't waste your time on training any of those.

Also, looks like I just got accepted into a pretty cool pirate corp. Yarr bitches.
I saw that, looks like there are lots of changes coming up. I think I need to focus on some piloting skills next, right now I'm a couple days away from being able to fit my covert ops cloak and I should be set to go in my Anathema.

So I should probably watch my back if I see you around...


Staff member
EvE - The only game where people actively try NOT to play.

because seriously it will fuck up your life.

Friends don't let friends play EvE.


I actually stayed for a long while... just not as my main. I rolled an alt, joined the penny-arcade corp, and... kinda turned that into my main.

But I was starting to get bored. I haven't logged in in over a month, and with WoW being revamped and awesome now... I don't see me returning to EVE anytime soon.
You're not Brian Kenobi, are you?


Not to necro a thread on a bad purpose, but I'll probably give Eve a good honest try in January when they release the next patch, that one supposedly contains the new super awesome character creation (other than just a face) and planetary involvements. Theres a few big friendly corps out there I know of that welcome in noobs so it shouldnt be hard to find a place to go.


Staff member
Woah! I live in houston and play EvE. Small world.

So for anyone that was enjoying drinking my tears, here's another:

I forgot to upgrade my clone and lost 1 million skillpoints.

Edit: Anyone here an NC stooge? Because I spend the greater part of my day making your life a complete hell.


Staff member
Pfff. Incarna is a troll, it will never happen. And even if it does I don't see the appeal.

BTW, as of yesterday I have lost ~700 million isk in ship losses so far. Within ~1 month. Mostly T1.

The most expensive loss was a vagabond I lost two days ago (~250 mil). I was bringing it home from a long distance null sec roam we did the previous night and jumped straight into an insta locking gate camp. Only a couple jumps out from home base.

Then there were the 2 dominixs I lost back to back. First one was to a gf gf, second one was from undocking my newly purchased dominix with GCC in high sec. Nothing better than having concord lossmails.

Also have had some relatively embarrassing bomber losses recently, but they have been fun nonetheless. Really most of my ship losses have been in the last week. Must have lost almost 500 mil this last week.

Bomber ops are awesome though. Get deep into nullsec and have some black ops battleship covert cyno you on top of a belt ratting group. Blam blam blam everyone dies.

I have to say that joining this corp has been great fun, but for the life of me I don't know how these guys support themselves. I make my money by being an amazing industrialist. Pulled in ~2 bil since I restarted (early november). On the other hand, most of these guys don't loose ships as fast as I do.
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