Mav, if you are on the fence on it, might as well don't pre-order. Why risk it?>>I was thinking about this but once you pre-order you cannot cancel after you receive your key (so if I dislike the game I am forced into buying it...)
Seriously? It's StarCraft. If you liked StarCraft you will like StarCraft II. If you didn't, you won't. Pretty much end of story. I guess if you somehow managed to be on the fence about StarCraft I don't really know what to tell you. (You'll probably be on the fence about StarCraft II as well).
It is explained in the novel Queen of Blades, at the very beginning of the novel in a retrospective manor by Jim. Jim and his Raynor's Raiders attack a space dock for supplies, and since Mengsk is busy setting up the Dominion, he sends Duke with the Hyperion to stop the attack. Jim Raynor outsmarts Duke however and traps the cruiser using the docks crane system, and his forces storm and take the ship as the ultimate prize, the biggest "screw you" to Mengsk. He has owned the ship ever since.At the end of Rebel Yell (and Liberty's Crusade), Mengsk seems to have control of the Hyperion. Later on we see Raynor in command of the Hyperion. Is there a novel or something that showcases Raynor taking control of it? Or did I just miss something?
No. I don't mean it's not good that they're testing everything. I mean that Blizzard likes to stretch out every last lunch break. In other words, they're lazy as fuck. Fucking Californians.Beta crashes for me once every 3 games, so I am perfectly happy with them NOT selling me a finished game yet.
I loved SC1.>>I was thinking about this but once you pre-order you cannot cancel after you receive your key (so if I dislike the game I am forced into buying it...)
Seriously? It's StarCraft. If you liked StarCraft you will like StarCraft II. If you didn't, you won't. Pretty much end of story. I guess if you somehow managed to be on the fence about StarCraft I don't really know what to tell you. (You'll probably be on the fence about StarCraft II as well).
usually you can play local game without having to use Battle.Net now you have to use battle.Net for all gamesHow is no lan support an issue?
:lol:This can cause problem for some people of "questionable" legal copieswith LAN games it is not verified via, now all SCII will be accounted for and play. If you want multiplayer, you better get a legit copy and register to your account.
:lol:This can cause problem for some people of "questionable" legal copieswith LAN games it is not verified via, now all SCII will be accounted for and play. If you want multiplayer, you better get a legit copy and register to your account.
I used to play tournaments in SC, and while I was never any good at it I had fun. Without a LAN option, this severely hinders any kind of professional level playing of the game (note, I am not qualifying myself as a pro, I'm a n00b like most people), or at the very least forces non-Blizzard tournaments and ladders to have go to through Bnet and deal with lag/ping etc.I guess the lan thing is an issue for some folks, but in this day and age, I look at it as a "meh." My roomate, my brother,a nd another friend all play fine together right over bnet with no issues.
Heh, jsut got a firend invite for the beta in an email too. Too bad it didnt come a few weeks ago and I could have sold it.
The whole discussion is about him not being sure whether to pre-order the game. I think being unsure whether to get it or not is perfectly reasonable depending on various circumstances. It's just that all the factors ARE pretty much known, so there's not a lot of point in waiting to decide.If you're getting your knickers so twisted up about it vote with your wallet and don't buy the damn game.
And is there any reason you particularly think Blizzard is OBLIGATED to do that for free? In the past Blizzard HAS been extremely good about providing a way array of free updates (such as a patch converting StarCraft to Mac OS X, which would involve a lot of rewriting). And that is great. And I hope (and expect) that Blizzard will continue to do a variety of things for free. But making maps, adding features and rewriting programs for new operating systems all take time, all require people to be paid. There is nothing unreasonable about them deciding to charge for any of that. They're not "forcing" you to pay for anything. If a map costs money and you want it, you pay for it. If the price is unreasonable, you don't. Complaining that content someone else spent time making "should have been free" is simply greedy.One, remember back in the day, the first couple years of SC1, Blizz had a Map of the Week they made, every week, completely for free.
