Found it!
There are 3 columns of possible identification - A, B & C.
List A are documents which establish both identity and employment authorization.
List B are documents that establish identity.
List C are documents that establish employment authorization.
You need 1 from either A or B AND at least 1 from C.
List A has such things as:
US Passport or Passport Card
Permanent Resident Card
Foreign Passport with I-551 stamp.
List B has things like:
Driver's License or ID card (from a State agency)
Voter registration card
US Military ID card
List C is the one you were most wondering about and it contains:
Certification of Birth Abroad (but still citizen)
Original Birth Certificate
Employment authorization issued by the Department of Homeland Security
Again, you need 1 from EITHER A or B, but you HAVE to have 1 from C to be hired.