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StarCraft 2 Beta Begins







StarCraft 2 Beta starts this month.

Release day will be a new Korean holiday.




Updating since the beta has STARTED. Anyone get in? I sure didn't. :cry:




Haven't gotten my email yet.




I didn't get in but then again I never applied.

I hate RTS games and suck so hard at them it's audible.



I didn't get in but then again I never applied.

I hate RTS games and suck so hard at them it's audible.
I love RTS games, but still suck so hard at them it's audible.




Apparently they're gonna be more waves of keys as it goes on...

But nope, didn't get in... RAGE!!!!!!!!!




Neither did I. :(




I've been addicted to this shit now for a week.

That is, addicted to checking my mail.... QQ.



Looks cool I'll try gettin in. I still don't like how they split this up though.




Looks cool I'll try gettin in. I still don't like how they split this up though.
Why? We get three times as much game!



Yeah but its a rip off though.




How is three times as much game a rip off? :wtf:

Are you one of those players that think they took SC1 and split it into thirds? If you are, I think you need to actually read up more on the game rather then throw a fit over something you don't understand.



I know but I'm just hoping there will be a lot of content. When most companies do something like this they leave a lot out.
Thats what I meant to say earlier. You pay more for less. From what I've seen of this so far it doesn't appear to be the case.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Maybe they should release a multiplayer-only demo using one crappy map to convince you. :p



Haha very funny. Already finished the game so I'll be trading it in for Heavy Rain next Tuesday.
Pretty pumped about that game. It's my the most anticipated game of this year next to God of War 3
and Modnation Racers.




I know but I'm just hoping there will be a lot of content.
There is loads of content. Wings of Liberty (AKA Game 1) is going to have 28 unique story missions. (To compare, StarCraft 1 has 30 story missions). Now, you might be saying "that is TWO LESS MISSIONS!" and you are right, but then you have to take into account the meta-games, bonus maps, customizable mission structure and upgrade system, and the fact that the game is 1000% more cinematic then the first game with cut scenes following nearly all of the missions. The game will still have three fully playable multiplayer races and loads of maps, the only difference in structure is the campaign, which will focus on the Terran for the vast majority of missions giving them a much longer and more detailed story, rather then trying to fit the whole storyline for each race in only 10 missions (like SC1, and Brood War). This means the Zerg and Protoss will get long, detailed storyline in each game that focuses on them.

I played a total of two missions at BlizzCon, and that was only after I wasted a good 20 minutes on my first play through just walking around the Hyperion to figure out how I wanted to upgrade, or what mercs I wanted to buy, or watch how Raynor interacted with his crew, etc... We have a lot of room for a cool story, and the extra "expansion" allows us even more units and missions then Blizzard had done with ANY former RTS they have made.



Okay okay that was my only worry. It's on my watched game list and I'll probably get it sometime this year.
It's a good year to be a PS3 owner. Can't wait for Heavy Rain and God of War 3.




Not to mention that the second and third chapters will be expansions, not full retail games. I see it no different than SC1 and Brood War, but with one MORE expansion. Sounds fine to me.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Haha very funny. Already finished the game so I'll be trading it in for Heavy Rain next Tuesday.
Pretty pumped about that game. It's my the most anticipated game of this year next to God of War 3
and Modnation Racers.
You made all those topics and went on and on about the multiplayer skills, and are trading it in less than a week? Money well spent.



Well multiplayer was okay but not as great as AvP2. The only interesting storyline in this AvP was perhaps the Alien.
Anyhooo the vids thus far of Starcraft II look very cool especially the latest ones.




Not to mention that the second and third chapters will be expansions, not full retail games. I see it no different than SC1 and Brood War, but with one MORE expansion. Sounds fine to me.
Suck for SP Zerg players though...

Would have been nice to include a prologue of sorts for the Zerg (Protoss you get in the terran campaign).




Would have been nice to include a prologue of sorts for the Zerg (Protoss you get in the terran campaign).
They very well may.

If you remember WarCraft 3 : The Frozen Throne, it came out with three campaigns with Horde getting a special RPG-style campaign added in a later patch to satisfy the people that wanted some Horde-based goodness in the Single Player. They also released a demo (and later a download) that had special missions that filled the gap between the tutorial missions of Reign of Chaos and when the Orcs reach Kalimdor.

I fully expect them to release Wings of Liberty, with the focus on the Terran with some "side missions" allowing play of the Protoss. Then in a later patch release a "Zerg Prologue" that will lead into the Zerg-expansion release, and then do it again leading into the Protoss-expansion release. They actually did something like this with StarCraft 1, just using other developers and calling them "add-ons".




Actually the Horde campaign was there from the get go, it just wasn't finished (1/3 chapters).




Well that was kind of irrelevant to my point, but you are correct. I forgot it was the second and third chapters that were added later.




No it wasn't, because i want it in from the start....

They had like a couple of extra months while waiting on bnet 2.0 to make some missions... not that those doodads they kept posting on twitter weren't nice...





No it wasn't, because i want it in from the start....
We would all like them from the start, but I would rather have polished missions worthy of the Zerg then a few rushed ones. Some of us can be patient. :p