Are you seriously worried about that? I can see that if Blizzard was a struggling company that might go out of business, but I just can't fathom that being an issue. The only real legitimate concerns I've seen are that might go down for an hour or two to fix server issues, and that sometimes the internet might be more laggy than a direct connection. While I understand the concerns, neither seems worth boycotting a game over.With no LAN function, Blizzard has basically just put a kill switch in the game, if they no longer want you to play it, they can just remove it from Bnet
Again, this is what he WAS doing. My argument is that "reviews" are largely irrelevant, because the game itself is pretty much the same thing as StarCraft except for a few places where it's unquestionably better and a few places that might be a little unbalanced but will will surely be fixed. It's not like WarCraf III where the game changed radically. If you liked StarCraft you should like StarCraft II. It's just a matter of "are these particular things worth boycotting over" (or at least waiting till it's $30 instead of $60)EDIT: If you're so concerned about this stuff, non-issues as they are, just don't pre-order it. Wait until it comes out and gets fully-reviewed and/or friends buy it so you can try it out, then make up your mind.
I absolutely agree. This is why I find Mav's "already ruined SC2" talk to be somewhat strange, because his issue (so far anyway), doesn't seem to have anything to do with the changes (or lack thereof, debatably) in gameplay, but more around the "extras".But that's a rather excessive amount of time to wait to buy a game you know you're going to enjoy the core version of.
That golem character is free DLC though. At least if you buy the game new.I think the anti-DLC mindset comes a lot from DLC that was worth SOME money but not quite enough so you continuously feel like you're missing out or are being ripped off. For example, the DLC for Dragon Age where you get the golem character. I have not played it, but it sounds like it's probably "technically" worth the 15 bucks for the extra adventure, new character, new equipment, etc. But I honestly don't care about the whole new adventure and equipment. I care about getting a golem character. And I'm not willing to shell out $15 for just that. That's fine, technically, but it does make me feel a little sad whenever I think about it.
I say BLIZZARD remove the LAN game so they can try to deal with pirated copies.FYI, for those saying LAN is only for people who want to play pirated copies of the game, you can kindly kiss my ass.
My best friend and I still play LAN games on a regular basis because we don't have to rely on slow ass servers or our sometimes lately iffy internet connection to play. I have no problem with them authenticating or whatever, but I still want the ability to go through my router and not a server.
I have yet to download a pirated new release for games. Yes, I have pirated abandon-ware because there's was no other legal way to get it.
Ah, that's a fair statement. And now that I think about it... frankly, I don't blame them. Well, whether I blame them or not depends on how hard that actually succeeds at cutting into piracy. But piracy is a big enough issue that I honestly don't blame companies for taking measures to prevent it. Authenticating for multiplayer games isn't the most draconian of DRM methods (I honestly have less of an issue with that than CD keys, since I've lost numerous CD keys over the years. I can't play WarCraft III anymore for that reason).I say BLIZZARD remove the LAN game so they can try to deal with pirated copies.
Then you are in luck.As I said in my post, I have ZERO problem with authenticating, I just want to use my router to play with my friend without having to play via the Bnet servers.
I asked Canessa whether the solution his team is working on might include a pseudo-LAN connection, where the game would only check in with to authenticate before reverting to typical LAN behavior.
\"Something like that,\" he replied. \"Maintaining a connection with, I don't know if it's once or periodically, but then also having a peer-to-peer connection between players to facilitate a very low-ping, high-bandwidth connection.. those are the things that we're working on.\"
It's not really luck if they started only mentioning that after a few weeks of massive backlash...
Doesn't SC1 has a spawn copy option that lets you play MP as long as the host has the CD in the computer?!I personally play tons of LAN games at my house and friends house (I personally bought over 20 copies) of SC1 and broodwars EACH!! That is the only thing I can think of when Bliz remove the LAN features.
I absolutely agree. This is why I find Mav's "already ruined SC2" talk to be somewhat strange, because his issue (so far anyway), doesn't seem to have anything to do with the changes (or lack thereof, debatably) in gameplay, but more around the "extras".But that's a rather excessive amount of time to wait to buy a game you know you're going to enjoy the core version of.
