SS# and job hunting

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Dear Dave,

Quick job-related question: in order to get a job in the united states, do you normally have to show your physical social security card to your new employer, or is providing your social security number sufficient in most cases?

Can't Find His Damn Card in California


Staff member
You have to show a specific number of documents. I will look and find what specifically they are.


Staff member
Found it!

There are 3 columns of possible identification - A, B & C.

List A are documents which establish both identity and employment authorization.
List B are documents that establish identity.
List C are documents that establish employment authorization.

You need 1 from either A or B AND at least 1 from C.

List A has such things as:

US Passport or Passport Card
Permanent Resident Card
Foreign Passport with I-551 stamp.

List B has things like:

Driver's License or ID card (from a State agency)
Voter registration card
US Military ID card

List C is the one you were most wondering about and it contains:

Certification of Birth Abroad (but still citizen)
Original Birth Certificate
Employment authorization issued by the Department of Homeland Security

Again, you need 1 from EITHER A or B, but you HAVE to have 1 from C to be hired.
This is not exactly correct.
You need either A
OR both b and c

Any document from A is supposed to satisfy both citizenship and employment eligibility. It's supposed to be all you HAVE to show to satisfy the law.

In practical use, however, I have found that nobody I've worked for will hire you without seeing your social security card, no matter what the I-9 says. When i first got my passport, I tried to use it for all kinds of things like buying beer, and yes, twice for the sole document I should have to present to HR to get hired. I got the beer (after much scrutiny). I had to show my SS card anyway.


Staff member
Did I read that wrong? I'd better check that again.

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------

You are correct, Tin.

Either 1 from A or 1 from B AND C.


I was gonna say, a passport is pretty much number 1 as far as I.D. goes.
So the employer will usually demand to see the physical card, just knowing my number so I can fill it in the form wont be enough?
You can go to your local SSA office and request a new card, just be sure to bring in a birth certificate, or comparable form of ID.
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