StarCraft 2 single player units

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I'm trying to plan out a custom map/mod for StarCraft II, based on what I know of the editor's capabilities, so that I can hit the ground running when the game comes out. The availability of certain unit models drastically changes the type of game I might make though. What I'm hoping to make is an RPG with two psychic human characters, neither of which is armed or armored. I was wondering if anyone who had been to BlizzCon or otherwise had random encyclopedic knowledge (*cough* ScytheRexx *cough*) knew if the single player campaign included any non-armed-but-still-interesting-looking human units?

Edit: Also, they mention that there's a lot you can do with scripting that you can't necessarily do with the normal editor functions. Do we know what language the scripting is in?
Didn't notice this post yesterday.

I really don't have much information in regards to this but I can tell you what I know. So far, at BlizzCon, we only got to see two unarmored human units, basically a take on a human colonist, male and female versions. They were pretty generic with random portraits, and simply wore a white outfit and were used as defend fodder for the escort mission. While the colonist model looked great on some random forest world, it might not work in the sprawling Terran cities that are going to be part of the campaign. I think I remember seeing a picture of some other "random" unarmored characters around a buggy in an old shot, but I am having issues finding it.

The Star Editor is going to have a lot of units, including all the unused units from StarCraft 1, like the Dragoon, and all scrapped units from older alpha builds, like the original Infestor. If they don't have a lot of human fodder models I will be pretty surprised.

As for the scripting, no idea what they are using, all I know is they made it extremely advanced. You can literally make a Third Person Shooter out of the SC2 engine just using the Star Editor, and they even showed a video just to show you what the editor can do with the right knowledge.

Edit: Actually that video shows an unarmed, unarmored character around 2:19 that I never saw at the Con.
Thanks. I had seen that video but missed the unarmed guy. He actually looks pretty reasonable. I had been leaning towards both characters being female, but my placeholder names are "Sydney" and "Alex," so that I can adjust to whatever models look best. One of the psychics is supposed to be a stealthy mindwalker and the other is rage-fueled combat guy.
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