As far as lan goes, see ScytheRexx's link above. It addresses all the concerns I have. As for checking the game to see if "splitting it up into three parts," well, the only way that works is you play the entire game before deciding to pay for it, which isn't a reasonable request at all. I still don't get why DLC is "nickle and diming you," so long as the things DLC offer do not give some players a competitive edge over others.I really had wanted to try the game before making a choice. As much as I hate and loathe DLC (cause games should not be nickeled and dimed over time), I could live with it. But I'd like to check the game out before deciding if being split into 3 parts is worth it, not being able to realistically play in a lan setting is worth it, etc
One thing to be aware, is that Blizzard knows how big the pro scene is with a game like StarCraft. While I can't say for certain, and this may not help you individually, I am pretty sure Blizzard is going to make a "pro-scene" version of the game that will run without for Tournaments and approved LAN centers. The authentication and requirement for is mostly being designed for individual copies, and is mostly there to prevent other online services from using the game, as they often go through the LAN. Yes, it does suck that the group of friends hanging out at home have to get an internet connection established for pseudo-LAN play, but it's not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be.Lan play is considered an extra? That's the real big one for me, no lan play. Theyve effectively destroyed the competitive scene for SC2. Sure, they can be played out over bnet but its not just a problem of "a little laggy next to lan play" as Raemon says. Lan play offers a 0 ping environment. While not as extreme as a FPS game, its still a huge point of lan play, to have that low connection speed. And even if Blizzard held their own sanctioned tournaments or events, we'd still have to connect to bnet to play.. This has effectively put small LAN centers or parties etc who don't have big broadband connections out from playing SC2.. Combating piracy is one thing, completely throwing aspects of the game under the bus is another.
Not sure why people still keep saying "split into 3 parts" We are still getting a whole game at least twice as expansive as the first StarCraft for the first one, the only difference is Terran have more single player missions then Protoss and Zerg. The two expansions after that carry on the story from a dominate point of view of the other races, but still act just like Brood War in that they push the story forward after the first one. All we get is one extra expansion, which is welcome to me since we might not see StarCraft 3 for another 10 years.But I'd like to check the game out before deciding if being split into 3 parts is worth it, not being able to realistically play in a lan setting is worth it, etc
I think you mean the Zerg get no missions and the Protoss have their buildings and units playable in some Raynor/Terran missions... while the story will move forward about as much as it did in SC1, which had an actual full story with some remainind plot hooks for the expansion. We certainly won't be seeing any UED-type story insertions in any of the expansions.Not sure why people still keep saying "split into 3 parts" We are still getting a whole game at least twice as expansive as the first StarCraft for the first one, the only difference is Terran have more single player missions then Protoss and Zerg. The two expansions after that carry on the story from a dominate point of view of the other races, but still act just like Brood War in that they push the story forward after the first one. All we get is one extra expansion, which is welcome to me since we might not see StarCraft 3 for another 10 years.
I used to play tournaments in SC, and while I was never any good at it I had fun. Without a LAN option, this severely hinders any kind of professional level playing of the game (note, I am not qualifying myself as a pro, I'm a n00b like most people), or at the very least forces non-Blizzard tournaments and ladders to have go to through Bnet and deal with lag/ping etc.I guess the lan thing is an issue for some folks, but in this day and age, I look at it as a "meh." My roomate, my brother,a nd another friend all play fine together right over bnet with no issues.
Heh, jsut got a firend invite for the beta in an email too. Too bad it didnt come a few weeks ago and I could have sold it.
I just think he doesnt want to pay for the game.![]()
I just think he doesnt want to pay for the game.![]()
DOTA? I'm not familiar.
Right, but we're talking two different things. You are talking specific maps. But that's still on BNet. I'm talking the death of SC LAN parties as they no longer serve a real purpose.
I don't think that's been enabled yet, AFAIK.I'm still hoping for an answer on the "how to chat with players outside of games" thing. I've asked on three different forums and haven't gotten an answer.
I don't think that's been enabled yet, AFAIK.[/QUOTE]I'm still hoping for an answer on the "how to chat with players outside of games" thing. I've asked on three different forums and haven't gotten an answer.
In short: Starcraft 2 will hit retail on July 27.
In short: Starcraft 2 will hit retail on July 27.
Probably more like December for Christmas 2011.
So how is telling Mav that he's full of shit trolling and infraction worthy if I'm not looking to incite a response from him but merely recounting the truth about the original statement. Gee golly, we can't have opinions with them being considering a trolling remark?
So how is telling Mav that he's full of shit trolling and infraction worthy if I'm not looking to incite a response from him but merely recounting the truth about the original statement. Gee golly, we can't have opinions with them being considering a trolling remark?
WHORE....If anyone has a spare key, I'm still willing to try the game.
I'll even pay a little money for it.
At min my brother ran it on a p4 with a GeForce 6600 and it ran pretty fine (of course that PC is giving out, so sometimes it stuttered, but that's probably just the PC), but it looked almost like WC3...How demanding is this game as far as video card goes? I know Blizzard is almost always pretty good about letting their games be taken down visually enough for older computers to handle them, but I'd like to know.
And Zealot rushed have been working pretty good for me so far.Well, it appears that zerg rushes are as popular as ever.